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The Draft of Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube Multi country – workshop on management of ship dismantling and related hazardous waste.

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Presentation on theme: "The Draft of Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube Multi country – workshop on management of ship dismantling and related hazardous waste."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Draft of Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube Multi country – workshop on management of ship dismantling and related hazardous waste ETT 51830 - TAIEX Bratislava 15 April – 16 April 2013

2  Historical background  Navigation versus polution  Project WANDA  Project CO WANDA  IDSWC Draft Contents of presentation

3  The Treaty of Paris of 30 May 1814 laid down the principle of the freedom of navigation on the major international rivers of Europe  The Convention regarding the regime of navigation on the Danube was signed in Belgrade on 18 August 1948  The Danube River Protection Convention forms the overall legal instrument for co-operation on transboundary water management in the Danube River Basin. The Convention was signed on June 29 1994 in Sofia and came into force in 1998. It aims to ensure that surface waters and groundwater within the Danube River Basin are managed and used sustainably and equitably.  In October 2007, a "Joint Statement on Inland Navigation and Environmental Sustainability in the Danube River Basin" was concluded and very positively received by stakeholders. Background

4  The river Danube is a unique ecosystem with a high biodiversity, an important water reservoir and an international waterway with high potential for inland navigation being promoted by the EU’s transport policy.  Based on the developments of recent years, the transport volumes in the Danube Corridor are expected to increase significantly in the future.  Inland navigation can contribute to making transport more environmentally sustainable, particularly where it substitutes for road transport. Navigation versus polution

5 Inland navigation can, however, also have significant influence on river ecosystems, jeopardizing the goals of the EU Water Framework Directive, which aims for the “good ecological status” of all waters by 2015. Due to huge differences and missing coordination in current practices of ship waste management in the Danube riparian countries, coordinated solutions for handling of wastes generated by vessels need to be provided.  Project WANDA  Project CO WANDA Navigation versus polution

6 HOW AN IDEA ABOUT PROJECT PROPOSAL WAS BORNE Since more than ten years, waste reception facilities for cargo vessels are provided on three Austrian Danube Locks. Waste disposal is free of charge there and considerable efforts were made to improve the services offered. Via donau – Austrian Waterway Company, which was responsible for the waste collection at these locks, obtained the National Energy Globe Award in 2010 for these activities. Unfortunately, not all types of ship wastes can be collected at the locks – e.g. oily and greasy ship wastes, like bilge water and used oils, which can impose a real damage to the river, if discharged illegally.

7  WANDA – WAste management for inland Navigation on the Danube  Duration04/2009-03/2012  SupportEuropean Regional Development Funds (ERDF)  Total cost1,667,240 Euro  Lead Partnervia donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH WANDA PROJECT

8 The three-year project, which was approved in June 2009, comprises nine partners from seven countries and following observers:  International Commission for the Protection of the Danube (ICPDR)  Danube Commission (DC)  International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC)  Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) Water and Shipping Directorate South (WSDSüd) WANDA PROJECT AT via donau Austrian Waterway Company SKVUVH Water Research Institute HUKTI Institute for Transport Sciences Non Profit Ltd HU RSOE National Association of Radio Distress- Signalling and Infocommunications ROAPDF National Company The Administration of River Ports on the Danube J.S.Co Giurgiu ROAPDM Maritime Danube Ports BG EAEMDR Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenanceof the Danube River – Ruse HRPAV Public Institution Port Authority Vukovar RSPLOVPUT Directorate for Inland Waterways

9 The following core objectives are implemented within the WANDA project:  Preparation of trans-national coordinated ship waste management concepts  Development of pilot activities for collection and disposal of ship waste  Elaboration of an international financing model for oily and greasy ship wastes  Promotion of cross-border communication and knowledge transfer WANDA PROJECT

10 The Draft of Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube

11 CO -WANDA PROJECT  CO-WANDA – Convention for WAste management for inland Navigation on the Danube, SEE /D/0199/2.2/X  Duration01/2012-09/2014  SupportEuropean Regional Development Funds (ERDF)  Total cost1 719 870 Euro  Lead Partnervia donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH

12 The Draft of Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube

13  via donau – Austrian Waterway Company AT  VUVH - Water Research Institute Bratislava SK  KTI Institute for Transport Sciences Non Profit Ltd HU  RSOE National Association of Radio Distress-signalling and Info communications HU  APDF National Company Administration of Danube River Ports J.S.Co Giurgiu RO  APDM Maritime Danube Ports Administration RO  EAEMDR Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River – Russe BG  PAV Public Institution Port Authority Vukovar HR  PLOVPUTDirectorate for inland waterways Plovput RS  RDA South South Regional Development Agency MD  DFEAEI General Department of Foreign Economic Activity and European Integration of Odessa Regional State Administration UA 11 partners from 9 countries CO -WANDA PROJECT

14 Observers – advisory experts group  International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River ICPDR  Danube Commission DC  Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine CCNR  International Sava River Basin Commission ISRBC  Bilgenentwässerungsverband BEV CO -WANDA PROJECT

15 Thank you for your attention!

16 Convention - REASONS


18 Thank you for your attention!




22 The Draft of Waste Management for Inland Navigation on the Danube






28 We wish to thank all WANDA and CO_WANDA project staff for some of the graphical elements and text used in this presentation. Questions - Discussions …Last Slide….

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