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Thabo Mahlatsi Quantifying Extend Of Energy Theft In Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

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Presentation on theme: "Thabo Mahlatsi Quantifying Extend Of Energy Theft In Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thabo Mahlatsi Quantifying Extend Of Energy Theft In Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

2 Causes of theft of energy and energy carriers Types of energy theft Case study on theft and cost ramifications Interventions by EMM to curb reduce theft Conclusions Contents

3 Causes of theft of energy and energy carriers Supply end far from load centers Long copper / aluminum overhead conductors in isolated areas High costs of copper/aluminum at LME General vandalism Non payment trend

4 Categories of energy theft STEALING OF OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND CABLES Use of axes, jigsaw and bakkies to cut and pull overhead lines respectively Syndicates operations Internal staff assistance to isolate the parts of network

5 Categories of energy theft

6 Illegal connections on the utilities mains Tapping on the mini substation busbars Bypassing of the meters Destroying pre paid meters Tapping on to other customers circuit breaker

7 Bypassing of the meters

8 Tapping on other customers main

9 Brakpan case study Assumed 10 000 @ 500kWh per month @ a tariff of 36.36 Cents amounts to R 1 454 400 in 24 hrs Industrial economic losses = labour and production amounts R 1 968 000 and R 3 408 000 for two industries responded to the questionnaire send

10 Brakpan case study Council lost R6m in replacement of the substation and control cables CGDP which affects the GDP not quantified but has far reaching ramifications Foreign Direct Investment affected

11 Brakpan case study


13 Interventions to curb theft Eskom, Telkom, Spoornet – joint education forums Categorize copper as Precious Metals legislatively Install alarms in substation Implement Metering Policy Implement Meter Sealing Policy

14 Installation of Protective Structures

15 Prevention of such thoughtless activities must be management strategic imperative less we lose investments that otherwise could have created better jobs for all. CONCLUSIONS

16 ?

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