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Tang and Song Dynasties and their Legacies POST-CLASSICAL CHINA.

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Presentation on theme: "Tang and Song Dynasties and their Legacies POST-CLASSICAL CHINA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tang and Song Dynasties and their Legacies POST-CLASSICAL CHINA

2 Chinese Dynasties Postclassical era: Sui Tang Song Yuan Ming

3 Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE) Wendi: first (of only two) Sui emperors Greatest Accomplishment: Grand Canal 1000 mile waterway links northern cities with southern, rice-producing regions, linking two great rivers, Yangtze and Yellow Rebuilt the Great Wall Downfall: overworked and overtaxed its people. Second and final Sui emperor assassinated

4 Tang Dynasty (618-907) Famous emperors: Tang Taizong (Li Shimin): Second Emperor Empress Wu Zetian (Wu Zhao): China’s first and only Female emperor

5 Achievements of the Tang Dynasty Expansion of empire to restore northern and western lands Control over Korea (668) Strengthened central government Expansion of roads and canals Promotion of foreign trade Agricultural improvements Revival of civil service exam Fall of Tang: overtaxed people; overextended empire; Muslim victories in Central Asia; Chinese rebels sack Ch’ang-an in 907

6 Song Dynasty (960-1127) and Southern Song (1127-1279) Restores unity: rival warlords divide China after fall of Tang Smaller empire, but stable and prosperous Manchurian people (Jurchen) conquered northern lands, established Jin Empire

7 Hallmarks of the Song Dynasty Tea and rice become “typically” Chinese (replacing wheat, millet and wine of Tang Dynasty) First population exlplosion Foot binding for women becomes widespread

8 Achievements of the Tang and Song Era “Golden Age” of China Science and Technology: Moveable type (printing) Gunpowder Porcelain Mechanical clock Paper money Magnetic compass—sailing Agriculture Import and cultivation of fast-ripening rice from Vietnam Flourishing trade (Silk Roads’ second major era) Development of sea trade with Korea, Japan, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Africa Golden Age of poetry and art

9 Heavy Snow on Mount Guan by Hsu Dao-Ning

10 Magpies and Hare by Tsui Bai

11 Thousand Li of River and Mountains by Wang Hsi-Meng

12 Classic Landscape

13 Chinese Societal Changes in Tang and Song Increasing social mobility Urbanization Formation of gentry class (upper) via rigorous civil service exam Decline of old aristocratic family power Urban middle class Laborers, soldiers, servants Peasants

14 Women in Tang and Song Dynasties Tang era women have more freedom, participate more in social life (Steppe nomads influence) Reversion in Song Dynasty to more patriarchal control Revival of Confucianism Economic growth Textile industry takes over traditional weaving work of rural women Upper class women in cities see biggest decline in status Concubines, courtesans, prostitutes on the rise as prosperity increases in elite families, reduces wives’ negotiating power Foot binding represents status, wealth, beauty

15 “Chinese Girl with Bound Feet”

16 What Is Foot binding? Picture Source: BBC The Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything;



19 Why did women bind their feet? Standards of beauty Marriageable Status symbol Way to control women

20 tory.php?storyId=8966942 Zhou Guizhen, 86, says she regrets binding her feet. "But at the time, if you didn't bind your feet, no one would marry you," she says.

21 Lotus shoes for women with bound feet

22 Just how big is a lotus shoe?

23 The Chinese Xinhua News Agency announced, in 1998, that the last factory to manufacture shoes for bound-feet women in Harbin, China, had ended production. The End

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