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Miami River – Miami Intermodal Center Capacity Improvement (MR-MICCI) Project September 8, 2014 Presented by:

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Presentation on theme: "Miami River – Miami Intermodal Center Capacity Improvement (MR-MICCI) Project September 8, 2014 Presented by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miami River – Miami Intermodal Center Capacity Improvement (MR-MICCI) Project September 8, 2014 Presented by:

2 2 Agenda  Project Information  Existing Conditions  Conceptual Alternatives  Environmental Documents  Agency Coordination/ Public Involvement  Project Schedule  Questions/Discussion 2

3 3 Project Purpose and Need  Complete missing double-track section of Tri-Rail system (SFRC).  Improve Tri-Rail travel time and schedule adherence.  Improve system connection into the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC).  Address operational bottleneck (Tri-Rail/Amtrak/Freight).  Project is included in Miami-Dade’s Long Range Transportation Plan.

4 4 Existing Conditions: Corridor  Single-Track Section o Rail corridor right-of-way is ~60 ft.  Hialeah Market Station o Temporary end of Tri-Rail System while new MIC/MIA Station is under construction. o Single platform on the west side. o Adjacent Hialeah Seaboard Air Line Railway Station building is NRHP listed.  Miami International Airport Station o Currently under construction at the MIC. o Expected to re-open in late 2014. o Will be end of the Tri-Rail System.

5 5 Existing Conditions: Miami River Bridge  Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge o Constructed in 1920s. o NRHP eligible historic structure.  Limited Bridge Openings o On-Call bridge tender. o 48 hour notice required.  AirportLink Metrorail Extension o New fixed bridge with 40-foot vertical clearance in close proximity to SFRC.  Navigable Section of Miami River o Extends approximately 1,000 feet upstream of SFRC to the Flood Control Structure.

6 6 Physical Constraints  Vertical Constraints o SR 112 (Airport Expressway) Overpass to the north o Metrorail AirportLink to the south o At-Grade crossings at North River Drive and South River Drive  Horizontal Constraints o SFRC Right-of-Way (~60 ft.) o SR 112 (Airport Expressway) Piers o Metrorail AirportLink Piers

7 7 Bridge Standards  AirportLink is the limiting vertical clearance for this portion of the Miami River  40-foot fixed bridge  Existing horizontal clearance is ~60 feet  Existing vertical clearance is ~6 - 8 feet

8 8 MDX SR 836/SR 112 Interconnector Master Plan Concept

9 9 Proposed Interconnector Glide Path AirportLink SFRC Bridge N

10 10 Miami River Bridge Adjacent Property Owners 1.Eugene Eisenberg TRS Vacant Marina 2.SFWMD Flood Control Structure 3.MDX 4.River Properties Inc. Red Coach Bus 5.BRACUSA LLC SuperMix Concrete Batch Plant 6.MDT 7.FPT Florida Land LLC 8.Miami-Dade County GSA 3 2 1 5 4 6 7 7 8

11 11 Conceptual Alternatives Evaluation  Rail Corridor Options o Two-track o Three-track o Four-track  Operational Analysis determined that 2-Track Alternative will accommodate future demand  Miami River Crossing Options o Rehabilitate/Maintain existing Moveable Bridge A.Add New Movable Bridge B.Add New Fixed Bridge o Remove Existing Moveable Bridge C.Construct New Fixed Bridge D.Construct New Movable Bridge

12 12 Bridge Alternatives: (1) Rehab Existing, New Moveable

13 13 Bridge Alternatives: (2) Rehab Existing, New Fixed

14 14 Bridge Alternatives: (3) Remove Existing, New Fixed

15 15 Bridge Alternatives: (4) Remove Existing, New Moveable

16 16 Bridge Alternatives

17 17 Hialeah Market Station – Preferred Alternative Center Platform At-Grade Access

18 18 Environmental Documents  Cultural Resource Assessment Survey (CRAS)  SHPO concurrence: February 24, 2014  Tribal Letters  Submitted March 5, 2014  Received request from Muscogee Tribe to be a consulting party  Completed Support Documents  Wetland Evaluation  Contamination Screening Assessment  Noise  Air Quality  Endangered Species Biological Assessment (ESBA)

19 19 Environmental Documents  National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligible  Section 106 consultation required  Section 4(f) required  Requires demonstration that:  No feasible and prudent alternative exists  All possible planning to minimize harm

20 20 NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA)  FTA Lead Federal Agency  USCG as Co-Lead  Schedule/submittals:  Submit to DRAFT EA FTA – September 2014  Final Draft EA (to FTA) – December 2014  FTA Approval of EA for Public Availability – January 2015  Public Hearing – April 2015  Section 106 and Section 4(f) – April 2016  Approval of EA/FONSI – April 2016

21 21 Agency Coordination  FDOT District Four  FDOT District Six  Federal Transit Administration  Miami-Dade County Regulatory & Economic Resources  Miami-Dade Expressway Authority  Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization  Miami-Dade Transit  Miami River Commission  Miami River Marine Group  South Florida Water Management District  US Army Corps of Engineers  US Coast Guard

22 22 Coordination Meetings to Date  January 31, 2013 – Agency/Stakeholder Meeting  March 26, 2013 – Miami River Marine Group  August 1, 2013 – USCG and USACE  September 11, 2013 – USACE  October 10, 2013 – SFWMD  October 28, 2013 – MRC (Staff)  November 5, 2013 – FTA  November 6, 2013 – Public Meeting  November 20, 2013 – USACE Meeting (Jacksonville)  December 2, 2013 – MRC  December 4, 2013 – Miami-Dade TARC

23 23 Coordination Meetings to Date  February 13, 2014 – USCG  February 21, 2014 – MDX  March 26, 2014 – USCG and USACE  April 10, 2014 – FTA  April 16, 2014 – SuperMix Parcel (Property Owner)  April 23, 2014 – Eisenberg Parcel (Property Owner)  May 1, 2014 – SFWMD  May 21, 2014 – Red Coach Parcel (Property Owner)  June 16, 2014 – MDX Follow-up  July 3, 2014 – MRC  July 16, 2014 – MRC UIWG  August 7, 2014 – MRMG Upper River Waterway Task Force

24 24 USCG and USACE Meetings Recap  USCG asked to be a co-lead review agency on the EA.  NEPA must be complete prior to USCG reviewing bridge permit.  USACE has jurisdiction over Federal Channel.  Section 408 permit required for impact to federal flood program or navigation.  Low level fixed bridge is possibility.  Requires redefining the limits of the Federal Channel  USACE lead for de-authorization  Processed via Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA)

25 25 Recent Meetings Recap  Met with MRC Staff on July 3 rd  Brett Bibeau (Managing Director) and Jim Murley (Chair of Urban Infill Working Group)  Request for better maintenance of Downtown Distributor rail spur  Evaluate opportunity for all bridge alternatives to be aligned on west of existing bridge to avoid ROW acquisition from parcels to east  Consideration of potential for any acquired parcels to be leased or re-purposed for marine-related uses  Met with MRC UIWG on July 16 th  Mark Bailey requested presentation to the MRMG in August  Discussion of options of low-level fixed bridge vs. moveable bridge  Met with MRMG on August 7 th  FPT concern over property loss – asked to shift alignment of new bridge to west of existing bridge  Concerns raised about traffic congestion and impacts during construction

26 26 Project Schedule  FTA Approval of EA for Jan. 2015 Public Availability  Public Hearing April 2015  Section 106 and Section 4(f) April 2016  FTA Approval of EA/FONSI April 2016  Complete 30% DesignEnd of 2016 26

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