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LOGO Clustering Lecturer: Dr. Bo Yuan

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Clustering Lecturer: Dr. Bo Yuan"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Clustering Lecturer: Dr. Bo Yuan E-mail:

2 Overview  Partitioning Methods  K-Means  Sequential Leader  Model Based Methods  Density Based Methods  Hierarchical Methods 2

3 What is cluster analysis?  Finding groups of objects  Objects similar to each other are in the same group.  Objects are different from those in other groups.  Unsupervised Learning  No labels  Data driven 3

4 Clusters 4 Inter-Cluster Intra-Cluster

5 Clusters 5

6 Applications of Clustering  Marketing  Finding groups of customers with similar behaviours.  Biology  Finding groups of animals or plants with similar features.  Bioinformatics  Clustering of microarray data, genes and sequences.  Earthquake Studies  Clustering observed earthquake epicenters to identify dangerous zones.  WWW  Clustering weblog data to discover groups of similar access patterns.  Social Networks  Discovering groups of individuals with close friendships internally. 6

7 Earthquakes 7

8 Image Segmentation 8

9 The Big Picture 9

10 Requirements  Scalability  Ability to deal with different types of attributes  Ability to discover clusters with arbitrary shape  Minimum requirements for domain knowledge  Ability to deal with noise and outliers  Insensitivity to order of input records  Incorporation of user-defined constraints  Interpretability and usability 10

11 Practical Considerations 11

12 Normalization or Not? 12

13 Evaluation 13 VS.

14 Evaluation 14

15 The Influence of Outliers 15 outlier K=2

16 K-Means 16

17 K-Means 17

18 K-Means 18

19 K-Means  Determine the value of K.  Choose K cluster centres randomly.  Each data point is assigned to its closest centroid.  Use the mean of each cluster to update each centroid.  Repeat until no more new assignment.  Return the K centroids.  Reference  J. MacQueen (1967): "Some Methods for Classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations", Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, vol.1, pp. 281-297. 19

20 Comments on K-Means  Pros  Simple and works well for regular disjoint clusters.  Converges relatively fast.  Relatively efficient and scalable O(t · k · n) t: iteration; k: number of centroids; n: number of data points  Cons  Need to specify the value of K in advance. Difficult and domain knowledge may help.  May converge to local optima. In practice, try different initial centroids.  May be sensitive to noisy data and outliers. Mean of data points …  Not suitable for clusters of Non-convex shapes 20

21 The Influence of Initial Centroids 21

22 The Influence of Initial Centroids 22

23 The K-Medoids Method  The basic idea is to use real data points as centres.  Determine the value of K in advance.  Randomly select K points as medoids.  Assign each data point to the closest medoid.  Calculate the cost of the configuration J.  For each medoid m  For each non-medoid point o  Swap m and o and calculate the new cost of configuration J′  If the cost of the best new configuration J* is lower than J, make the corresponding swap and repeat the above steps.  Otherwise, terminate the procedure. 23

24 The K-Medoids Method 24 Cost =20Cost =26

25 Sequential Leader Clustering  A very efficient clustering algorithm.  No iteration  Time complexity: O(n · k)  No need to specify K in advance.  Choose a cluster threshold value.  For every new data point:  Compute the distance between the new data point and every cluster's centre.  If the distance is smaller than the chosen threshold, assign the new data point to the corresponding cluster and re-compute cluster centre.  Otherwise, create a new cluster with the new data point as its centre.  Clustering results may be influenced by the sequence of data points. 25

26 Silhouette  A method of interpretation and validation of clusters of data.  A succinct graphical representation of how well each data point lies within its cluster compared to other clusters.  a(i): average dissimilarity of i with all other points in the same cluster  b(i): the lowest average dissimilarity of i to other clusters 26

