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Fitness Planning Preparation for taking the Classroom Based Assessment.

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1 Fitness Planning Preparation for taking the Classroom Based Assessment

2 1. The 4 active Fitness Components Fitness ComponentDefinition1 test used for evaluation 1.Cardio-respiratory Fitness The ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues over a sustained period of time. 2. Muscular StrengthThe ability of a muscle to exert force 3. Muscular EnduranceThe ability of muscles to perform repeated contractions 4. FlexibilityThe ability to use joints and muscles through their full range of motion

3 2. The 5 th Fitness Component Body composition: The proportion of lean mass (muscle, bone, tissue, and organs) to fat in the body

4 Ways to measure Body Composition 1.Body Mass Index 2. Girth measurements 3. Body fat Percentage 4. Hydrostatic weighing

5 3. The F.I.T.T. Principle: helping you make a fitness plan What does the letter stand for?What does it mean? F FrequencyHow often should you perform this exercise each week? I IntensityHow hard should you be working during this exercise? T TypeWhat kind of exercises should you be doing? T TimeHow long (in minutes) should you perform this exercise?

6 4. Setting realistic and attainable goals by following the SMART acronym: LetterWhat does that mean? S SPECIFIC. Make your goal as detailed as you can. M MEASURABLE. Place a number in your goal so you can tell if you reached it or not A ATTAINABLE. Set your goal high, but not so high that it is impossible. Ask yourself: what am I going to do to attain my goal? R REALISTIC. What can you do (realistically) to reach your goal? T TIMELY. Place a date in your goal: this puts pressure on you to actually do it!

7 Set your own goals! Take some time to practice setting a goal in the format that will be on the CBA— remember to use quality answers. What are you going to do to realistically attain your goals?

8 5a. FITT principle guidelines for Cardio-respiratory fitness FITT acronymCardio-respiratory guidelines F 3-5 times a week I Within your Target Heart Rate Zone: 60-85 % of your maximum HR (220-age) 14 yrs 15 yrs 16 yrs 17 yrs 18 yrs 124-175 123-174 122-173 121-172 120-171 T Fast walking, jogging, running, swimming, biking, cross- country skiing, workout on cardio-machines (elliptical trainer, stair stepper) T Minimum of 20 minutes of being in the Target Heart Rate Zone.

9 FITT acronymMuscular StrengthMuscular Endurance F2-3 times a week3-4 times a week IA workout schedule that increases the amount of weight- (high weight, low reps) 8-10 reps A workout schedule that increases the amount of weight (low weight, high repetitions), at or above 8 reps TIncreasing the amount of time to allow for building strength TLifting weights, carrying heavy items, adding resistance to activities Pilates, running, body- resistance activities (push ups, situps, etc.) 5b. FITT principle guidelines for Muscular Strength and Endurance

10 5c. FITT principle guidelines for Flexibility FITT AcronymFlexibility FEvery day IStretch until you feel a “tug”— increasing your range of motion TAt least 5 minutes—increasing the amount of time to increase flexibility TUsing all major body groups: static stretching, dynamic stretching, yoga

11 What’s next? FITT principle practice assignment Classroom Based Assessment: creating your own personal fitness plan

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