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Miguel Ardid Ramírez IGIC- Universitat Politècnica de València.

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Presentation on theme: "Miguel Ardid Ramírez IGIC- Universitat Politècnica de València."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miguel Ardid Ramírez IGIC- Universitat Politècnica de València

2  Presentation and context  Summary of previous activities and results ◦ Collaborations and projects ◦ Activities and responsibilities ◦ Results  Proposed project ◦ Objectives, working plan and milestones ◦ Resources ◦ Viability of the project

3  The group “acoustics for underwater neutrino telescopes” ◦ Focus:  Astroparticles of neutrino telescopes  Specialised in the acoustic instrumentation (positioning and detection) ◦ Know-how and strategy:  People with skills in particle physics and acoustics in a sea science research institute (IGIC-UPV at the Gandia Campus) ◦ Members  M. Ardid (TU), F. Camarena (TU), M. Ferri (TEU), J.A. Martínez Mora (TU)  M. Bou-Cabo (Ph. D Student, last year), G. Larosa (Ph. D Student, 2 nd year)  M. García (Eng.)  Other collaborators in specific tasks of KM3NeT or acoustic detection R&D

4  KM3NET ◦ UPV is in KM3NeT since the beginnings:  Design Study Proposal and contract preparation (2004-2005)  Design Study, 6 th European Framework Programme (2006-2009)  Preparatory Phase, 7 th Framework Programme (2008-2011)  ANTARES ◦ UPV joined the collaboration in 2006:  Funded by the FPA program (2007-2009)  HEAPNET ◦ UPV is participating in JRA Acoustics (Acoustic detection of neutrinos)  Proposal preparation: good evaluation, especially the JRA acoustics, but finally not funded (2006-2009)

5 Title of the project or contract and durationBudget k€ Funding agency and project reference KM3NeT-Spain-Posicionamiento Prog. Infraestructuras y Viabilidad (2007-2008) 46.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CAC-2007-51 KM3NeT – “Preparatory Phase for a Deep Facility in the Mediterranean for Neutrino Astronomy and Associated Sciences (2008-2011) 59 (UPV partner) Commission of the European Communities Grant agr. no. 212525 Posicionamiento acústico para el telescopio de neutrinos ANTARES (2008-2009) 62Min. Educación y Ciencia FPA2007-63729 KM3NeT – “Design Study for a Deep Facility in the Mediterranean for Neutrino Astronomy and Associated Sciences” (2006-2009) 87 (UPV partner) Commission of the European Communities DS Contract no. 011937 Several grants (2005-2009) 25 approx. National, Regional, and from the University

6  A positioning system for the optical modules (OMs) needed: ◦ Sea currents result on drifts of the storeys (and OMs) by several meters ◦ However, for muon track reconstruction based on:  precise arrival time (~1 ns)  Precise OM position (~20 cm)  For this, reconstruction of the shape of the line Input: ◦ Positions from hydrophones (points along the line) ◦ Tilts and Heading from Compass/Tiltmeter (25 grad.) ◦ Mechanical Constants (cable length, drag coef., etc.) Input: ◦ Positions from hydrophones (points along the line) ◦ Tilts and Heading from Compass/Tiltmeter (25 grad.) ◦ Mechanical Constants (cable length, drag coef., etc.) Output: –Posit ions of all Storeys –Storey orientation –Sea current velocity (from the fit) Output: –Posit ions of all Storeys –Storey orientation –Sea current velocity (from the fit) r(z) = a v z - b v ln[1-cz] 2 2 a, b, c known mechanical constants, v sea current (parameter)

7 of element j of the line P = buoyancy – weight F = 1/2 c w A v j 2 jjj tan dr/dz Line shape: integration tan  F /   P j=i NN i jj i r(z) = a v z - b v ln[1-cz] 2 2 a, b, c known mechanical constants zenith angle  F P sea current v i i i z r displacement in m height in m Cw j : drag coef. determined by hydrodyn. study of the storey in Ifremer pool the only unknown is sea current velocity V (Vx, Vy) Inclination of line results from buoyancy P and horizontal force F due to sea current:

8  Positioning is determined using acoustic triangulation between fixed emitters on the sea floor and hydrophones on the lines  Distances are obtained from the travel time measurement of the acoustic wave.  HF-LBL acoustic system characteristics: ◦ Frequency range (40 – 60 kHz) ◦ 5 hydrophones per line: S1, S8, S14, S20, S25 ◦ A transmitter/receiver per line at the BSS (line bottom) + autonomous transponders ◦ Electronic boards for settings, emission, detection, filtering and recording ◦ Full detector positioning obtained every 1-2 minutes

9 Examples of radial displacement given by triangulation Hydrophone displacements followed with few cm accuracy Larger displacements are observed for the top storeys Similar behaviour for all the lines Line movement dominated by East-West heading of the Ligurian current. Hydrophone displacements followed with few cm accuracy Larger displacements are observed for the top storeys Similar behaviour for all the lines Line movement dominated by East-West heading of the Ligurian current.

