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GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 1 Review for BIM authoring tool support July 19, 2007 Chuck Eastman, Yeon-Suk Jeong, Jae min Lee, Jin Kook Lee Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 1 Review for BIM authoring tool support July 19, 2007 Chuck Eastman, Yeon-Suk Jeong, Jae min Lee, Jin Kook Lee Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 1 Review for BIM authoring tool support July 19, 2007 Chuck Eastman, Yeon-Suk Jeong, Jae min Lee, Jin Kook Lee Georgia Tech College of Architecture Sherif Abdelmohsen, Hugo Sheward Pasi Paasiala Matti Kannala Solibri

2 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 2 Project Motivation Current Phase – Circulation validation in courthouses Circulation validation uses information from: spaces walls doors elevators stairs ramps The current information in the IFC files required for the GSA BIM Guide is currently almost sufficient for doing this analysis. The purpose of this meeting is to fill in the missing parts.

3 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 3 Information generation and reporting chain BIM tool must support the objects and attributes needed to do the assessment BIM tool capabilities BIM tool user must properly define objects, relations, attributes so model can be interpreted designer BIM tool must expert the data via IFC in regular way allowing interpretation BIM tool capabilities Circulation and Security Rule Set Model Checking Software

4 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 4 5. BIM Criteria and IFC Entities

5 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 5 ModelingIFC Entity NameDescription SpaceIfcSpace  Spaces can be defined by not only physical wall but also virtual wall.  Space names should be defined on the basis of space naming conventions. (Please use Courthouse naming conventions) Security Zone IfcSpace & P-set (current) IfcZone & P-set (preferred)  Current: Security zone should be one of “public”, “restricted”, and “secure”. This information can be defined as property definition for each space.  Preferred: Security zone value is identified by a zone with a P- set value spaces with that security type are assigned to that zone. Circulation functionIfcSpace & P-set  Optional assignment of circulation function to spaces not predefined for this purpose DoorIfcDoor  There is no special requirement. (hardware as future need) StairIfcStair  Use of IfcStair and IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.  A stair should be contained in a space.  Has components such as slab (landing) and flight RampIfcRamp  Use of IfcRamp and IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.  A ramp should be contained in a space like stairs.  Has components such as rampflight and slab (landing) ElevatorIfcSpace  Currently, elevator objects are defined through space name. For example, “judges elevator”, “prisoner elevator”. WallIfcWall, IfcCurtainWallThere is no special requirement. GSA Circulation View Requirements for IFC Gray cells are those already specified in GSA BIM Guide

6 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 6 Courthouse Space Names - subset access point active records storage archival storage area attorney conference attorney lounge audio-visual control room bankruptcy administrator office book/court archives room cafeteria cellblock central court libraries services area circuit clerk office circuit executive conference circuit executive client property storage room circuit executive office clerk office clerk storage clerk toilet coat closet computer conference conference/library corridor counter workstation court reporter/recorder area district court executive office electronic monitoring equipment storage/repair room equipment room executive offices exit corridor federal defender office hearing judge closet judges chamber toilet judges elevator judges garage judge lounge judges robing room juror lounge juror toilet jury clerk office law clerk office library library staff offices loading dock lobby magistrate judges courtrooms magistrate judges chamber magistrate judges conference magistrate judges trial courtrooms news media room parking lot sally port preargument/conference attorney office prisoner corridors

7 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 7 Public Restricted Secure Modeling of space element and security level

8 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 8 IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelServicesBuildings IfcLabel IfcElementCompositionEnum IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure IfcRelCoversSpaces IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcInternalOrExternalEnum IfcLengthMeasure IfcSpatialStructure Element IfcSpace LongName (INV) References Elements S CompositionType (INV) ServicedBy Systems S (INV) ContainsElements S InteriorOrExteriorSpace ElevationWithFlooring (INV) HasCoverings S (INV) BoundedBy S IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociatesIfcRelDecomposes IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcObjectDefinition Definition of space name Space Name Space number For Stairs, Ramps Naming of spaces IfcRelDefines (INV) IsDefinedBy S

