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*This coming school year 2012-2013, FCCLA Step One will be the first performance objective on each of our performance documentation forms for our state.

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2 *This coming school year 2012-2013, FCCLA Step One will be the first performance objective on each of our performance documentation forms for our state skills certification program. 1.Step One is designed to introduce students to the FCCLA organization. 2. Students will discover more about FCCLA and what it has to offer after completing this activity. They will learn about the organization’s programs and how to complete them. 3. Step One will also give students the opportunity to search for the answers to their questions about FCCLA and discover more about the organization. To help you with doing FCCLA Step One this coming year there will be ways to teach Step One in the FACS Listserv File Cabinet, Sue Winkler is developing some Step One electronic options for this electronic generation. She will also develop a UTIPS version for those students who miss class the day you do Step One so they can make it up and be able to complete all the performance objectives for the state skills certification program.

3 To help you with doing FCCLA Step One this coming year there will be a class at summer conference during the FCCLA hour on Wednesday, ways to teach Step One in the FACS Listserv File Cabinet, Sue Winkler is developing some Step One electronic options for this electronic generation. She will also develop a UTIPS version for those students who miss class the day you do Step One so they can make it up and be able to complete all the performance objectives for the state skills certification program.

4 * Need: * 3 sets of 10 small presents wrapped or bags so easy to reuse for next class. * FCCLA pencils, key chains, candy bars… * Gift bags * Split class up into 3 teams of 10 or as close as possible. If you only have 20 then do two teams. * Have the class sit in a circle with presents in the center. * Students will draw a number 1-30. Whoever is #1 will chose a present first. Then #2 can either pick a present from the center of from #1. As the game goes on the person choosing the present can steal from anyone who already has a present or choose from the center. Once the present has been stolen once it can not be stolen anymore. * Students must open the present so that everyone can see what they have. * Both or all teams will be trying to find all 10 presents since each of them contains a different answer to complete the Step One web quest.

5 * Need: * Clues for all the questions on the STEP One form. * STEP One Directions: Place answers and clues around the school. Split class up into teams of 2-3. Hand out step one forms and start them with their first clue. * FCCLA has student leaders that serve for the state, if you want to know how many there are find the FCCLA display case. * Find the place of the guys that clean and here you’ll have the state FCCLA theme. * You can make these in football and soccer and you can bet FCCLA has some to offer. * Who in the world is in charge of area two run up the bleachers row one, then row…. * FCCLA had many gold winners go to a place where you might get a school chicken dinner.

6 * Need: * 10 different candy bars; Enough fun size candy bars for each class. * Glue the answers 1-10 on corresponding candy bars. Answer 1 will be on snickers. * Dice * Enough paper bags for all students in class. * Timer Directions: Have the students sit in a circle. Place all candy bars in the center. The Dice will be passed around the circle. (To make it go faster use both dice and start them at two different places in the circle.) If a student rolls a 1 or 6 they get to choose a candy bar. Hurry and put it in their bag. Students can either choose from the middle of candy bars or steal from other students who already have candy bars. So they might want to pay attention to where the candy bars are going. Split the class up into 3 teams of 10 or as close as you can get. They will want to make sure they find one of each candy bar before the timer runs out. Set a timer depending on how much time you have in class. 15-30 minutes. It is a memory game so if they cheat and help each other they will lose a candy bar, it will go back to the middle. (You could hide the answers on the candy bars and then clue them in when the game is over.) Once time is out they will be able to answer the questions with the answers on the candy bar.

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