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1 Cypak core technology A new, cool and convenient way to identify your customers Combat fraud and keep your customer happy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Cypak core technology A new, cool and convenient way to identify your customers Combat fraud and keep your customer happy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Cypak core technology A new, cool and convenient way to identify your customers Combat fraud and keep your customer happy

2 2 Fraud is seriously affecting eGaming Phishing - User is cheated to reveal username / password to aliens Pharming / false website - User is cheated to reveal sensitive information on false web-site Key-loggers - Alien code or hardware intercepting keystrokes Trojans - Alien code eavesdropping sensitive information Non-repudiation – User denies performed transaction

3 3 Hard facts on security Static identities with username and password is not secure - Trivial to intercept and replay. Two-factor authentication needed to provide security – Something to have and to know - Access to service not possible without a device - The user knows if the identity/device has been stolen Secure authentication devices (used for eBanking, corporate login, etc) are today regarded as: - Awkward - Time consuming - Costly

4 4 Combining security with convenience Cypak eSecurity - Two factor authentication system developed in close dialogue with Scandinavian eGaming industry Cards Keys

5 5 System components The merchant Authentication Software running on server The end-user Key or card + reader connected to the USB port No client software required ! Works on all platforms !

6 6 How it works – the Key 1. Key in USB port connects automatically to your site 2. User enter username/password and press button on key 3. Username/pw and a one-time password is sent to the server

7 7 Key and Card with PIN-keypad PIN entered on Key/Card keypad for additional security Navigation to multiple sites and services

8 8 Security and system benefits Insensitive to Phishing, Pharming, Key-loggers - A new and unique access code is generated every time Fights issues of non-repudiation and stolen credit cards - Two-factor authentication ties user to performed action Prevents bots - A physical human action required for authentication of player Unbeatable simplicity - Automatic navigation to specific website - Works in parallel with username/password – no extra step - Minimal redesign of existing website - No client software required at all - Works on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) - Works on all browsers (Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc)

9 9 The marketing opportunity Increased trust - For the service provider and the user Brand reinforcement - Corporate profile on Card or Key, exposed in physical wallet or keychain - Customized shapes and colours available for keys and Card readers Enhanced credit limits - Stronger authentication enables higher credit limits Card can be combined with withdrawal functionally

10 10 For more information or e-mail:

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