9 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 9 Using zone to define security type (Preferred) (Current) (Preferred) IfcSpace IfcZone IfcRelAssigns ToGroup IfcSpace IfcRelDefined ByProperties IfcSpace P-set IfcRelDefined ByProperties

10 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 10 IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelServicesBuildings IfcLabel IfcElementCompositionEnum IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure IfcRelCoversSpaces IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcInternalOrExternalEnum IfcLengthMeasure IfcSpatialStructure Element IfcSpace LongName (INV) References Elements S CompositionType (INV) ServicedBy Systems S (INV) ContainsElements S InteriorOrExteriorSpace ElevationWithFlooring (INV) HasCoverings S (INV) BoundedBy S IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociatesIfcRelDecomposes IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcObjectDefinition Definition of security zone using P-set (Current) Space Name Space number For Stairs, Ramps IfcRelDefines (INV) IsDefinedBy S Current assignment of Security type using Pset

11 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 11 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObject (IfcSpace) (ABS) IfcRelDefines RelatedObjects S[1:?] IfcPropertySetDefinition IfcRelDefinesByProperties RelatingPropertyDefinition Relationship object Definition of security zone using P-set (Current)

12 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 12 IfcLabel (Security Zone) IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcProperty Definition IfcRelAssociates (ABS) IfcProperty SetDefinition (INV) HasAssociations S IfcProperty (public, restricted, secure) IfcPropertySet HasProperties S[1:?] IfcRelDefinesByProperties (INVPropertyDefintionOf S[0:1] IfcTypeObject (INV) DefinesType S[0:1] Property Set Definition of security zone using P-set (Current)

13 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 13 IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelServicesBuildings IfcLabel IfcElementCompositionEnum IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure IfcRelCoversSpaces IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcInternalOrExternalEnum IfcLengthMeasure IfcSpatialStructure Element IfcSpace LongName (INV) References Elements S CompositionType (INV) ServicedBy Systems S (INV) ContainsElements S InteriorOrExteriorSpace ElevationWithFlooring (INV) HasCoverings S (INV) BoundedBy S IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociatesIfcRelDecomposes IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcObjectDefinition Space Name Space number For Stairs, Ramps (INV) IsDefinedBy S Using zone to define security type (Preferred) IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDefines

14 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 14 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObjectDefinition (IfcSpace) (ABS) IfcRelAssigns RelatedObjects S[1:?] IfcGroup (IfcZone) IfcRelAssignsToG roup RelatingGroup Using zone to define security type (Preferred)

15 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 15 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociates IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelDefines (Pset) IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToGroup IfcObject IfcGroup IfcRoot IfcObjectDefinition GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType(INV) IsDefinedBy S (INV) IsGroupedBy S IfcZone This is preferred way to define security type for spaces, using zone and P-sets Using zone to define security type (Preferred)

16 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 16 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObject (IfcZone) (ABS) IfcRelDefines RelatedObjects S[1:?] IfcPropertySetDefinition (Pset_ZoneCommon) IfcRelDefinesByProperties RelatingPropertyDefinition Using zone to define security type (Preferred) This is preferred way to define security type for spaces, using zone and (P-sets)

17 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 17 IfcLabel (Pset_ZoneCommon) IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcProperty Definition IfcRelAssociates (ABS) IfcProperty SetDefinition (INV) HasAssociations S IfcProperty IfcPropertySet HasProperties S[1:?] IfcRelDefinesByProperties (INVPropertyDefintionOf S[0:1] IfcTypeObject (INV) DefinesType S[0:1] Using zone to define security type (Preferred) This is preferred way to define security type for spaces, using zone and (P-sets)

