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Published byJulius Alan Miller Modified over 9 years ago
Rotary Youth Exchange MEDIA TRAINING: Dealing with the Media in a Crisis in a Crisis
Rotary Youth Exchange MEDIA TRAINING: Dealing with the Media in a Crisis in a Crisis Presented at the USA Canada Youth Exchange Network Conference Houston, Texas March 10, 2006
Rotary Youth Exchange MEDIA TRAINING: Dealing with the Media in a Crisis in a Crisis Wen Huang, RI Public Relations Ivan Vianna, YEO, Brasil Dennis White, YEO, USA
Session Outline Why this is important Good and bad examples Developing a Plan Basic principles Key strategy and messages Case study Support from RI Discussion Rotary Youth Exchange
Session Outline Why this is important Dennis Good and bad examples Dennis/Wen Developing a Plan Wen Basic principles Dennis Key strategy and messages Dennis Case study Ivan Support from RI Wen Discussion All Rotary Youth Exchange
Rotary Youth Exchange Good and Bad Examples of Interviews
Why this is Important 1. Death of a student – accident, illness, homicide, suicide. 2.Serious injury to a student. 3.A missing student – lost, abducted, runaway, etc. 4.Abused student – physically, emotionally or sexually. Rotary Youth Exchange Crises Happen!
Why this is Important 5.An exchange student is accused of criminal behavior. 6.Allegations of any kind of scandal within the YE Program or any club. 7.Injury, accident or other harm coming to a Rotarian or host family member involved in a YE activity. Rotary Youth Exchange Crises Happen!
Why this is Important In addition to managing the crisis itself, there is often Intense Media Attention (sometimes called a feeding frenzy) (sometimes called a feeding frenzy) Rotary Youth Exchange Crises Happen!
Why this is Important The media coverage can become the crisis Rotary Youth Exchange Crises Happen! Intense media attention
The media coverage can become the crisis Rotary Youth Exchange Following the tsunami in Indonesia, Jan Englund, Norwegian UN foreign aid specialist, was commenting Norwegian UN foreign aid specialist, was commenting on giving IN GENERAL (not tsunami specific) and on giving IN GENERAL (not tsunami specific) and said that the wealthier nations of the world could do said that the wealthier nations of the world could do much more to help the poorer countries. much more to help the poorer countries.
The media coverage can become the crisis Rotary Youth Exchange He commented that the recommended contribution to foreign aid was one percent of GDP for any to foreign aid was one percent of GDP for any given country, and that few, if any give that much. given country, and that few, if any give that much. He then said, referring to the richer nations of the world: the world: “When you think of it, “When you think of it, we are really pretty stingy.” we are really pretty stingy.”
The media coverage can become the crisis Rotary Youth Exchange For days, the headlines were: “America criticized as stingy.” Even after Englund clarified his as stingy.” Even after Englund clarified his comments repeatedly, the story went on comments repeatedly, the story went on relentlessly. relentlessly. President Bush’s comment, critical of Englund’s statement was, “Somebody better get his facts straight!”
The media coverage can become the crisis Rotary Youth Exchange For six weeks every time a new and higher pledge of tsunami money was made by the US, a typical of tsunami money was made by the US, a typical headline was “Today the United States increased headline was “Today the United States increased its pledge of financial support for tsunami relief to its pledge of financial support for tsunami relief to X amount of dollars, after being criticized as X amount of dollars, after being criticized as stingy. stingy.