10 RMS = 3 cm RMS = 7cm Y (m) Line 1 Top floor Line 1 Bottom floor 14 m 18 m 14 m 15 days Blue: alignment (no acoustic input) Green: alignment (with acoustic input) Red: acoustic triangulation Y (m) X (m) Hydrophone position Line Model vs. Acoustic directly Hydrophone position Line Model vs. Acoustic directly Comparison between hydrophone positions given by Line model and by acoustic triangulation (Feb – June 2007) Accuracy better than 10 cm M. Ardid, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 602 (2009) 174

11 Hydrophones: spatial position accuracy ~ 5 cm Line-shape (based on tilt-meter and compass): accuracy < 20 cm. It seems to work well but it should be scaled to KM3NeT What we have learnt from ANTARES  Commercial systems too much expensive for KM3NeT  New design needed:  Reduction of the number of acoustic emitters (not for all the lines)  Larger distances  lower frequency  signal processing  all-data-to-shore ap.  Hydrophones: reduce the unit price  Piezos glued to OM or FFR transducers  Design of versatile low-power electronics  Try to reduce the number of tilt-meters and compasses

12 FMC on-shore FMC off-shore Optical link Acoustic Data Server Signal Generator Board Acou Board preamp Trigger Signal Time of trigger known (accuracy < ns ) Signal to transmitters FFR All-data-to-shore approach: More reliable (all the information) More poweful (signal processing, optimization, etc.) More versatile (acoustic studies, monitoring) Not a very large increase in data communication speed rates for the whole telescope All-data-to-shore approach: More reliable (all the information) More poweful (signal processing, optimization, etc.) More versatile (acoustic studies, monitoring) Not a very large increase in data communication speed rates for the whole telescope

13 Design: acoustic transceivers prototype DAQ + FFR transducer tests Emmited Received M. Ardid et al. 11 th Pisa Meeting Advance Detectors 2009

14 FFR Pressure tests Receiving Voltage Response Transmitting Voltage Response FFR transducer characterization

15 Temperature Time Instant heating followed by a slow coldening E casc = 1 EeV@1km Hadronic shower ~10m ~1km BIP Signature: Bipolar acoustic pulse very directive Advantage: low attenuation ~ 1km Signature: Bipolar acoustic pulse very directive Advantage: low attenuation ~ 1km

16 6 storeys x 6 acoustic sensors Basic system to evaluate the feasibility of the acoustic detection 6 storeys x 6 acoustic sensors Basic system to evaluate the feasibility of the acoustic detection

17 Largest probability of source direction

18 Original Signal Signal obtained (without equalisation) Signal obtained (Flatten spectrum) Signal obtained (Inverse filter) Computer Soundcard HDSP9632 Sampling Frequency: 192 kHz Cool Edit + Aurora Matlab Tank 1.10x0.85x0.80 m 3 neutrino calibrator (bipolar pulse) M. Ardid et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Series 81 (2007) 012015

19 Compact neutrino calibrator (parametric acoustic source) Next step: Cilindrical symmetry with tube piezoelectric ceramics M. Ardid et al., NIM A (2009) nima.2009.03.196

20  KM3NeT ◦ IGIC-UPV is having a major role in the design, prototype building and evaluation of the positioning system ◦ Responsibility: Coordination of calibration activities  ANTARES ◦ IGIC-UPV has developed the software code for the interface of the acoustic positioning system and the database, and is performing the analysis of this system + calibration and analysis of AMADEUS ◦ Responsibility: Coordination of positioning activities  R&D in acoustic detection of neutrinos ◦ IGIC-UPV is doing R&D for a compact, easy to deploy and operate acoustic neutrino calibrator by means of the parametric effect ◦ Responsibility: Coordination of calibration tasks in HEAPNET-acoustics

