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Elbow, Wrist & Hand Evaluation
Common Injuries to the Elbow, Wrist, Hand & Fingers
Lateral epicondylitis – “tennis elbow” Medial epicondylitis – “golfer’s elbow”, “little league elbow” Hyperextension Sprains DeQuervain’s disease Dislocations Bursitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Mallet finger Boutonniere deformity Subungual hematoma Contusions Pathological hand/finger positions (S & R, p ) Fractures Colles’ fx
The Elbow – Joints & Movement
Ginglymus or hinge-joint Humeroulnar joint & Radioulnar joint – 2 interrelated joints Movements: Flexion & Extension – primarily between ulna & humerus 0 to 145 -150
Anatomy Elbow Humerus: Trochlea Capitulum Coronoid Fossa Medial & Lateral Epicondyle Radius: Radial head Radial neck Radial tuberosity Radial Fossa Ulna: Coronoid Process Olecranon Process Ulna Tuberosity
Elbow Ligaments Anterior View Annular Medial (Ulnar) Collateral Lateral (Radial) Collateral
Muscles - Elbow Flexion Biceps Brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis
**Pronator Teres - weak
Muscles - Elbow Extension Triceps Brachii Anconeus
Muscles - Elbow Pronation Pronator Teres Pronator Quadratus
Muscles - Elbow Supination Biceps Brachii Supinator Brachioradialis
Neuroanatomy Brachial Plexus – C5, C6, C7, C8, & T1 Branches:
Radial Nerve (C5, C6, C7 & C8) Median Nerve (C6 & C7) Ulnar Nerve (C8 & T1) Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5 & C6)
Neuroanatomy – Radial & Median Nerves
Neuroanatomy – Musculocutaneous & Ulnar Nerves
Dermatomes Anterior View
Dermatomes Posterior View
Neurovascular Anatomy
Forearm Arteries Palmar Aspect Dorsal Aspect
Wrist & Hand Palmar Aspect Phalanges Metacarpals Carpals
Carpals Scaphoid (boat shaped) Lunate (moon shaped) Triquetrum (3 cornered) Pisiform (pea shaped) Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate (head shaped) Hamate (hooked)
Carpal Bones Concave on palmar side
Bony arch is spanned by transverse carpal & volar ligaments Creates carpal tunnel Median nerve & all flexor tendons except flexor carpi ulnaris & palmaris longus pass through carpal tunnel
Anatomical Snuffbox Extensor pollicis longus (medial side)
Extensor pollicis brevis (lateral side) Abductor pollicis longus (lateral side) Medial Lateral
Ligaments & Volar Plates Palmar Aspect Volar = palmar side
Ligaments Dorsal Aspect
Triangular Fibrocartilage Ligament (TFCC)
Triangular Fibrocartilage Ligament (TFCC) *extends from ulnar side of distal radius & attaches to base of ulnar styloid process *disc provides stability to wrist *major stabilizer of distal radioulnar joint
Joints & Movements Wrist joint Condyloid-type
Flexion, extension, abduction (radial deviation), adduction (ulnar deviation) Motion occurs mostly in proximal carpal row & distal radius 70°-90° of flexion 65°-85° of extension 15°-25° of abduction 25°-40° of adduction
Joints & Movements Fingers Metacarpophalangeal Joint (MCP) Condyloid
0°-40° of extension 85°-100° of flexion Proximal interphalangeal Joint (PIP) Ginglymus Full extension to 90°-120° of flexion Distal interphalangeal Joint (DIP) Flex 80°-90° from full extension
Thumb Joints 2 joints Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint
Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Ginglymus Full extension into 40°-90° of flexion Interphalangeal (IP) Flex 80°-90° Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint Saddle joint 50°-70° of abduction Flex 15°-45° & extend 0°-20°
Finger Movement Middle phalange is reference point to differentiate abduction & adduction Thumb, index & middle fingers abduct when they move laterally toward radial side of hand Ring & little fingers abduction when they move medially toward ulnar side of hand Medial movement of thumb, index & middle fingers toward ulnar side of hand is adduction Lateral movement of ring & little finger toward radial side of hand is adduction
Extrinsic Muscles of Hand
Extrinsic muscles of wrist & hand grouped according to function & location 6 muscles move wrist but not fingers & thumb 3 wrist flexors flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris palmaris longus 3 wrist extensors extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor carpi ulnaris