Why this is Important The media coverage can become the crisis Rotary Youth Exchange Crises Happen! Intense media attention
Why this is Important The crisis can become a positive opportunity to promote Rotary and Youth Exchange But it will not happen by chance – we need to be prepared Rotary Youth Exchange The good news is… The good news is…
Caution A strategy for dealing with the media (crisis media plan) is not a substitute for a crisis management plan If you do not have a crisis management plan, it may be time to… Rotary Youth Exchange
Caution Panic! Rotary Youth Exchange
Developing a Crisis Media Plan Wen Huang, Public Relations Rotary International Rotary Youth Exchange
Before a Crisis Develops (Step I) Convene a crisis media team (YEO officer, DG, PDG, Attorney, Media Professional) (YEO officer, DG, PDG, Attorney, Media Professional) Gather all the facts Gather all the facts Report to Rotary International Offer timely internal briefings Rotary Youth Exchange
Before a Crisis Develops (Step II) Identify a Rotary spokesperson Tell clubs/Rotarians not to speculate When media calls, refer them to crisis team or the spokesperson Contact RI immediately, if there is a potential for national/international interest Rotary Youth Exchange
Before a Crisis Develops (Step III) Respond to media quickly Do not cover up or hide the truth Prepare statement, expressing Rotary’s position Honesty/Stating the truth Monitoring media/web activities Rotary Youth Exchange
Before a Crisis Develops (Step IV) Taking action to show care Examples: DG or YEO contacts parents, organize search activities, appoint counselors, start call for help web, fundraising for victims, (in the case of sexual abuse crisis) remove alleged offender from Rotary clubs etc. Rotary Youth Exchange
Media Assistance from RI Assist drafting position statement Helping with last minute media training Providing international spokesperson Helping coordinating national/international media interviews/media contacts Contacts: 847-866-3245/David Alexander Rotary Youth Exchange
Other Types of Assistance from RI RI activates crisis management team Legal Strategies/counseling Program help Help from RI senior leadership Rotary Youth Exchange
Basic principles Any interview is an opportunity to send the message you want When you speak, you ARE Rotary The media are looking for controversy, something new and exciting or something that will attract attention Rotary Youth Exchange
Basic principles Take your time and develop your message as you want it to be Make sure you present the positive message you want to covey Develop a strategy for difficult questions and PRACTICE Rotary Youth Exchange
Key Strategy in a Crisis Demonstrate leadership Offer reassurance Make a statement with: 1. Facts 2. Feelings 3. A forward looking vision Rotary Youth Exchange
Key Strategy in a Crisis Sample News Release Sample News Release A ___________________ at ____________________ involving __________________ occurred today at ________________. The incident is under investigation and more information is forthcoming. A ___________________ at ____________________ involving __________________ occurred today at ________________. The incident is under investigation and more information is forthcoming. Rotary Youth Exchange From the article: on From the article: CrisisCommunicationPlan.doc on yeoresources.orgCrisisCommunicationPlan.doc
Key Strategy in a Crisis For instance: For instance: A youth exchange student was found unconscious at the bottom of a swimming pool at a Rotary Youth Exchange conference this evening. The student was taken to the emergency room at St. Mary’s Hospital at 10:00 pm in critical condition. More information will be forthcoming when it is available. In the mean time we have contacted the student’s parents have been notified and we pray for a swift recovery. A youth exchange student was found unconscious at the bottom of a swimming pool at a Rotary Youth Exchange conference this evening. The student was taken to the emergency room at St. Mary’s Hospital at 10:00 pm in critical condition. More information will be forthcoming when it is available. In the mean time we have contacted the student’s parents have been notified and we pray for a swift recovery. Rotary Youth Exchange
Key messages - acknowledgement We care about every student - as if they were our own children We are shocked/concerned/saddened by this information/allegation/event We take every event/allegation very seriously Rotary Youth Exchange
Key messages - positive Rotary conducts over 6,000 exchanges every year Every Rotary Club adopts their exchange student as if they were a son or daughter We believe we are building peace one exchange at a time Rotary Youth Exchange
Positive Messages we can deliver in cases of abuse We take all allegations very seriously Rotary has a zero tolerance policy for abuse of any kind Our first concern is for the safety of the student Rotary Youth Exchange
Positive Messages we can deliver in cases of abuse We report any allegations to the authorities and cooperate completely All Rotarians, students and parents involved in youth Exchange are trained in understanding abuse issues Our first concern is for the safety of the student Rotary Youth Exchange
Preparing for Difficult Questions Control the difficult questions Learn to bridge – remember ABC – Answer, Bridge, Context Question: “Aren’t there dozens of cases of allegations of abuse from years ago, just coming forward?” Rotary Youth Exchange
Preparing for Difficult Questions Rotary takes any allegation, past or present, very seriously It would be inappropriate to comment on any specific case that might be under investigation But let me tell you about our comprehensive Youth Protection Policy… Rotary Youth Exchange
Preparing for Difficult Questions It’s best to address a question briefly then smoothly bridge back to your “message track” Don’t use “No comment” or “I can’t answer that” Instead explain why you can’t answer and bridge a topic or message point that’s in your “home base” Rotary Youth Exchange
