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Wells Fargo Employee Wellness Program Equipment/Software Presentation Rachel Zeilman.

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Presentation on theme: "Wells Fargo Employee Wellness Program Equipment/Software Presentation Rachel Zeilman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wells Fargo Employee Wellness Program Equipment/Software Presentation Rachel Zeilman

2 Goal: To reduce workplace obesity. “Sales people are less likely to eat well.” “Office workers were least likely to exercise at least 90 minutes per week.” -Huffington Post

3 Facts & Figures From 1980-2008, age-standard obesity rates doubled o BMI greater than, equal to 30 Obesity is not an occupational disease o Global epidemic, posing occupational challenges Health impacts are widely recognized Escalating financial concerns

4 Office-Place Stepping Device Description Low impact stepping Plug into PC for monitoring Resistance settings (stair climbing) 250 lb capacity Less than 20 lbs 20 inches long, 20 inches wide Purpose: Employees can get a work out 2 hrs/day equals 40 lbs/year increased energy expenditure Values: o Enables employees to walk while they work o Heart healthy work out o Burns about 100 cal/hour o Improves joint health

5 Office-Place Stepping Device Cont. Where to buy: Wal-Mart BJ’s Target Amazon Cost: $60-$100

6 Standing Desk  Sitting longer than an hour  Reduces enzymes that burn fat (90%)  Slows metabolism of glucose  Lowers level of HDL cholesterol  Heart disease & type 2 diabetes Values More efficient when standing Better concentration Decreased back problems More energy Better digestion Inspire others

7 Standing Desk Cont. Description Adjustable height setting Can sit or stand Space for computer and papers Purpose Allow employees to stand Burns more calories Helps with back pain Where to buy: Amazon Wal-Mart Cost: $100-$400

8 HeartWise Blood Pressure Tracker Description: Easy to use application Quickly record/track blood pressure, etc Use/Value: Employees can monitor themselves Cheaper way to check blood pressure Motivator Purpose: Allow employees to monitor important factors Encourage more learning regarding blood pressure

9 HeartWise Blood Pressure Tracker Cont. Cost: $.99 Where to buy: Smartphone App Store

10 Pedometer Description o Counts steps, calories, distance, time o Exercise measurer Purpose: o Track distance around office o Motivator Use/Value: cheap & easy way of encouragement Could create competitions/incentiv es encouragement Cost: $6-$40 Where to buy: Wal-Mart Amazon

11 Distance Parking Program Description: o Whoever parks furthest gets rewarded o Recorded by using MapMyWalk App o Incentives given Purpose Encourage employees to walk more Create fun incentive program Use/value: Boost mood Maintain healthy weight Prevent/control conditions

12 Distance Parking Program Cont. Cost: App - Free Incentives - $25- $100/week Where to buy: Smartphone App Store

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