Extrinsic Muscles of Hand
9 muscles primary movers of phalanges Also involved in wrist joint actions Generally weaker in their wrist actions Flexors Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor pollicis longus (thumb flexor) Extensors Extensor digitorum Extensor indicis Extensor digiti minimi Extensor pollicis longus (thumb extensor) Extensor pollicis brevis (thumb extensor) Abductor of thumb & wrist Abductor pollicis longus
Wrist Abductors & Adductors
Generally cross wrist joint anterolaterally & posterolaterally to insert on radial side of hand Flexor carpi radialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis brevis Wrist adductors Cross wrist joint anteromedially & posteromedially to insert on ulnar side of hand Flexor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi ulnaris
Anterior Aspect of Elbow
Posterior Aspect of Elbow
Intrinsic Hand Muscles
Intrinsic hand muscles have origins & insertions on bones of hand Radial side - four muscles of thumb opponens pollicis abductor pollicis brevis flexor pollicis brevis adductor pollicis Ulnar side - three muscles of little finger opponens digiti minimi abductor digiti minimi flexor digiti minimi brevis Remainder of hand - 11 different muscles 4 lumbricals 3 palmar interossei 4 dorsal interossei
Thenar eminence - muscular pad on palmar surface of 1st metacarpal
abductor pollicis brevis opponens pollicis flexor pollicis brevis adductor pollicis Hypothenar eminence - muscular pad that forms ulnar border on palmar surface abductor digiti minimi flexor digiti minimi brevis opponens digiti minimi
Intrinsic Muscles of Hand
Tendons Dorsal Aspect Ext. Pollicis Brevis Ext. Pollicis Longus Ext
Tendons Dorsal Aspect Ext. Pollicis Brevis Ext. Pollicis Longus Ext. Digitorum Ext. Indicis Ext. Digiti Minimi
Elbow & Forearm Evaluation
History Ask Generic history questions - MOI, ?noises/sensations, Burning/Stinging? Ask Specific history questions - was your hand planted? Did you fall on an outstretched hand? Observation Carrying Angle (> ) 10-15 5-10 Cubital Recurvatum Cubital Valgus Bony alignment, Soft tissue Discoloration, swelling, etc.
Elbow & Forearm Evaluation
Palpation Bony landmarks, Soft tissue Swelling, crepitus, temperature, etc. Cubital fossa – brachial artery, median n., musculocutaneous n. Brachioradialis – lateral border Pronator teres – medial border Stress/Special Tests ROM (AROM, PROM, RROM): °; / - normally 0° but can have hyperextension; pronation/supination ° Valgus/Varus Stress tests Tinel’s Sign Compression/Squeeze Test Neurologic
Wrist & Hand Evaluation
History Ask Generic history questions - MOI, ?noises/sensations, Burning/Stinging? Ask Specific history questions - was your hand planted? Did you fall on an outstretched hand? Observation Discoloration, swelling Posture of hand Deformity, palmar creases, color of skin & fingernails, thenar & hypothenar eminences, thenar webspace Murphy’s sign, Silverfork deformity, Boutonniere deformity, mallet finger deformity, rotational malalignment, missing knuckle
Wrist & Hand Evaluation
Palpation Ulna (styloid process), Radius (Lister’s tubercle, styloid process), Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges, joints, muscles, ligaments, Carpal Tunnel, Anatomical snuffbox Temperature, deformity, swelling Stress/Special Tests ROM, Grip strength, Pinch test, test ea. joint on a finger Valgus/Varus Stress tests of all joints, Glide testing of ligaments Phalen’s Test
Stress/Special Tests continued
Tinel’s Sign Glide tests – ulnar glide, superior glide, inferior glide Finkelstein Test Transverse Compression, Compression Test, Tap or Percussion (Long bone Compression) Test Watson Test – (Scaphoid shift) Reflexes Capillary refill Pulse
References Thompson, C. & Floyd, R. T. (2004). Manual of Structural Kinesiology, 15th ed. Primal 3D Interactive Series Starkey, C. & Ryan, J. (2003). Orthopedic & Athletic Injury Evaluation Handbook. Agur, A. & Dalley, A. (2005). Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. McDevitt, E. & Roberts, W. (1999). Dorsal Dislocations of the MCP Joint Assessment and Closed Reduction. The Physician & Sportsmedicine, 27(7), p. 75.
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