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Mike Donnelly Chief Executive Habinteg Housing Association Centre for Excellence in Universal Design Lifetime Adaptable Homes Seminar 1st July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Donnelly Chief Executive Habinteg Housing Association Centre for Excellence in Universal Design Lifetime Adaptable Homes Seminar 1st July 2009."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mike Donnelly Chief Executive Habinteg Housing Association Centre for Excellence in Universal Design Lifetime Adaptable Homes Seminar 1st July 2009

3 Lifetime Homes in Policy & Practice History. The Need for Lifetime Homes. Universal / Inclusive Design. The Technical Lifetime Home Standard. Policy and Progress in the UK. Lifetime Homes Internationally / Universal Design Movement. Lifetime Homes and Ireland.


5 How Lifetime Homes Came About / History In late 1980s Habinteg developed the concept of Lifetime Homes with Helen Hamlyn Foundation whilst working on the design of housing for older people. In early 1990s Habinteg took idea of Lifetime Homes to Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) to promote and develop the concept. In 2008 JRF formally handed back promotion role to Habinteg as well as the technical role we’ve always played.

6 The Need for Lifetime Homes UK: Statistics International: Statistics Ireland: Statistics

7 UK : Statistics 2/3 rd of disability occurs in older age. There are an estimated 10m disabled people in the UK. 44% of adults over 50 have a disability. There are over 6.8m disabled people of working age which represents 19% of the working population. Annual spending power of disabled adults covered by the DDA is estimated at £80billion p/a (Approx 94billion EUR) 42% of households contain at least one person with a long term illness, health problem or disability (H.Corp 2000).

8 Austria15.80% * * We do not know if the figures include people who have mental health problems or have learning disabilities. International: Statistics Belgium12.90% * Norway15.00% * Italy 4.8% * USA17.6% + + Including people who have mental health problems or have learning disabilities Japan 5.11% +

9 Ireland: Statistics SamplePersons with a Disability Lower range limit 95% confidence Upper range limit 95% confidence Persons with a disability Lower range limit 95% confidence Upper range limit 95% confidence Persons Rate per ‘000 Census Disability Sample 325,000323,500328,200880873886 In Private Households 300,200297,900302,500872866897 In Communal Establishments 25,60025,20026,000972957967 NDS General Population Sample 423,300353,300493,30011596135 All Persons 749,100676,800821,500185168204

10 There are simple principles to Inclusive Design which relate to the whole built environment Ease of use. For everyone – whatever age, sex, state of health, abilities or disabilities. Flexible and adaptable design built in. Inclusive thinking right from the start and right in the heart of the design process; and An overall design concept as well as a set of technical standards. Lifetime Homes is a Part of the Universal / Inclusive Design Movement

11 Lifetime Homes Standards: for New Build Housing Not a technical presentation:


13 Space for a temporary bed Provision for a shower with built-in drainage in downstairs toilet Provision for stair-lift / through-floor lift Ease of access bathroom Circulation standards and siting of controls Living Room at entrance level Downstairs toilet A brief idea of some of the 16 technical standards: Visitability Flexible and Adaptable (Temporary) Solutions More Permanent Solutions Other standards on car parking, approaching the home, door and corridor widths etc.

14 Lifetime Homes: the 16 criteria 1.Car parking 2.Access from car parking to dwelling 3.Approach to entrances 4.Entrances 5.Communal stairs and lifts 6.Widths of doorways and hallways 7.Wheelchair circulation and turning space in living and dining rooms 8.Living room at entrance level 9.Bed-space on entrance level 10.Wheelchair accessible entrance level WC and drainage for shower 11.Bathroom walls capable of having grabrails fitted 12.Stair-lifts/through-floor lifts 13.Route for hoist 14.Ease of access in bathroom 15.Glazing in living rooms 16.Switches, sockets and controls

15 Lifetime Homes Standards In essence – well designed, flexible and adaptable. Inclusive Design is good design Lifetimes and wheelchair users housing – The Difference

16 The Government Target ‘All public housing will be built to Lifetime Homes Standards by 2011. Our aspiration is that all new housing will be built to these standards by 2013’. ( ref: page 14 clause 20)

17 The Policy Tool, Public Sector: The Code for Sustainable Homes Mandatory at level 6 from 2008 Mandatory at level 4 from 2010 Mandatory at level 3 from 2013 This will have the effect of ensuring that all public sector funded housing is built to Lifetime Homes Standards from 2011

18 The Policy Tool: Private Sector ‘While these code levels will be mandatory on the public sector stock, private developers may choose what code level they wish to develop at. In the next few years, we will encourage change through public funding, benchmarking and incentives. Our aspiration is that by 2013 all new homes will be being built to Lifetime Homes Standards’. (Ref: page 90, National Strategy) BRAC / BSI / DD 266 GLA – London Plan


20 Last 2 Strands: The Agenda of the Future Lifetime Homes internationally:  The Universal / Inclusive Design Movement.  The Drivers - Acknowledging Difference & Diversity. Lifetime Homes in Ireland:  Current Position.  Policy Climate.  Objectives and Way Forward.

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