21  Consolidation of the group: ◦ Funds obtained:  Good for that period with different programs: European, National, Regional ◦ Ph. D Students and Technicians incorporated  but still low percentage in the group ◦ KM3NeT (Close to TDR, October 2009)  Major role in calibration (coordination), especially in acoustic positioning (prototypes, design, etc) ◦ ANTARES (Detector completed, scientific program running)  Major role in positioning activities (coordination, software, analysis) ◦ Acoustic detection (R&D, serious experiments to see viability)  Major role in R&D for calibration

22  Publications: ◦ Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21 supp01 (2006) 137 ◦ J. Phys.: Conf. Series 81 (2007) 012015 ◦ Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 602 (2009) 174 ◦ Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 602 (2009) 183 ◦ Astropart. Phys. 31 (2009) 277 ◦ Ad Hoc & Sens. Wireless Netw. (2009) #118 ◦ NIM A (2009) nima.2009.03.071 ◦ NIM A (2009) nima.2009.03.196  Formation: ◦ Ph. D. : Manuel Bou Cabo (close to finish) ◦ DEA: Manuel Bou Cabo (02/08), Giuseppina Larosa (12/09) ◦ 4 Master Degree Thesis  Conferences ◦ ARENA 2005, 2006 and 2008 ◦ EAA European Symp. Hydroacous. 2006 ◦ Int. Congress on Acoustics 2007 ◦ Int. Conf. Underwater Acous. Meas. 2007 ◦ UNWAT-SENSORCOMM 2007 and 2008 ◦ VLVNT-2008 ◦ 11 th Pisa Meeting Advance Detectors 2009

23  KM3NeT (leading the work in the acoustic system): ◦ Development of the prototype of the acoustic transceivers  FFR transducers + electronics R&D (good solution in terms of cost and specs)  All data to shore approach  higher reliability, acoustic detection  Development and tests (2009), Test in situ (2010)  Inclusion of this solution in the TDR ◦ Development and test of this system for the prototype and first lines  Investment required  Adaptation of the lab for tests of this system (2009-10)  Analysis of the prototype systems (2010-11)  Protocol for the mass production and integration of the system (2011-12)  Analysis of the acoustic detection of neutrinos capabilities (2010-11)

24  ANTARES ◦ Positioning system:  Automation of operation and analysis of the system (2009)  Analysis of systematic uncertainties and cross-checks (2009)  Analysis of the influence of the system in the performance of the detector: track reconstruction and angular resolution (2009-10) ◦ First hybrid optic-acoustic analysis of hadronic showers  Brightpoint events from ANTARES and bipolar acoustic signals from AMADEUS in coincidence. In coordination with IFIC group (2010-11)  R&D in acoustic detection of neutrinos ◦ Development of the compact acoustic neutrino calibrator  Prototype using piezoelectric tubes with high-frequency resonance (2009-10)  Tests in AMADEUS and KM3NeT sites (2010-11)

25  Manpower ◦ Available: 4 Senior (2TC+2TP) + 2 Ph. D (2TC) + 1 Techn. (1TP) ◦ Requested: 1 Post-Doc, 1 Ph. D. Student, 1 Eng.  To do the tasks + balance the group (some requested is to renew positions)  Equipment ◦ Available: Underwater acoustic lab and instrumentation ◦ Requested:  To adapt the lab for the tests of acoustic systems of KM3NeT (tank + DAQ)  For the acoustic system of 1st lines of KM3NeT (hydroph. + electronics)  To analyse and for triggers of ANTARES/AMADEUS Data (Computers)  Consumables  For the positioning of KM3NeT and for the acoustic neutrino calibrator (Electronic components, cables and connectors, containers, piezoceramics)

26  Travel and subsistence  Meetings of the Collaborations, shifts, sea campaigns, conferences  Other  Inscriptions to conferences, meetings, courses, etc.  Other small costs Cost SummaryBudget (K€) Manpower (Costs + Complements)185 +18 Equipment120 Consumables25 Travel and subsistence72 Other costs10 TOTAL430

27  Viability of the project sustained by ◦ Reasonable objectives and tasks for the period ◦ The strength of the collaborations (ANTARES and KM3NeT) ◦ Past experience and activities (in ANTARES and in our groups) ◦ The skills of our groups to perform the tasks proposed  Risks ◦ ANTARES/AMADEUS could be not large enough for some physics ◦ Anyway, this is addressed going into KM3NeT  Summary ◦ ANTARES/AMADEUS is running, KM3NeT close to construction ◦ Neutrino telescopes sound

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