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Designing Online Environments for Just-in-Time Faculty and Graduate Student Pedagogical Training Allyson McCabe, PhD Nola Stair, MBA Kyle Fritz 2006 EDUCAUSE.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Online Environments for Just-in-Time Faculty and Graduate Student Pedagogical Training Allyson McCabe, PhD Nola Stair, MBA Kyle Fritz 2006 EDUCAUSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Online Environments for Just-in-Time Faculty and Graduate Student Pedagogical Training Allyson McCabe, PhD Nola Stair, MBA Kyle Fritz 2006 EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference - Baltimore, Maryland

2 Click to edit Master title style Copyright JHU 2006. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

3 Click to edit Master title style Mission:  Partner with faculty to extend their instructional impact by connecting digital technologies and innovative teaching strategies  Provide pedagogical, instructional design, project management, and technical expertise  Develop grant writing initiatives with instructional technology-related objectives

4 Click to edit Master title style

5 What is Academic Dishonesty?  Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.  Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification of any information or citation in an academic exercise.  Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Intentionally or attempting to commit an act of academic dishonesty.  Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words of another as one's own in any academic exercise. Reprinted with permission of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

6 Click to edit Master title style Designing the Learner’s Experience Effective Pedagogy and Learning Objects (LO)  New Media Consortium’s LO Initiative  Web-Based Course Review Rubric  Adapted Existing Rubric from Quality Matters  Quality on the Line  Benchmarks for Delivering Distance Education 

7 Click to edit Master title style Institutional Support

8 Click to edit Master title style Courseware vs In-House Management System Development Pros  User Authentication  Reporting Statistics Cons  Limited Flexibility  Navigational Control Pros  Use of Captivate  Standalone Modules Cons  Time and $$$  Export to Excel via ColdFusion Application  Publish to QuestionMark  Macromedia Breeze

9 Click to edit Master title style Data Integrity Concern/Issue:  JHU User ID ≠ Student Information System (SIS)  WebCT & Course IDs, not School Groups Resolution:  Registrar’s Office  IT@JHU Office  Web-Interface matches JHU User ID w/SSN

10 Click to edit Master title style Course Navigation and Structure

11 Click to edit Master title style Engaging the Learner with Multimedia

12 Click to edit Master title style Developing Learning Objects – Ethical Scenarios

13 Click to edit Master title style

14  Next Steps?

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