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Post Constit/Westward Expansion Unit Mr. Coronado U.S. History.

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1 Post Constit/Westward Expansion Unit Mr. Coronado U.S. History

2 U.S. Post Constit In deep debt. In deep debt. ? Was who should be responsible ? Was who should be responsible Hamilton felt Fed Gov’t is responsible Hamilton felt Fed Gov’t is responsible Two Solutions (Hamilton) 1.)-Tariff (a tax on imported goods) -Import (Item/prod brought into cntry 2.) Interest (An extra sum of $ that borrowers pay creditors in return for loan.

3 Hamilton’s Plan Two Solutions (Hamilton) 1.)-Tariff (a tax on imported goods) -Import (Item/prod brought into cntry 2.) Interest (An extra sum of $ that borrowers pay creditors in return for loan.

4 Hamilton’s Opponents Thomas Jefferson (T.J.) did not want Fed gov’t involved in local & state affairs Thomas Jefferson (T.J.) did not want Fed gov’t involved in local & state affairs Taxes were not liked. (Ex: Tariffs) Taxes were not liked. (Ex: Tariffs) Hamilton Plan compared to G.B. taxes & laws Hamilton Plan compared to G.B. taxes & laws

5 Different Political Parties Form Federalists (Hamilton) Federalists (Hamilton) View of Constit View of Constit Loose, favored strong gov’t, favored Nat bank Loose, favored strong gov’t, favored Nat bank Pro Business Pro Business Strong Army & Navy Strong Army & Navy Jeffersonian Republicans (T.J.) View of Constit Strict, favored weak central gov’t, opposed Nat Bank Pro-Agric Against large Armies

6 Characteristics of Pol Parties Supporters Federalists Federalists Felt pol power should be given to rich, educated men Felt pol power should be given to rich, educated men Ex: Business men, artisans, profess, Ex: Business men, artisans, profess, Jeffersonian Rep Felt common man should have pol power Ex: Southern slaveholders, urban artisans, trades pep, commercial farmers.

7 Rebellion of New Taxes Whiskey Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion Whiskey Whiskey Was impt to frontier economy. Was impt to frontier economy. Not only beverage, but could be made into corn that can be transported without spoiling Not only beverage, but could be made into corn that can be transported without spoiling Whiskey used as currency Whiskey used as currency

8 U.S. Gov’t Response to Rebellion Pres Wash & Sec. Hamilton viewed as an opportunity to demonstrate power of U.S. gov’t Pres Wash & Sec. Hamilton viewed as an opportunity to demonstrate power of U.S. gov’t Gov’t needs to be established by exerting military force Gov’t needs to be established by exerting military force Pres Wash sent 12,000 men and rebellion was dissolved Pres Wash sent 12,000 men and rebellion was dissolved

9 Washington Farewell Election of 1796 Pres Wash decided not to run for 3 rd term. Set an example for future Pres to not run for more than 3 terms (Cause similar to a Monarchy) Most time Pres Wash did not favor Federalist or Jeffersonian Rep Pres Wash felt pol parties were bad for U.S.

10 Manifest Destiny

11 Questions of Manifest Destiny What does this image imply? Explain? What does this image imply? Explain? Is there any symbolism in the image? Is there any symbolism in the image?

12 Ex: Manifest Destiny

13 Manifest Destiny Clash of Cultures

14 Expansion West XYZ Affair XYZ Affair U.S. officials met by French officials. U.S. officials met by French officials. French wanted bribe before they met of 10 million French wanted bribe before they met of 10 million

15 Alien & Sedition Acts President gained the right to imprison or deport citizens of other countries living in the U.S. President gained the right to imprison or deport citizens of other countries living in the U.S. Under the A & S Act, persons who wrote, published, or said anything false or scandalous vs the U.S. gov’t officials could be fined or jailed Under the A & S Act, persons who wrote, published, or said anything false or scandalous vs the U.S. gov’t officials could be fined or jailed

16 Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions Adopted by two states, argued states had right to judge whether fed laws agreed with the Constit Adopted by two states, argued states had right to judge whether fed laws agreed with the Constit If state decided that law was Unconstit that could declare it to be Null & void If state decided that law was Unconstit that could declare it to be Null & void

17 Tensions Federalists vs. Republicans Members of Cong attacked each other (physically). Members of Cong attacked each other (physically). Pres Adams would be taunted & was forced to go thru back door. Pres Adams would be taunted & was forced to go thru back door. Jeffersonian Repub criticized for supporting France in XYZ Affair Jeffersonian Repub criticized for supporting France in XYZ Affair

18 Election 1800 Jefferson won popular vote but not electoral vote Jefferson won popular vote but not electoral vote T.J. tied with Aaron Burr with 73 Electoral votes. T.J. tied with Aaron Burr with 73 Electoral votes. Who decides if a tie? Who decides if a tie? House of Reps House of Reps

19 T.J. now in Power (Jeffer Repub) T.J. had straight forward agenda (Clear) T.J. had straight forward agenda (Clear) Goals Goals -reduce impact of gov’t in pep lives -reduce impact of gov’t in pep lives Reduced amount of taxes paid by pep Reduced amount of taxes paid by pep Cut size of Federal Bureaucracy Cut size of Federal Bureaucracy Cut size of Army only 3,000 soldiers Cut size of Army only 3,000 soldiers Bureaucracy- Depts & workers that make up Federal Gov’t. (Ex. FBI, FEMA, Dept of Agri)

20 T.J. Program in West T.J. used power of Nat gov’t to expand to west T.J. used power of Nat gov’t to expand to west Jeff Repub encouraged movement west Jeff Repub encouraged movement west Land Act of 1800 Amer able to buy land on credit Land Act of 1800 Amer able to buy land on credit

21 Louisiana Purchase U.S. farmers depended on Miss for trading goods U.S. farmers depended on Miss for trading goods Napoleon controlled Miss River, used control to charge U.S. traders Napoleon controlled Miss River, used control to charge U.S. traders Napoleon offered 15 million for Lousiana Purchase Napoleon offered 15 million for Lousiana Purchase

22 Lous Purchase Map

23 Why Did Napoleon give up all land? Rebellion in France couldn’t control Rebellion in France couldn’t control Haiti became Indp from French Haiti became Indp from FrenchHaiti -Historians claim first true Democracy because abolished slavery.

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