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Presented by: Riley Hotrum Jake Lavoie Tim Crough Liam Bailie Dan Gilmour.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Riley Hotrum Jake Lavoie Tim Crough Liam Bailie Dan Gilmour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Riley Hotrum Jake Lavoie Tim Crough Liam Bailie Dan Gilmour

2 What They Do Provides community based fundraising for improvements upon social infrastructure. Strive to come up with a plan to develop new and useful infrastructure ideas Develop models and plans for future infrastructure maintenance

3 Examples Sidewalk improvements Park bench implementation Bike racks HYDRATION STATIONS

4 Hydration Station Reduces amount of used water bottles Aesthetic appeal Attraction Augmentation Sustainable Cost effective Environmentally Friendly (Haws Corporation, 2012)

5 Did you Know? 1.6 billion spent by Canadians on bottled water in 2008 2.2 billion litres of bottled water were consumed by Canadians in 2008 30% of Canadians say bottled water is their primary water source (Ottawa Citizen, 2009)

6 Plan Install Hydration Station at Fenelon beach Drill well to supply water to station using Fleming college drilling students Construct Gazebo for shelter around station Determine success of Hydration Station and decide whether or not to implement more

7 Costs Hydration station - $1725 Lumber costs - $1135 Installation - $300 Fundraising efforts/Advertising– Allocation of $750 grant

8 Fundraising Programs Car wash on Main street Barbecue at Lock 34 Rent a billboard for Advertising Fundraiser in the Auk’s Lounge (Parks Canada, 2009)

9 References Chianello, J. (2009). Federal government spends millions on bottled water, Ottawa Citizen. Haws Corporation, (2012). Great-tasting Brita® filtered water, Retrieved From: targ/?utm_campaign=4321&utm_term=3203702&utm_ medium=google&utm_source=trada&utm_content=4 717863581_25355478101 Parks Canada, (2009). Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada Lock 34 - Fenelon Falls, Retrieved From: nhs/on/trentsevern/visit/visit6/lock34.aspx

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