18 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 18 Property set assignment for security type (Preferred) NameProperty TypeData TypeDefinition ReferenceIfcPropertySingleValueIfcIdentifier (public,pestricted,secure) Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1') CategoryIfcPropertySingleValueIfcLabel (SecurityLevel) Category of space usage or utilization of the area. It is defined according to the presiding national building code. GrossAreaPlannedIfcPropertySingleValueIfcAreaMeasure / AREAUNITTotal planned gross area for the space. Used for programming the space. NetAreaPlannedIfcPropertySingleValueIfcAreaMeasure / AREAUNITTotal planned net area for the space. Used for programming the space. PubliclyAccessibleIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBooleanIndication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to serve as a publicly accessible space, e.g., for a public toilet (TRUE) or not (FALSE). HandicapAccessibleIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBooleanIndication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to serve as an accessible space for handicapped people, e.g., for a public toilet (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This information is often used to declare the need for access for the disabled and for special design requirements of this space. Pset_ZoneCommon

19 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 19 Assigning space circulation functionality image of dual use space from Jackson Motivation Clerk’s offices Some spaces however, have a different primary function, but have been intended for circulation use, for example, some offices, some libraries (in judge’s chambers, squad room. In the space names, some spaces are automatically assigned circulation function. These include corridor, lobby, reception.

20 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 20 Assigning space circulation functionality Assign P-set to delineate spaces with circulation as a dual function IfcSpace IfcZone IfcRelAssigns ToGroup IfcSpace P-set IfcRelDefined ByProperties

21 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 21 IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelServicesBuildings IfcLabel IfcElementCompositionEnum IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure IfcRelCoversSpaces IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcInternalOrExternalEnum IfcLengthMeasure IfcSpatialStructure Element IfcSpace LongName (INV) References Elements S CompositionType (INV) ServicedBy Systems S (INV) ContainsElements S InteriorOrExteriorSpace ElevationWithFlooring (INV) HasCoverings S (INV) BoundedBy S IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociatesIfcRelDecomposes IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcObjectDefinition Space Name Space number For Stairs, Ramps (INV) IsDefinedBy S IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDefines Assigning space circulation functionality using zone Way to define additional space function, using zone and P-sets

22 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 22 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObjectDefinition (IfcSpace) (ABS) IfcRelAssigns RelatedObjects S[1:?] IfcGroup (IfcZone) IfcRelAssignsToG roup RelatingGroup Assigning space circulation functionality using zone Way to define additional space function, using zone and P-sets

23 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 23 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociates IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelDefines (Pset) IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToGroup IfcObject IfcGroup IfcRoot IfcObjectDefinition GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType(INV) IsDefinedBy S (INV) IsGroupedBy S IfcZone Way to define additional space function, using zone and P-sets Assigning space circulation functionality using zone

24 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 24 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObject (IfcZone) (ABS) IfcRelDefines RelatedObjects S[1:?] IfcPropertySetDefinition (Pset_ZoneCommon) IfcRelDefinesByProperties RelatingPropertyDefinition Assigning space circulation functionality using zone Way to define additional space function, using zone and P-sets

25 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 25 IfcLabel (Pset_ZoneCommon) IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcProperty Definition IfcRelAssociates (ABS) IfcProperty SetDefinition (INV) HasAssociations S IfcProperty IfcPropertySet HasProperties S[1:?] IfcRelDefinesByProperties (INVPropertyDefintionOf S[0:1] IfcTypeObject (INV) DefinesType S[0:1] Assigning space circulation functionality using zone Way to define additional space function, using zone and P-sets

