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Broadies Abscess. Clalcaneal spur Calcaneal Fracture.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadies Abscess. Clalcaneal spur Calcaneal Fracture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadies Abscess

2 Clalcaneal spur

3 Calcaneal Fracture

4 Ankle fracture-fibula

5 Ankle fracture –massoneuves- oblique

6 Tibia fx –displaced salter harris

7 Trimalleolar fx – A-P



10 Normal ankle with labels

11 Normal Lateral ankle with labels

12 Lateral elbow fat pad sign

13 Arthritic elbow fracture of the radial head

14 Elbow fx-Monteggia lesion

15 Rheumatoid elbow fx

16 Normal lateral elbow with labels

17 Normal elbow with labels

18 Rheumatoid arthritis elbow

19 Diabetic foot-neurotrophic

20 Foot-gout

21 Foot gout dp

22 Foot Kohler’s necrosis

23 Normal foot with labels

24 Normal lateral foot with labels

25 Foot rheumatoid arthritis

26 Hand diabetic changes dp

27 Finger enchondroma lesion

28 Hand-Erosive inflammatory arthritis

29 Hand boxers fx

30 Hand Game keepers thumb fx

31 Normal hand with labels

32 Hand osteoporosis dp

33 Hand psoriatic joints dp

34 Hand rheumatoid arthritis

35 Hand rheumatoid arthritis- erosive

36 Hand scleroderma

37 Knee chondrocalcinosis


39 Knee congenital abnormality

40 Knee Bipartite patella

41 Knee diaphyseal achalasia exostosis

42 Knee non ossifying fibroma

43 Knee loose bodies

44 Normal knee with labels

45 Knee lateral with lables

46 Knee normal tunnel view

47 Knee one bone infarct

48 Knee osteoarthritis ap lat

49 Knee osteoarthritis

50 Knee tunnel view osteochondritis

51 Knee osteochondroma

52 Knee Osteomyelitis

53 Knee pellegrini steida

54 Knee pseudo gout

55 Knee sarcoma

56 Pelvis avascular necrosis

57 Congenital hip dysplasia

58 Pelvis avulsion fx of the ischial tuberosity

59 Pelvis intertrocanteric fx

60 Hip fx of the neck of the femur

61 Fx of the sub capital neck of the femur

62 Pelvis metastasis from the prostate

63 Normal pelvis with labels

64 Pelvis osteopoykilosis

65 Pelvis Paget's dz

66 Pelvis Paget’s dz

67 Pelvis legg calve perthes dz

68 Pelvis perthes dz

69 Old legg calve perthes dz


71 Pelvis sarcoma

72 Pelvis slipped capital epiphysis

73 Pelvis systemic sclerosis

74 Shoulder aneurismal cyst

75 Shoulder unicameral cyst

76 Shoulder anterior dislocation

77 Shoulder recurrent dislocation

78 Shoulder Bankart lesion

79 Shoulder fx of the clavicle

80 Shoulder fx of the greater tuberosity

81 Shoulder fx of the head of the humerous

82 Shoulder metastasis fx

83 Shoulder normal

84 Shoulder normal external rotation

85 Shoulder normal internal rotation

86 Shoulder normal with labels


88 Lumbar spine metastasis

89 AP Open mouth normal

90 AP open mouth C1 fx

91 AP open mouth -C1 fx

92 CS C1 fx

93 CS Jefferson fx of C1

94 Normal AP open mouth with labels

95 CS C2 C3 dislocation and after wired

96 CS C2 fx

97 CS hangman's fx of C2

98 CS C2 metastasis lateral

99 CS C2 Rheumatoid arthritis

100 CS C3 C4 Klippel file syndrome

101 CS C3 C7 ankylosis

102 Normal CS AP with labels

103 CS C4 C6 Klippel file syndrome

104 CS C5 fusion lateral

105 CS C6 arthritic Lipping lateral

106 CS C7 Clay Shoveler’s fx

107 Cs Ankylosing Spondylitis

108 CS Ankylosing Spondylitis

109 CS normal AP

110 Normal AP CS with labels

111 Normal AP open mouth with labels

112 CS Atlanto occipital fusion

113 CS atlanto occipital instability

114 CS extension tear drop fx

115 AP open mouth Jefferson’s fx of C1

116 Normal lateral CS with labels

117 LS disc calcification

118 Normal CS with labels oblique

119 LS FX osteoporosis

120 Block vertebra lateral LS

121 LS cupids bow sign

122 LS cupids bow sign AP and Lateral

123 LS normal labeled – block head

124 Normal LS lateral labeled

125 Normal LS AP labeled

126 LS osteophytic lipping

127 Renal calculi AP LS

128 Sacralization of L5

129 Scoliosis full spine

130 Spondylolythesis of L5

131 LS spondylosis

132 LS vacuum effect- nuclear invagination

133 Sacrum fx

134 SIJ metastasis

135 Normal SIJ PA

136 Normal SIJ pronex

137 TS Lytic destruction

138 T12 metastasis

139 T6 congenital hemi vertebra

140 T8 metastasis

141 TS disc calcification

142 TS Schewermans dz

143 Spina bifida AP

144 T8 osteopenic collapse

145 Wrist avascular necrosis of the lunate

146 Wrist dislocation of the radiocarpal

147 Wrist Ulnar dislocation

148 Wrist Fixation Colles fx

149 Wrist Galaezzi fx

150 Wrist Greenstick fx

151 Wrist fx of the scaphoid

152 Wrist Smiths fx

153 Wrist keinbochs necrosis

154 Normal wrist labeled

155 Normal Wrist labeled lateral

156 Wrist osteopoykilosis

157 Wrist Rheumatoid arthritis

158 Wrist Salter Harris type 1 fx

159 Wrist normal labeled carpals

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