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1 By: Mr. Zafar Mahmood Chairman, Water and Power Development Authority OCTOBER 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 By: Mr. Zafar Mahmood Chairman, Water and Power Development Authority OCTOBER 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 By: Mr. Zafar Mahmood Chairman, Water and Power Development Authority OCTOBER 2014

2  Introduction  Current Situation  Government's actions to control the crises  Short, Medium and Long term measures Scheme of Presentation 2

3 3 -Objective: -“Eliminating the supply and demand gap through addition of cheaper fuel generation with strengthening of the integrated power infrastructure” Introduction

4 4 -Strategy: -Generation Addition on cheaper fuels -Rehabilitation of old plants -Integrated planning of generation, transmission and distribution -Energy Conservation -Outcome: -Meeting the supply and demand gap -Improving the fuel mix -Improved Governance Introduction


6 6 Present Generation = 15,500 to 16,000 MW Present Peak Demand= 20,800 MW Growth in Demand (2017-2018)= 10,645 MW * COUNTRY IS FACING ENERGY DEFICIT Current Situation (approx) * Based on Power Market Survey by NTDC

7 Pakistan intends to build a low cost and sustainable power sector that would meet its energy needs Plan/StrategyFrom... Generate Affordable Electricity Build Operational Efficiency Maintain a Sustainable Power Sector Bridge Supply- Demand Gap An unsustainable and expensive electricity generation system A highly inefficient generation, transmission, and distribution system An unsustainable economic model that discourages investment and creates circular debt A widening supply demand gap leading to 12-14 hours of load shedding daily …To Highest levels of generation, transmission, and distribution efficiency in South Asia A profitable and bankable power sector that invites investment and protects public interest A power generation capacity that can meet Pakistan’s energy needs in the long-term Inexpensively generated electricity universally available at affordable rates 7

8 Government’s short, mid and long term strategy Short Term Formulation of an enabling energy policy – approved in year 2013 Transmission and distribution enhancement in-sync with generation addition Energy conservation Reduction of line losses and control of power theft Privatization of distribution and generation companies 8

9 Mid to long Term Billing system restructuring Introduction of smart meters Generation addition on cheaper/indigenous fuel Improving the regulatory framework Encouraging hydel power generation 9

10 Problems  At present the transmission and distribution networks are inadequate to transfer the power generated  These systems currently record losses of 23-25% due to poor infrastructure, mismanagement, and theft of electricity. Solutions  Integrated generation, transmission and distribution planning is now being carried out to synchronize generation addition with network augmentation 10

11 Power plants in public sector (GENCOS) are aged over 30 years Efficiency of plants ranged less than 35% and in some cases less than 30% With the support of USAID, program to rehabilitate the plants at Guddu, Jamshoro and Muzaffargarh was started So far more than 800 MW of lost capacity has been reclaimed with improvement in efficiency of 2 to 3% This has also resulted in savings in use of fuel and reduction in cost of generation from GENCOS 11

12 Government is undertaking sectoral reforms to ensure a sustainable power sector The Power Sector Reforms have been formulated to improve the financials, the governance and the regulatory structures 12

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