26 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 26 NameProperty TypeData TypeDefinition ReferenceIfcPropertySingleValueIfcIdentifier (circulation) Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1') CategoryIfcPropertySingleValueIfcLabel (Space Function) Category of space usage or utilization of the area. It is defined according to the presiding national building code. GrossAreaPlannedIfcPropertySingleValueIfcAreaMeasure / AREAUNITTotal planned gross area for the space. Used for programming the space. NetAreaPlannedIfcPropertySingleValueIfcAreaMeasure / AREAUNITTotal planned net area for the space. Used for programming the space. PubliclyAccessibleIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBooleanIndication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to serve as a publicly accessible space, e.g., for a public toilet (TRUE) or not (FALSE). HandicapAccessibleIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBooleanIndication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to serve as an accessible space for handicapped people, e.g., for a public toilet (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This information is often used to declare the need for access for the disabled and for special design requirements of this space. Assigning space circulation functionality using zone

27 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 27 Modeling of door element

28 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 28 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociates IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelDefines IfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelConnectsPortToElement IfcRelVoidsElement IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcRelConnectsElements IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType (INV) IsDefinedBy S ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements IfcObjectDefinition IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure (INV) ReferencedIn Structures S (INV) HasPorts S (INV) HasOpenings S (INV) IsConnection Realization S (INV) Provides Boundaries S (INV) ConnectedFrom S (INV) ContainedIn Structure S[0:1] IfcIdentifier IfcRelFillsElement Tag (INV) FillsVoids S[0:1] IfcRelConnectsElements (INV) ConnectedTo S IfcRelCoversBldgElements IfcRelProjectsElement (INV) HasProjections S IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement (INV) HasCoverings S IfcElement (INV) HasStructural Member S IfcBuildingElement IfcDoor Definition of door

29 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 29 Modeling of stair element Landing Railing Stair Flight

30 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 30 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociates IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelDefinesIfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelConnectsPortToElement IfcRelVoidsElement IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcRelConnectsElements IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType (INV) IsDefinedBy S ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements IfcObjectDefinition IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure (INV) ReferencedIn Structures S (INV) HasPorts S (INV) HasOpenings S (INV) IsConnection Realization S (INV) Provides Boundaries S (INV) ConnectedFrom S (INV) ContainedIn Structure S[0:1] IfcIdentifier IfcRelFillsElement Tag (INV) FillsVoids S[0:1] IfcRelConnectsElements (INV) ConnectedTo S IfcRelCoversBldgElements IfcRelProjectsElement (INV) HasProjections S IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement (INV) HasCoverings S IfcElement (INV) HasStructural Member S IfcBuildingElement IfcStairTypeEnum IfcStair ShapeType Definition of stair

31 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 31 IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObjectDefinition (IfcStair) (ABS) IfcRel Decomposes RelatingObject IfcRelAggregates Definition of components of stair IfcObjectDefinition (IfcStairFlight, IfcRailing, IfcSlab) RelatedObjects S[1:?] IfcLabel (Security Hardware) IfcText

32 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 32 Property sets for stair element NameProperty TypeData TypeDefinition ReferenceIfcPropertySingleValueIfcIdentifier NumberOfRiserIfcPropertySingleValueIfcCountMeasureTotal number of the risers included in the stair NumberOfTreadsIfcPropertySingleValueIfcCountMeasureTotal number of treads included in the stair RiserHeightIfcPropertySingleValueIfcPositiveLengthMeasure / LENGTHUNIT Vertical distance from tread to tread. The riser height is supposed to be equal for all steps of a stair or stair flight. TreadLengthIfcPropertySingleValueIfcPositiveLengthMeasure / LENGTHUNIT Horizontal distance from the front of the thread to the front of the next tread. The tread length is supposed to be equal for all steps of the stair or stair flight at the walking line. RequiredHeadroomIfcPropertySingleValueIfcPositiveLengthMeasure / LENGTHUNIT Required headroom clearance for the passageway according to the applicable building code or additional requirements HandicapAccessibleIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBoolean IsExternalIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBoolean FireRatingIfcPropertySingleValueIfcLabel FireExitIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBoolean HasNonSkidSurfaceIfcPropertySingleValueIfcBoolean Pset_StairCommon

