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Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright.

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1 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 1/41 Lesson 13c Making Study Room Reservations

2 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 2/41 Please go to Full Screen mode now (Click your right mouse button, select “Full Screen” from the menu)

3 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 3/41 Let’s continue learning about standard operating procedures of Access Services in this third part of Lesson 13

4 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 4/41 Sections of Lesson 13c This sub-lesson has one (1) section: §13.6 Making Study Room reservations O k, let’s begin …

5 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 5/41 § 13.6 Making study room reservations

6 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 6/41 Making study room reservations We have a number of study rooms in the library, on the main, ground and second floors, which WVU library users can reserve in advance for use. The study rooms are to be used for legitimate university business (e.g., studying, research, group project meeting, committee meeting, etc.).

7 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 7/41 Making study room reservations (2/33) OK, exactly where are these study rooms?

8 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 8/41 Making study room reservations (3/33) There are 3 study rooms on the first floor…

9 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 9/41

10 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 10/41 Making study room reservations (5/33) There are 8 study rooms on the ground floor…

11 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 11/41

12 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 12/41 Making study room reservations (7/33) And there are 9 study rooms on the second floor…

13 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 13/41

14 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 14/41 Making study room reservations (9/33) The Glasscock Listening Room (Room 220)—a soundproofed environment on the second floor—is used for music classes. It is kept locked and is technically not a study room. Use is by appointment by a faculty member.

15 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 15/41 Making study room reservations (10/33) All rooms have active Ethernet ports for wired access and can receive wireless signals for access to the Internet.

16 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 16/41 Making study room reservations (11/33) Study room users should keep voices and sounds to a low level; users in other rooms and at adjacent tables should be taken into consideration. Too much noise or other unacceptable behavior can lead to being evicted from the room by a Staff Supervisor. The room should be left in the condition in which it was entered. Garbage should be placed in the wastebaskets by the user before leaving.

17 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 17/41 Making study room reservations (12/33) A library user should not leave personal articles (purses, laptops, etc.) in the room if they intend to leave the room, even if briefly. Thefts, while rare, can occur. Study rooms will not be locked for a user. The WVU Libraries are not responsible for lost or stolen personal valuables. A patron is responsible for the loss of any library item (books, laptop, etc.) in their possession.

18 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 18/41 Making study room reservations (13/33) A library user can reserve a room for a maximum of 4 hours. A reservation for a room is held for no more than 15 minutes from the start of the reservation. For example, if the reservation is for 12:30 p.m. and the reserver (or members of her/his group) has not occupied the room by 12:45, they have lost their reservation and another user can walk in and claim the room for her/his use.

19 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 19/41 Making study room reservations (14/33) Similarly, if a library user leaves a room for more than 15 minutes, their reservation is voided and subject to use by another patron.

20 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 20/41 Making study room reservations (15/33) A library user cannot reserve a room for the current day (e.g., if it is Thursday Sept. 29, they cannot reserve a room for Sept. 29). They must reserve a room at least overnight in advance (e.g., 11:50 p.m. on the 29 th they can ask for a reservation at 12 noon on the 30th). A room can be reserved weeks in advance.

21 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 21/41 Making study room reservations (16/33) These rooms will get increased usage as the semester progresses. It is very important, as a service to our users, that we make each reservation accurately. We don't want a library user to come to the library believing that s/he has a room reserved, only to discover that the wrong information was entered into the book and they have lost their room.

22 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 22/41 Making study room reservations (17/33) OK, that’s all wonderful. Now, how are reservations made by Access Services supervisors?

23 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 23/41 Making study room reservations (18/33) If a library user comes to the desk or telephones for a reservation or submits a request via our online room reservation system at vansdale/day.php?vansdale/day.php?, an Access Services staff member will follow these directions… I would like to reserve a study room.

24 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 24/41 Making study room reservations (19/33) An Access Services Supervisor will make the reservation on the online Meeting Room Booking reservation system. Currently, student employees are not permitted to make online reservations.

25 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 25/41 Making study room reservations (20/33) If the requester has come in person, we give them a copy of the ROOM RESERVATION NOTICE.

26 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 26/41 Making study room reservations (21/33) If there is ever any dispute about a reserved room, alert the on-desk supervisor, who will resolve the dispute by consulting the online Room Reservation system

27 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 27/41 Making study room reservations (22/33) At the end of each work day, the supervisor confirms all the information entered into our online Room Reservation system and prints out the reservations per day per room

28 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 28/41 Making study room reservations (23/33) First thing each morning, the prints are taped to the room number or door jamb of the respective study rooms, to mark their reserved status. Occasionally a room slip “disappears.” In those cases, a Supervisor will refer to the Room Reservation website to determine who legitimately should have the room.

29 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 29/41 Making study room reservations (24/33) Does the reservation procedure seem clear to you? Let’s look at one example. It is helpful to know the process even though student employees cannot make reservations.

30 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 30/41 Making study room reservations (25/33) Susan Student comes to the desk on Wednesday night September 29 and wants to reserve a study room on the second floor for the next day. Let’s review the procedure that the supervisor will take. I would like to reserve 201 on Sept. 30 from 12-2 p.m.

31 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 31/41 Making study room reservations (26/33) A staff member accesses the online Room Reservation System and logs in with the special logon and selects “Evansdale Library” (the default is “Classroom”).

32 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 32/41 Making study room reservations (27/33) Staff member selects Thursday September 30 as the date

33 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 33/41 Making study room reservations (28/33) Moving down the column for Room 201, the staff member selects 12 PM

34 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 34/41 Making study room reservations (29/33) An edit window opens and the staff member types in the user’s name, selects “2” hours as the Duration, selects the Type “Reserved”, then clicks the “Save” button

35 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 35/41 Making study room reservations (30/33) The reservation for Susan Student has now been entered into the online Room Reservation System

36 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 36/41 Making study room reservations (31/33) At the end of each work day, the supervisor confirms all the information entered into our online Room Reservation system and prints out the reservations for the next day per room, including the one for Susan Student

37 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 37/41 Making study room reservations (32/33) First thing the next morning, the printout for Susan Student is taped to the door number of the respective study room, to mark its reserved status.

38 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 38/41 Making study room reservations (33/33) The quality of this service and the degree of confidence in and satisfaction with the reservation process that the library user comes away with… …is very much dependent upon the care and accuracy with which this task is carried out. The library staff seeks to provide the excellent level of service that you yourself would expect, should you be requesting a room reservation for an important study project.

39 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 39/41 Do you have any questions about the reservation process?

40 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 40/41 Recap and a look ahead You have now learned many of the basic physical operations (except for Voyager functions) of working at the Service Desk. In the next lesson, you will be introduced to additional standard procedures involving such things as outgoing and incoming materials, cell phone use, non-WVU-affiliated users, etc.

41 Revised FR 2013-05-31 14:44 EST Created TU 2006-03-14 Lesson 13c. Making Study Room Reservations / Bringing Learners and Library Skills Together Copyright © 2003-2013 by A. David Roth | Evansdale Library, West Virginia University 41/41 Response to Lesson 13c Thank you for your participation in experiencing lesson 13c. Please access the online response form to report on your learning response form Review in your mind the process of study reservations. Then complete the task performance associated with this lesson.

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