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LCPS Turnaround Expeditionary Force and First Wave in Transformation to High Performing District Andrea Fletcher, Associate Superintendent for Turnaround.

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Presentation on theme: "LCPS Turnaround Expeditionary Force and First Wave in Transformation to High Performing District Andrea Fletcher, Associate Superintendent for Turnaround."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCPS Turnaround Expeditionary Force and First Wave in Transformation to High Performing District Andrea Fletcher, Associate Superintendent for Turnaround July 31, 2013

2 Purpose To create high performing schools with no fewer than 85 % of our students proficient by March 2016 (32 months) Our kids deserve the fullest preparation we can give them to break the cycle of poverty in our community.

3 85% Proficient Is it possible? Greater Newark public charter school- 90% FRL; 85% minority 2003-2006 scores show dramatic increase Math- 7% year 1 to 82% year 4 ELA- 46% year 1 to 80% year 4

4 Success Stories Fort Worthington- MD (85% FRL; 98% minority) Math- 44% proficient 05/06 to 86% 07/08 ELA- 49% in 05/06 to 88% in 07/08 Morrell Park MS- MD Eighth graders Math- 2% in 05/06 to 79% in 08/09 Rdg- 32% in 05/06 to 79% in 08/09

5 Is it working in LCPS? Promising data: Discovery 4 th Grade Reading: Non-turnaround schools showed 11% growth in proficiency from BOY to EOY Turnaround schools showed an average of 23% growth Discovery Middle School Math (6,7,8) Non-turnaround schools showed 23% growth in proficiency from BOY to EOY Turnaround school showed an average of 32% growth

6 Turnaround is NOT A canned program A curriculum A prescription The same in every building

7 Turnaround Is... Creating an organization dedicated to LEARNING Aligning all systems and actions to Purpose Rapid, systemic change Relentless attention to the data leading directly to action Focused on uncovering and addressing root causes Focused on highlighting and emulating bright spots Helping everyone do the best work possible

8 Levers to Transformation Lever 1- Culture of High Expectations Lever 2- Data Driven Instruction Lever 3- Observation and Feedback Lever 4- Planning Lever 5- Professional Development

9 Lever 1: Culture of High Expectations Moral imperative No time to waste- not incremental change “Responsaccountability” requires each person to ask, “How am I accountable?” NO excuses- “Given that, what will I do?” Forcing ourselves past the “knowing/doing gap”

10 Lever 2: Data Driven Instruction Data used constantly- diagnostic vs. autopsy Data meetings non-negotiable- agendas, minutes, commitments Data directly drives action plans, which are monitored for implementation and effectiveness Culture of sharing strategies based on data Rigorous assessments aligned to standards Assessment structure

11 Assessment Structure State assessment- NMSBA (March 2014) BOY to EOY- Discovery- state approved, district adopted Interim assessments rigorously aligned to CCSS (Oct/Nov, Dec). Will only assess what has been taught, according to pacing guides. Full length interim (C) in February to prepare for NMSBA Common Formative Assessment aligned to CCSS (ongoing) Checks for understanding built into each lesson

12 Lever 3: Observation & Feedback Individual teacher action plans arising from the data should guide observations, feedback and PD and lead back to data Identify teachers with poor student achievement trend data and create an actionable plan to support and monitor Immediately connect low performers to HRD for targeted support

13 Lever 4: Planning A rigorous planning process ultimately allows for more teacher autonomy Focused on what students need to be able to do defined by standards and assessments (backwards planning) Planning must be aligned to standards, assessment, current data, observations, feedback Substance over form


15 Lever 5: Professional Development Needs identified based on data Differentiate based on teacher needs Close the loop with observation/ feedback

16 District Support Data systems tailored to your needs Shepherding visits Institute for Parent Engagement Assistance in navigating district systems District support teams

17 Support Teams District teams are in the trenches to support you- your success is our success Eyes on the ground Connection to district resources Honest conversations leading to collaborative action Responsaccountability

18 Support Team Structure Questionnaire will be the basis of a principal action plan to identify key priorities for the year, as well as areas of support needed Teams will be deployed based on specific needs, but will have weekly connection with the school Collaborative structure of Expeditionary principal, First Wave principal, and central office administrators to debrief and adjust action plans every two weeks

19 Common Expectations Commitment to understanding and using data for student success 90 minutes weekly data meetings focused exclusively on data analysis and planning for action Alignment of planning and instruction to standards and level of rigor in assessments Regular common formative assessments aligned to standards and rigor in assessments Alignment of classroom walkthroughs and teacher evaluation to teacher action plans Purposeful monitoring of interventions Collaboration- all adults succeed together by helping all students succeed.