27 Silhouette 27

28 Gaussian Mixture 28

29 Clustering by Mixture Models 29

30 K-Means Revisited 30 model parameters latent parameters

31 Expectation Maximization 31

32 32

33 EM: Gaussian Mixture 33

34 Density Based Methods  Generate clusters of arbitrary shapes.  Robust against noise.  No K value required in advance.  Somewhat similar to human vision. 34

35 DBSCAN  Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise  Density: number of points within a specified radius  Core Point: points with high density  Border Point: points with low density but in the neighbourhood of a core point  Noise Point: neither a core point nor a border point 35 Core Point Noise Point Border Point

36 DBSCAN 36 p q directly density reachable p q density reachable o qp density connected

37 DBSCAN  A cluster is defined as the maximal set of density connected points.  Start from a randomly selected unseen point P.  If P is a core point, build a cluster by gradually adding all points that are density reachable to the current point set.  Noise points are discarded (unlabelled). 37

38 Hierarchical Clustering  Produce a set of nested tree-like clusters.  Can be visualized as a dendrogram.  Clustering is obtained by cutting at desired level.  No need to specify K in advance.  May correspond to meaningful taxonomies. 38

39 Dinosaur Family Tree 39

40 Agglomerative Methods  Bottom-up Method  Assign each data point to a cluster.  Calculate the proximity matrix.  Merge the pair of closest clusters.  Repeat until only a single cluster remains.  How to calculate the distance between clusters?  Single Link  Minimum distance between points  Complete Link  Maximum distance between points 40

41 Example 41 BAFIMINARMTO BA0662877255412996 FI6620295468268400 MI8772950754564138 NA2554687540219869 RM4122685642190669 TO9964001388696690 Single Link

42 Example 42 BAFIMI/TONARM BA0662877255412 FI6620295468268 MI/TO8772950754564 NA2554687540219 RM4122685642190 BAFIMI/TONA/RM BA0662877255 FI6620295268 MI/TO8772950564 NA/RM2552685640

43 Example 43 BA/NA/RMFIMI/TO BA/NA/RM0268564 FI2680295 MI/TO5642950 BA/FI/NA/RMMI/TO BA/FI/NA/RM0295 MI/TO2950

44 Min vs. Max 44

45 Reading Materials  Text Books  Richard O. Duda et al., Pattern Classification, Chapter 10, John Wiley & Sons.  J. Han and M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Chapter 8, Morgan Kaufmann.  Survey Papers  A. K. Jain, M. N. Murty and P. J. Flynn (1999) “Data Clustering: A Review”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 31(3), pp. 264-323.  R. Xu and D. Wunsch (2005) “Survey of Clustering Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 16(3), pp. 645-678.  A. K. Jain (2010) “Data Clustering: 50 Years Beyond K-Means”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 31, pp. 651-666.  Online Tutorials    45

46 Review  What is clustering?  What are the two categories of clustering methods?  How does the K-Means algorithm work?  What are the major issues of K-Means?  How to control the number of clusters in Sequential Leader Clustering?  How to use Gaussian mixture models for clustering?  What are the main advantages of density methods?  What is the core idea of DBSCAN?  What is the general procedure of hierarchical clustering?  Which clustering methods do not require K as the input? 46

47 Next Week’s Class Talk  Volunteers are required for next week’s class talk.  Topic: Affinity Propagation  Science 315, 972–976, 2007  Clustering by passing messages between points.   Topic: Clustering by Fast Search and Find of Density Peaks  Science 344, 1492–1496, 2014  Cluster centers: higher density than neighbors  Cluster centers: distant from others points with higher densities  Length: 20 minutes plus question time 47

48 Assignment  Topic: Clustering Techniques and Applications  Techniques  K-Means  Another clustering method for comparison  Task 1: 2D Artificial Datasets  To demonstrate the influence of data patterns  To demonstrate the influence of algorithm factors  Task 2: Image Segmentation  Gray vs. Colour  Deliverables:  Reports (experiment specification, algorithm parameters, in-depth analysis)  Code (any programming language, with detailed comments)  Due: Sunday, 28 December  Credit: 15% 48

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