Preparing for Difficult Questions If you don’t want a reporter to know something – DON’T SAY IT! something – DON’T SAY IT! There is no such thing as “Off the Record” If you get where you don’t want to go – BRIDGE! – BRIDGE! Controversy Your Message BRIDGE
Preparing for Difficult Questions Rotary takes any allegation, past or present, very seriously It would be inappropriate to comment on any specific case that might be under investigation But let me tell you about our comprehensive Youth Protection Policy… Rotary Youth Exchange
Remember your ABC’s – Answer – Bridge – Context And… PRACTICE
Rotary Youth Exchange Avoid jargon of any kind RYE RYLA DG YEO RI
Use personal stories Rotary Youth Exchange I have hosted several exchange students – they are still like family to me are still like family to me My own son/daughter was an exchange student My wife/husband and I have attended weddings of former exchange students of former exchange students
Rotary Youth Exchange After the media interview Write an Email or letter thanking the reporter Writer a letter to the editor if you think Rotary is being misrepresented Contact RI Public relations or YE staff for a review and additional assistance
Rotary Youth Exchange
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Case Study By Ivan L. Vianna - Dist 4760 BRAZIL A Brazilian experience of a YE girl… of a missing YE girl… Rotary Youth Exchange
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange 1- Nov. 6 2005 Sunday: a girl RYE student, leaves her host to a nearby city to go to Church and does not return home in the evening; local police started investigating/searching 2- Nov. 7, Monday morning: host district is informed and Crisis Plan is in effect: higher authorities are called, sponsor district overseas & R.I. are informed. In the afternoon police told us the girl changed bus to go to UNAI, another city 150 miles away, where she was spotted on the road trying to hitch-hike.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange 3- Nov. 8, Tuesday: Police informed she got a ride on a truck whose driver paid for her lodge in Brasilia. False alarm result in a intensive farm search in the early hours. Meanwhile, several high authorities are called for help: Belo Horizonte Mayor, Federal Police Chief, Brasilia High rank Officers, Church Officers. The FBI attaché in Brasilia keeps close contact and reciprocal info.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange 4- Nov 9, Wednesday: this story is first shown abroad before it reaches Brazil media. TV and radio live interviews are given to many vehicles and a national TV interview is taped. Police suspects she may be in Brasilia. A false YE is grabbed in a road hitch-hiking to Brasilia. Help keeps flowing in from many different sources.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange Nov. 9 2005 Wed. Brasilia YE Chair searches local churches on his own. Her internet messages, sent, received, deleted – from 30 days are checked by FBI, contacts with ROTEX hosted in her country are made. All District YE Students are called. Her pictures on posters are on walls of UNAI. Media is continuously and persistently wanting interviews and info. RI PR makes contacts with international news and keeps monitoring the media relationship, helping with key messages and great support.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange Messages came from many countries reporting they have seen the case on TV. I asked everyone who called for help for PRAYING that this YE girl be found soon. Her natural parents leave home to Brazil, a long trip that takes two days.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange NOV. 10 Thursday: TV Show Good Morning Brazil brings the story and pictures of the girl, airing the interview taped before. Media keeps calling all the time, very crazy.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange At noon TV announces a breaking news story showing the girl ALIVE on the beach in Salvador, Bahia, 1,500 miles away At the same time she calls, using the reporter’s cell phone. They go to a Police station where local YEO met them and legally got custody of the YE girl. She gave a testimony to INTERPOL assisted by a legal representative of consulate and by the Rotarian YEO.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange NOV. 11 A few hours later, she is taken to Brasilia flying together with the Rotarian YEO. At the same time our District Inbound Coordinator flew over there to meet them. In the morning her natural parents arrive at the Embassy in Brasilia where our YEO released the student to them, ceasing then her period of exchange. Next day the family leaves Brazil returning home with the student.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Briefing of the story Rotary Youth Exchange NOV. 11 THOSE WERE THE FACTS THAT HAPPENED
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP So, some actions we have taken in this case… Rotary Youth Exchange 1- As soon as the situation was defined as a Crisis, we call for the Crisis Team, informing and keeping everyone informed: YEOs, R.I., DG, YE Students. 2- A line of communication was immediately defined: ONLY ONE person to speak for Rotary. 3- District YE Emergency Funds were put on standby and treasurer plans to increase if that becomes in need
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP When it happened, some urgent actions had to be taken: Rotary Youth Exchange We checked twice the first info received before passing it out to others, as our primary source was very nervous and sleepless. Immediately the Crisis Team was declared open followed by an immediate Team Meeting: NEVER TRY TO RUN THE CRISIS ALONE!
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP When it happened, some urgent actions had to be taken: Rotary Youth Exchange After parents, district YEO, DG and RI were informed, legal and professional help was then immediately called: police contact, experienced psychologist, lawyer, journalist.
