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Entry Task: Make a table. One side with three concentric movements, one side with three eccentric movements.

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Presentation on theme: "Entry Task: Make a table. One side with three concentric movements, one side with three eccentric movements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entry Task: Make a table. One side with three concentric movements, one side with three eccentric movements.

2 1. Frontalis 2. Orbicularis Oculi 3. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) 4. Pectoralis Major 5. Biceps Brachii 6. Brachioradialis 7. Flexors of wrist 8. Vastus Lateralis 9. Rectus Femoris 10. Vastus Medialis 11. Vastus Intermedius* 1. *Not on diagram – just deep to Rectus Femoris 12. Tibialis Anterior 13. Extensor Digitorum Longus 14. Soleus 15. Gastrocnemius 16. Sartorius 17. Extensors of Wrist 18. External Obliques 19. Rectus Abdominis 20. Deltoid 21. Temporalis

3 1. Temporalis 2. Deltoid 3. Triceps Brachii 4. External Obliques 5. Semitendinosis 6. Biceps Femoris 7. Semimembranosis* 1. Not on diagram 8. Gastrocnemius 9. Soleus 10. Achilles Tendon 11. Adductor Magnus 12. Gluteus Maximus 13. Gluteus Medius 14. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris 15. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus 16. Latissimus Dorsi 17. Trapezius 18. Occipitalis

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