20 Big Ideas that Helped... Turnaround is not throwing everything out- it is reframing, tightening alignment, making informed decisions Rapid reset- be nimble! Quick wins/ 90 day plans- balance motivation & accountability

21 Big ideas... Rapid Reset Think of one time during the last school year when you had the opportunity to make a “rapid reset.” What outcomes were or might have been different? Quick Wins What “low hanging fruit” can you pick to help build excitement for your turnaround?

22 Big ideas that helped, cont. Root cause analysis Success creates buy-in, not the other way around Come to a problem with a “beginner’s mind”

23 School Level Lessons Learned Administrator has to create an environment of trust School administrators have to adjust how they spend their time Interims are about having the kinds of information that lets teachers make mid-course corrections If we aren’t teaching to the level of rigor required, our kids won’t be prepared Our kids can do more than we ever believed possible!

24 District Level Lessons Learned There is never too much communication- this effort needs everyone! (school board, principals, leadership, AP’s, staff, district committees, etc.) Frustrations are part of the process Laboratory approach built excitement Support is time-intensive- plan accordingly

25 “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable” Christopher Reeve

26 Data Meeting Planning Moving data to understanding and action

27 Common Expectations: Conduct 90 minute data meetings weekly with common elements Planning and instruction based on student data Individual action plans based on data Analysis of data (school, grade, class, student) System tracking individual students and specific plan for intervention (who, when, how, results) Observation feedback aligned to plan PD aligned to plan (data, observation, assessment)

28 Data Meeting Video Clip KUDOS, KUDOS, KUDOS!!!!! Structure- Review previous commitment Collect and chart data Analyze- what does data tell you about trends, common errors, priorities Establish shared expectation (commitment to action) Agreement on evidence of action (observation, acceleration folder, etc.)

29 Leadership Actions What actions does the principal take to create an environment of safety allowing for honest, productive conversations? What actions does the principal take to keep the meeting focused on learning? Could this meeting lead to differentiated walkthroughs in the coming week?

30 Assessment Analysis Part 1- Global questions: How well did the class do as a whole? What are the strengths and weaknesses in the standards- where do we need to focus? How did the class do on old vs. new standards? How were the results in different question types? Who are the strong/ weak students

31 Assessment Analysis Part 2- Dig In Look at bombed questions- did all choose same answer? Compare similar standards- are they related? Break down the standard- were some harder? Look horizontally by student- are there any anomalies?

32 Effective Analysis Let the data do the talking Let the teacher do the talking Always go back to the test questions Know the data before you walk in so you know how to guide

33 Helpful Phrases So, what’s the data telling you? Congratulations on the improvement from last time (be specific) So, ------ (paraphrase their frustration: the kids never listen, the questions were bad, etc.) Where should we begin with our action plan moving forward?

34 Helpful phrases Why did everyone miss number 2? Questions 2 and 7 are the same standard? Why do you think they missed 2 and not 7? What would your students need to be able to do to answer the last question? What would you need to put in place? Great insight! Let’s revisit your action plan and add these additional ideas.

35 Implementing Data Meetings When will you begin? What data will you focus on? How might the focus change through the year? Who will lead it? What legwork do you need to get ready? Jump in and learn from the process!

36 90 day plan “A goal without a plan is a wish.” Antoine de Exupery “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Dwight D. EisenhowerPlans change!

37 90 day plans What quick wins will propel you? Be specific in identifying an actionable problem to be solved Do you have a specific measurable target? Do you have the right root cause? Do your actions address the root cause or are they random actions others that have worked in other situations? Are the actions specific? Is your evidence specific and measurable?

38 90 Day Plans Breakout rooms by team Mesa, Vista, Picacho, Stacey Somppi, Wendi Miller- Thomlinson, Dennis Padilla, Jesus Herrera, Thea Hand Columbia, Dona Ana, Jamie Sweeney, Barbara Chavira, Maria Ontiveros Loma Heights, Conlee, Rebecca Beidler, Andria Ozment, Lorena Ancira Booker T., JUMP, Mari Rincon, Irene Gomez, Dana Critchlow, MacArthur, Valley View, Lydia Polanco, Donna Bush, Mary Sloan

39 90 day plans Share 2 priorities and one priority all the way through Remember, plans are made to be revised!

40 Staff presentation Cotter’s change model:  Understand need for change  Enlist a core change team  Develop vision and strategy  Create a sense of urgency  Communicate relentlessly  Take action  Consolidate

41 Presentation Clear communication of purpose and importance of tying all actions to our purpose Build sense of urgency Stories are powerful ways to communicate Communicate ten times more than you think you should

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