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A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43471 Meeting of Working Group A: 13 Aug 07 Proposal for an Experimental Area With only One Large Shaft A. Hervé/CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43471 Meeting of Working Group A: 13 Aug 07 Proposal for an Experimental Area With only One Large Shaft A. Hervé/CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43471 Meeting of Working Group A: 13 Aug 07 Proposal for an Experimental Area With only One Large Shaft A. Hervé/CERN

2 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43472 Starting point On the suggestion of Andrei, we have looked at the possibility of having only one large 18 m shaft, plus another 9 m shaft. We have positioned these two shafts outside the footprint of the main underground hall to to do away with interferences between loading/unloading areas and working areas. This solution has been used for 3 of the 4 LEP experiments, Aleph, Delphi, Opal..

3 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43473 Implications It necessitates horizontal transport from under the shafts to the experimental cavern, but this is not a problem for a full surface assembly scenario. The experiments are assembled underground on their own transport platform..

4 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43474 General view. Main service cavern machine & Exp B Second service cavern Exp A A B Main 18 m shaft Secondary9 m shaft

5 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43475 Top view. Pressurized Egress tunnels Second service cavern Exp A Main service cavern machine & Exp B Access 20-t loads Exp B Access Heavy Loads 80-t loads Exp A & B

6 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43476 Side view. 18 m Lift Stair 80-t crane Exp A & B 9 m Lift Stair 20-t crane Machine & Exp B Main ventilation ducts And services Exp A

7 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43477 2D top view with dimensions.

8 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43478 2D side view with dimensions.

9 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-43479 Longitudinal positions

10 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-434710 Movements of Experiment A Exp B 1 2 3 1: to main unloading zone 2: to garage position and leave space for experimentB in unloading zone 3: beam/garage position A

11 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-434711 Movements of Experiment B 1 2 3 B

12 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-434712 Movements of Experiment B 3 2 1 1: to main unloading zone 2: to garage position 3: beam/garage position

13 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-434713 Surface During 1st phase, there is only one large assembly halls for Exp A and Exp B, sharing three 80-ton cranes During second phase, there is a side hall covering the main shaft. One 80-ton crane is used there with a 12 m crane hook, reaching to half the main assembly hall. The main assembly hall is left witht two 80-ton cranes with a 19-m crane hook, allowing easing transfer of loads between the three cranes..

14 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-434714 B A Surface 1st phase 3 80-ton cranes 19-m crane hook

15 A. Hervé - 13 august 2007 ILC-IRENG07-0813-434715 B A Surface 2nd phase 2 80-ton cranes 19 m crane hook 1 80-ton cranes 12 m crane hook Trucks

16 Movement of pieces

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