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP About the line of communication: Rotary Youth Exchange An important point in the crisis was the good communication between the partner districts. Each district had a YEO contact that knew personally each other: in fact this is A difference between Rotary Y. E. P. & others FAST, CORRECT & reliable communication was kept with ALL involved ALL THE TIME
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP About the line of communication: Rotary Youth Exchange No speculations or guessing, keeping only to the facts! Basically this was the line of communication: Host District YEO talks to sponsor District YEO Sponsor district YEO talks to natural parents Host district INB Coordinator talks to host parents Keep DG well informed of everything at all times
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP About the line of communication: Rotary Youth Exchange ROTARY INTERNATIONAL kept close contact with both districts, giving FULL SUPPORT
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP We kept aiming two objectives which We believed would help to find the girl: Rotary Youth Exchange 1- KEEP THE MEDIA INTERESTED AND SHOWING PICTURES OF THE MISSING GIRL ALL OVER THE COUNTRY We were successful, perhaps for some reasons: a. This story raised a lot of concerns to every home b. It is a kind of news that touches people c. The international media was active and it may have pushed strongly the local one
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP We kept aiming two objectives which We believed would help to find the girl: Rotary Youth Exchange 2- ALERTING AUTHORITIES THAT THIS TEEN GIRL WAS MISSING FOR NO REASON AND THAT ALL ACTIONS MUST BE TAKEN IN ORDER TO FIND HER asap. Again, we were successful for calls and contacts were made with:
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP We kept aiming two objectives which We believed would help to find the girl: Rotary Youth Exchange 1- Federal Government including the VP of Brazil 2- State Civil & Military Police Chiefs 3- Mayor of Belo Horizonte 4- Minister of Tourism, himself a former RYE 5- Church high officers, both in Brazil & abroad
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP KEY MESSAGES WE KEPT REPEATING over and over IN ALL INTERVIEWS: Rotary Youth Exchange 1- Rotary has been in close contact with the YE girl family and doing whatever may be necessary to assist them. 2- We do not know what happened, police and authorities are investigating: there never was any evidence this might occur, it surprised all
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP KEY MESSAGES WE KEPT REPEATING over and over IN ALL INTERVIEWS: Rotary Youth Exchange 3- Rotary officers in both countries are cooperating fully with authorities during this investigation. 4- We can not speculate for what might have happened: so far, what we know is what police tell us & tell you. 5- I was myself a Rotary YE, so was my son and every year more than 8,000 students live abroad as exchange students. Brazil hosts 1,000 Y.E. students from 36 countries
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP KEY MESSAGES AFTER THE GIRL WAS FOUND: Rotary Youth Exchange 1-We thank God for she was found alive and well 2-She met her parents and together they are flying home, her exchange is over 3- We are deeply thankful to the authorities, to police officers and to the media for their work which indeed contributed to this outcome
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Rotary Youth Exchange Districts 4760 and 4530 created a certificate Service Above Self which was given to 15 people non-Rotarians who were involved in a special way in the search of this girl: 08 police officers from two states, 2 TV reporters, Chief of Staff of Brazil’s V.P., 01 Minister of State, FBI Officer, 02 Gov. Officers. IN that event, 82 inbound students participated, 05 BR Chair + 15 YEOs A Rotary Special Dinner of thanks was held on Jan 11 in Brasilia:
Rotary Youth Exchange Pictures of Rotary THANKS Dinner Jan. 11 BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP
Rotary Youth Exchange Some people you would not never expect to act differently, they do. Be not surprised, be ready Insist that every R.C. YEO participates in the YEO training sessions, even the old ones Besides Crisis Management Plan, it was very important that our District 4760 had an Emergency Fund: crises also cost money We learned a lot, some of it: Things Do Happen!
BRAZIL - DISTRICT 4760 RYEP Rotary Youth Exchange Every Rotary Club YEO must know at any time where is the IB student: each one should have an international Rotary ID (Certification will make it) Tell the host family to treat the IB student just the way they wished their child would be treated if abroad in similar position. Keep telling all Y.E. students: Trust your instincts. If you do not feel safe in a situation or someone's behavior is making you uncomfortable, get out. BE YOURSELF. No JARGON, but some phrases must be repeated over and over:
Articles posted on yeoresources: Crisis Communication Plan.doc Crisis Communication Plan.doc A CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN.doc A CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN.doc Crisis Management.doc Crisis Management.doc Good PR.doc Good PR.doc mediarelations.pdf mediarelations.pdf spokesperson checkist.pdf spokesperson checkist.pdf CRISIS MEDIA TRAINING handout.doc CRISIS MEDIA TRAINING handout.doc Rotary Youth Exchange
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Rotary Youth Exchange MEDIA TRAINING: Dealing with the Media in a Crisis in a Crisis Presented at the USA Canada Youth Exchange Network Conference Houston, Texas March 10, 2006
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