33 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 33 StraightRunStair TwoStraightRunStair QuarterWindingStair QuarterTurnStair HalfWindingStair HalfTurnStair TwoQuarterWindingStair TwoQuarterTurnStair ThreeQuarterWindingStair ThreeQuarterTurnStair SpiralStair DoubleReturnStair CurvedRunStair TwoCurvedRunStair Stair types of stair element TYPE IfcStairTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF ( STRAIGHT_RUN_STAIR, TWO_STRAIGHT_RUN_STAIR, QUARTER_WINDING_STAIR, QUARTER_TURN_STAIR, HALF_WINDING_STAIR, HALF_TURN_STAIR, TWO_QUARTER_WINDING_STAIR, TWO_QUARTER_TURN_STAIR, THREE_QUARTER_WINDING_STAIR, THREE_QUARTER_TURN_STAIR, SPIRAL_STAIR, DOUBLE_RETURN_STAIR, CURVED_RUN_STAIR, TWO_CURVED_RUN_STAIR, USERDEFINED, NOTDEFINED); END_TYPE;

34 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 34 Modeling of ramp element Ramp Flight Railing Landing

35 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 35 IfcLabel IfcText IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelAssociates IfcRelAssigns IfcRelDecomposes IfcRelDefinesIfcLabel IfcRelAssignsToProduct IfcObjectPlacement IfcProductRepresentation IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelConnectsPortToElement IfcRelVoidsElement IfcRelSpaceBoundary IfcRelConnectsElements IfcObject IfcProduct IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description (INV) HasAssignments S (INV) IsDecomposedBy S (INV) Decomposes S[0:1] (INV) HasAssociations S ObjectType (INV) IsDefinedBy S ObjectPlacement Representation (INV) ReferencedBy S IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements IfcObjectDefinition IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure (INV) ReferencedIn Structures S (INV) HasPorts S (INV) HasOpenings S (INV) IsConnection Realization S (INV) Provides Boundaries S (INV) ConnectedFrom S (INV) ContainedIn Structure S[0:1] IfcIdentifier IfcRelFillsElement Tag (INV) FillsVoids S[0:1] IfcRelConnectsElements (INV) ConnectedTo S IfcRelCoversBldgElements IfcRelProjectsElement (INV) HasProjections S IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement (INV) HasCoverings S IfcElement (INV) HasStructural Member S IfcBuildingElement IfcRampTypeEnum IfcRamp ShapeType Definition of ramp

36 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 36 IfcGloballyUniqueId IfcOwnerHistory IfcRoot GlobalId OwnerHistory Name Description IfcRelationship IfcObjectDefinition (IfcRamp) (ABS) IfcRel Decomposes RelatingObject IfcRelAggregates IfcObjectDefinition (IfcRampFlight, IfcRailing, IfcSlab) RelatedObjects S[1:?] Definition of components of ramp IfcLabel IfcText

37 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 37 Ramp types of ramp element StraightRunRamp TwoStraightRunRamp QuarterTurnRamp TwoQuarterTurnRamp HalfTurnRamp SpiralRamp TYPE IfcRampTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF ( STRAIGHT_RUN_RAMP, TWO_STRAIGHT_RUN_RAMP, QUARTER_TURN_RAMP, TWO_QUARTER_TURN_RAMP, HALF_TURN_RAMP, SPIRAL_RAMP, USERDEFINED, NOTDEFINED); END_TYPE;

38 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 38 Implementation Considerations: GA Tech will provide two test models soon after this meeting to Quickplace site GA Tech will distribute GSA BIM Guide Series 6 soon after meeting GA Tech will work with SW developers to debug implementations for next few months. Developers are expected to make these capabilities available to users starting January 1, 2008 (tentative). (this release is being coordinated with ICC) Vendors should sign and return NDA to GSA Vendors are to add their user instructions for dealing with Circulation Validation information requirements.

39 GSA Automation of Court Design Guide 39 Thank you the Georgia Tech team

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