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Active and Passive Voice. build built built come came come do did done find found found give gave given go went gone make made made show showed shown.

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Presentation on theme: "Active and Passive Voice. build built built come came come do did done find found found give gave given go went gone make made made show showed shown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active and Passive Voice

2 build built built come came come do did done find found found give gave given go went gone make made made show showed shown sell sold sold speak spoke spoken steal stole stolen tell told told

3 1.Kate sent the letter yesterday. 2.The chef has made dinner. 3.Mrs Gates will look after the baby. 4.Someone left the door open. 5.Somebody is using the computer. 6.Nick`s brother was teaching him to drive. 7.Many people speak English. 8.The doctor has already told him to go on a diet. 9.They were waiting for Mary. 10.Everybody has just listened to this poem.

4 I wrote the letter to my friend two days ago. ( Active Voice) The letter was written by me two days ago. ( Passive Voice)

5 They are written, it was broken, He is given, she’ll be left. They were eaten, it was spoken, It’s being driven, he’ll be lent.

6 Универсальная формула образования пассивного залога: to BE ( в форме нужного нам времени) + V3 (всегда)

7 Your tax is being sent at the moment. The book will be printed in May. - The robber had been caught before the police arrived. These questions are included in the text. - The guests were entertained by Alison. - Tver is located not far from Moscow. - Passengers will be offered dinner during the flight. - Natalie was promised a trip to Europe. The work has just been finished. When he came into the room his letter was being read.

8 1) They usually repair cars very quickly. 2) Somebody has stolen my keys. 3) She composed her first opera five years ago. 4) They will visit Shakespeare’s birthplace next month. 5) Pupils didn’t visit the boy last week.- 6) We don’t translate poems at home. -

9 It’s time to have a rest. Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that rose Close your eyes Open, wink and smile.

10 This room ………. ( not/use) for ages. The keys ………….. ( give) you tomorrow. Dr Johnson ………..( interview) at the moment. By the time I arrived, all your letters………. ( already/ open). The problems of the family ……… ( usually /talk) briefly at dinner time. ….. the car ………. ( wash) by Sue now? Who ……..this mess ……… ( make) by? The new sports centre ……….. ( open) soon. Some holiday pictures ……… ( show) to me by Liz two days ago. The essays ………. ( mark) by the teacher tomorrow. The grass ……. ( not/ cut) by Clive yet.

11 1. Discovered, in, America, 1492, was. 2. In the morning, the newspaper, not, brought, is. 3. Monday, written, next, the letter, will be. 4. Built, was, in 1991, this house 5. Yesterday, photo, taken, that, was. 6. will be, the letter, next week, answered 1, America was discovered in 1492.. 2. The newspaper is not brought in the morning 3. The letter will be written next Monday. 4. This house was built in 1991. 5. That photo was taken yesterday. 6. The letter will be answered next week.

12 Correct the mistakes. When was invented the radio? The book was wrote Pushkin A lot of people will invited to the party Where the key was found? All his pens were borrow. This car will not stolen When was the radio invented? The book was written by Pushkin A lot of people will be invited to the party Where was the key found? All his pens were borrowed. This car will not be stol en

13 My friend told me an interesting story. подлежащее сказуемое косвенное прямое дополнение дополнение Active Voice My friend told me an interesting story – Мой друг рассказал мне интересную истори ю Passive Voice. The interesting story was told to me. – Интересная история была рассказана мне. I was told an interesting story. – Мне рассказали интересную историю.

14 Make two sentences 1. Sasha will send a letter to Alison tomorrow. - 2. The Garrets showed Sasha their house. 3. Mother gives me lunch every day. 1. The letter will be sent to Alison by Sasha. Alison will be sent the letter by Sasha. 2. The house was shown to Sasha by the Garrets. Sasha was shown the house. 3. Lunch is given to me by my mother. I am given lunch by my mother.

15 1) She was sent a fax. а) Она послала факс. б) Ей пошлют факс. в) Ей послали факс. 2) They were told an interesting story. а) Они рассказали интересную историю. б) Им рассказали интересную историю. в) О них была рассказана история. 3) We were shown a film. а) Фильм будет показан нам. б) Мы показали фильм. в) Нам показали фильм.

16 4) Sasha was offered help. а) Саша предложил помощь. б) Саше предложили помощь. в) Помощь будет предложена Саше. 5) I was promised a trip to England. а) Мне обещали поездку в Англию. б) Я обещал поездку в Англию. в) Они обещали поездку в Англию 6) He will be asked a lot of questions. а) Он задаст много вопросов. б) Ему задали много вопросов. в) Ему зададут много вопросов






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