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National Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign. Campaign Background  In May 2009, President Obama issued the Cyberspace Policy Review, which recommends the.

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1 National Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign

2 Campaign Background  In May 2009, President Obama issued the Cyberspace Policy Review, which recommends the Federal government “initiate a national public awareness and education campaign informed by previous successful campaigns.”  The Stop.Think.Connect. (STC) Campaign launched in October 2010 in conjunction with National Cybersecurity Awareness Month  STC is part of an unprecedented effort among Federal and State governments, industry, and non-profit organizations to promote safe online behavior and practices

3 About the National Campaign  President Obama put the Department of Homeland Security in charge of creating and managing the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign  The Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign’s overarching goal is to help Americans understand not only the risks that come with using the Internet, but also the importance of practicing safe online behavior “This cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation.” –President Barack Obama May 29, 2009

4 Cybersecurity Topics  Cyber and the Internet are critical in helping us day-to-day activities, from communicating via email to gathering information via the Internet  There are four cybersecurity topics that STC is focusing in raising awareness during the first year, including – Identity Theft – Fraud and Phishing – Cyber Bullying and Ethics – Cyber Predators

5 Identity Theft  Identity theft is the illegal use of someone else’s personal information in order to obtain money or credit  Identity theft can happen to anyone in any location across the country – 8.1 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2010*  Take simple steps to protect your online identity, such as: – Locking and password protecting your computer and cell phone – Not sharing specific personal information online, such as your full name or birthday – Setting proper privacy settings on social networking sites – * Source: idUSTRE71748020110208 * Source:

6 Fraud and Phishing  Fraud is the intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right  Phishing is a scam by which an email user is duped into revealing personal or confidential information that the scammer can use illicitly or fraudulently  Fraud and phishing attacks may take the form of an authentic-looking website or a personalized email – In April 2011, a phishing scam targeted the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Laboratory facility, shutting down email and Internet access*  Secure yourself from fraud and phishing attacks by: – Working with your peers to identify and deal with phishing attacks – Educating your family and friends about the types of phishing scams and what they can do to protect themselves * Source:

7 Cyber Bullying and Ethics  Cyber bullying is the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person, often done anonymously  Cyber ethics help Internet users understand what type of online behavior is right and wrong  Cyber bullying and poor cyber ethics are threats many teens and young adults face not from strangers, but from their own peers  Whatever anyone posts online about another person can be spread virally, resulting in serious, unwarranted damage to an individual’s reputation or personal well-being  Avoid being a cyber bully and practice good cyber ethics by: – Following the “golden rule” online and in real life – be nice – Not saying or doing anything online that you wouldn’t do in person – Owning what you say and do online

8 Cyber Predators  Cyber predators are people who search online for other people in order to use, control, or harm them in some way  Cyber predators target teens and young adults – both male and female – on a regular basis, regardless of whether or not the victims are 18 or above  Social networking sites enhance a predator’s ability to target young Americans, especially if they share personal information in your profile – 91% of young adults say they are social networking “friends” with people they don’t know well*  You never know who is behind the screen, so protect yourself and your personal information  If you are being targeted or harassed online, you should notify your family or the proper authorities * Source:

9 Call to Action  All Americans must do their part—in their work and personal life—to ensure that cyberspace is a safe and secure environment for all Internet users – By following simple steps to protect yourself online, you can deter threats caused by identity thieves, fraud and phishing scams, cyber bullies, and cyber predators  You can help the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign raise awareness about online safety by being a source of information for your family, friends, and co-workers – Stop.Think.Connect. is a “peer-to-peer” campaign designed for Americans just like you  Help the Campaign promote cyber awareness by participating in the following programs: – Friends of the Campaign – Cyber Citizen Forums – Cyber Awareness Coalition

10 Friends of the Campaign  By becoming a Friend of the Campaign, you will be able to have an impact on your community while being part of the national Stop.Think.Connect. effort  Thousands of Americans have already become Friends of the Campaign  Friend activities may include: – Distributing Campaign materials – Hosting Campaign activities or forums – Identifying local media – Promoting National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

11 Cyber Citizen Forums  The Campaign is hosting forums with National youth serving organizations order to generate dialogue and action  Participants may include Federal agency representatives or speakers, students and educators, parents, community-based organizations, or private sector stakeholders  Individuals or groups are encouraged to organize and host their own forums

12 Cyber Awareness Coalition  Cyber Awareness Coalition members help spread the word about Stop.Think.Connect. and the importance of staying safe online  The Coalition is currently open to all Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial governments  Coalition members are engaged in the Campaign through alerts, teleconferences, newsletters, and meetings

13 Join the Campaign  Stop.Think.Connect. is a national effort to secure America’s cyberspace one Internet user at a time  The Campaign relies on you to spread the word about cybersecurity to your family, friends, and peers of all ages  Do your part to help make America more cyber secure by joining the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign  Visit to join

14 Securing cyberspace starts with YOU

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