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Lubomír Fojtů, Chairman of the Czech River Barge Union, President EBU-UENF.

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Presentation on theme: "Lubomír Fojtů, Chairman of the Czech River Barge Union, President EBU-UENF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lubomír Fojtů, Chairman of the Czech River Barge Union, President EBU-UENF






7 Transport of hulls

8 Transport of overdimensional cargo

9 Plzeň Ostrava Děčín Ústí nad Labem Mělník Pardubice Praha Lovosice Main industrial centres in the Czech Republic with a strong or very strong affinity to the Elbe

10 ARA, MLK, Ruhrgebiet, Bremen 30 % Hamburg 55 % Other Elbe (from Dresden up to Magdeburg and its vicinity) 15 % Percentage of the main European destinations on the Czech foreign trade realised on the water.


12 Watertransport as a factor of price formation


14  Accidents  Noise  Air pollution  Congestions  Urban effects

15 English version of the EC doc. Com 2006/6, page 4

16 62% of the domestic and international water transport volumes in the Czech Republic have moved to road and railway since 2005!



19 And this all because of a 40 km long section of missing infrastructure on the upper Elbe The blockage of the lock Decin from the greens has brought to smoke the previously built Czech waterawys infrastructure worth 5 billions Euros!

20  There is not sufficient cargo flow in the Elbe corridor anyway  Adapt the vessels to the river, not the river to the Elbe

21 Let me ask: How much cargo there was transported on the Rhein-Main-Donau channel before the Rhein- Main-Donau channel was built? And today? – approx. 10 mil tons/year How much cargo there was transported on the Mosel before the 34 locks were built? And today? – approx 19 mil tons/year. So why some people declare that there is not enough cargo available for upgrading the Elbe to have sense?

22 According to Eurostat had the czech Rep. in 2005 (a year comparatively very rich in water in the Elbe) the bigger year-on-year growth of the water transport volumes in the whole EU compared to 2004

23 Nonsense

24 Because it is the same technical and economical nonsens as to adapt the vessels to the present navigation condition on the upper Elbe! Trains need functional railway, Trucks need functional road, And vessels need functional waterway!

25 Blocking the improvement of the navigation conditions on the Elbe in Germany and the Czech Republic is an unprecedented discrimination of the Czech economy and leads to decreasing of the competitive ability of the czech exporters.


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