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National status and activity report Romania Belgrad, 03-04 December, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "National status and activity report Romania Belgrad, 03-04 December, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 National status and activity report Romania Belgrad, 03-04 December, 2012

2  Romania Inland ENC  Romania projects involved  IRIS Europe 3  Newada Duo  Geodetic Danube network;  AFDJ – Waterway Database;  SAFER Danube; Agenda

3 Romania – Inland ENCs

4 Inland ENC`s Coverage 20122013 Danube 1075 rkm1075 rkm Bala branch 10 rkm 10 rkm Borcea branch - 68 rkm Macin branch - 100 rkm Sfantu Gheorghe branch - 109 rkm Danube – Black Sea Canal 92 rkm 92 rkm Total length 1177 rkm 1454 rkm

5 Accuracy of data inside Inland ENC`s Accuracy of data source and user-required accuracy < 1m from geodetic/terrestric survey, taken from base map (1:1000, 1:2000) < 3mfrom photogrammetry; digitized from aerophoto < 10m digitized from topographic map (1:10.000, 1:25.000)

6 New Edition of Inland ENC`s Second edition of Romanian Inland ENC`s with: –New coverage; –Preparation for full interoperability RIS Index; –Bathymetric layer bIENC`s;


8 ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES New webpage for Inland ENC`s; Efficient process for updating IENC`s; Collaboration with Romanian shipowners;


10 IRIS Europe 3

11  Enhancement of RIS key technologies and systems, RIS Services and applications;  Implementation of new harmonized RIS Services;  Contribution to the maintenance and amendment of standards and technical specifications.

12 IRIS Europe 3 Partner: Romania Beneficiar: AFDJ Galati; Role in project: coordinator 1.Bathymetric ENC ; 2.Transient water level models; 3.Standardised IENC data exchange; 4.Pilot implementation of QoIS for Inland ECDIS; 5.Interoperability between RIS and maritime information services;

13 Work done; First survey session for pilot stretch Bechet – Corabia, May 2013; Activities for analysis of dynamics of morphology towards bathymetry information; Second survey for pilot stretch Bechet – Corabia, July 2013; Feasibility study on options for introducing bathymetric information within the IENCs

14 Survey – Corabia; -Bathymetry profiles -Current-meter profiles -Discharge and flow velocity measurements -Sediments measurements

15 Bathymetry – Romania; Current situation - possibilities of bathymetric data within Romanian Inland ENCs; Current procedure for introducing bathymetric data within IENC –Phase 1 : Organizing the measurement session including checking and calibration of the measurement system –Phase 2 : On field measurements (using Hypack Survey and Hysweep)

16 Bathymetry – Romania; Current tested procedure for introducing bathymetric data within IENC –Phase 3 : Data processing(Hypack Office, Single and Multi Beam Editor) –Phase 4 : Data integration within the IENCs as: separate file part of the main IENC cell

17 Romanian IRIS II results Integration of bathymetric data within 60 km of Danube Bathymetry – Romania;

18 Option 1: Bathymetry as a separate file bIENC Encountered technical difficulties to correctly display simultaneously in ECDIS viewer xyz fileHypack ENC EditorExported bIENC file Displayed bIENC fileIntegrated display IENC + bIENC

19 Option 2: Bathymetry integrated into the official IENC One IENC No technical difficulties to display in ECDIS viewer xyz fileHypack ENC EditorExported bIENC file Integrated in the IENC Displayed IENC Bathymetry – Romania;

20 NEWADA duo Partner: AFDJ Galati; Role in project: coordinator WP3 (Hydrology, Hydrography, waterway maintenance) 1.Harmonized the quality, methods and implement standards; 2.Paper navigation charts; 3.AtoN`s technology; 4.Development of FIS Portal; 5.Communication with stakeholders;

21 Geodetic Danube network

22 Waterway AFDJ databases

23 Waterway database is a term used to summarise a range of concepts, processes, relationships and physical entities that, taken together, provide for integrated management of spatial data and information. Waterway AFDJ databases

24 Content elements Hydrographic Topographic (land; air; seabed) Morphological (texture, characterisation) Geological (solid; drift) Biological (benthic) Transport networks (air, sea and land) Hydrological (water) Temporal (weather, tide, current) Boundaries (EEZ, Baselines, Administrative) …plus Meta data

25 SAFER Danube Satellite images usage for improving the safety navigation in the ice period; ESA founding; Start: 2014;

26 Thank you for your attention! Romeo Soare – AFDJ RA Galati Email:

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