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Government ch 2 Test. Republic- representative government Republic- representative government Magna Carta- 1215 British king forced to accept series of.

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1 Government ch 2 Test

2 Republic- representative government Republic- representative government Magna Carta- 1215 British king forced to accept series of concessions that gave rights to citizens such as due process, trial by jury Magna Carta- 1215 British king forced to accept series of concessions that gave rights to citizens such as due process, trial by jury Petition of Right -1628 further limited power of king, no longer could imprison with out jury of peers Petition of Right -1628 further limited power of king, no longer could imprison with out jury of peers

3 English bill of rights – king forced to sign, included free elections, fair trial, no excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment English bill of rights – king forced to sign, included free elections, fair trial, no excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment Unicameral- one house Unicameral- one house Unalienable rights- those that can not be taken away-life liberty and pursuit of happiness (property) Unalienable rights- those that can not be taken away-life liberty and pursuit of happiness (property)

4 Four parts to declaration of Independence Preamble Preamble Declaration of rights Declaration of rights Grievances Grievances Resolution of Independence Resolution of Independence

5 What was the new government called? -Articles of confederation -Articles of confederation What were the weakness? No taxing power, No president, required unanimous vote to change What were the weakness? No taxing power, No president, required unanimous vote to change

6 What were the provisions of the Land Ordinance of 1785? Townships – 6 miles square 36 sections Townships – 6 miles square 36 sections Sections – 1 square mile – 640 acres Sections – 1 square mile – 640 acres Sell for not less than $1 per acre Sell for not less than $1 per acre Section 16 reserved for schools Section 16 reserved for schools Must buy at least 1 section Must buy at least 1 section

7 What were the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance Art 1. Freedom of religion Art 1. Freedom of religion Art 2. Writ of Habeus Corpus 4,5,6 amendment type rights Art 2. Writ of Habeus Corpus 4,5,6 amendment type rights Art 3. encouraged education and fair treatment of Indians Art 3. encouraged education and fair treatment of Indians Art 4.Remain part of US confederation admitted as an equal, equal taxation Art 4.Remain part of US confederation admitted as an equal, equal taxation Art 5. Not less than 3 or more than 5 states Population of 60000 Write a constitution and apply for admission Art 5. Not less than 3 or more than 5 states Population of 60000 Write a constitution and apply for admission Art 6. Prohibition of slavery Art 6. Prohibition of slavery

8 What was the Virginia Plan Three branches of Government Three branches of Government A. Legislative Branch or Congress would make the laws Legislature based on population A. Legislative Branch or Congress would make the laws Legislature based on population B. Executive Branch group of three be appointed by Congress B. Executive Branch group of three be appointed by Congress would carry out the laws would carry out the laws C. Judicial Branch – system of courts to interpret the laws C. Judicial Branch – system of courts to interpret the laws

9 What was the New Jersey Plan 1. Legislature based on equal representation per state

10 What was the Compromise? 2 house congress 2 house congress House of representatives based on population –Chosen by people (2 yr Term) House of representatives based on population –Chosen by people (2 yr Term) Senate equal representation 2 seats for each Chosen by state legislatures(6 yr Term) Senate equal representation 2 seats for each Chosen by state legislatures(6 yr Term)

11 What was the 3/5th Compromise? Each slave would be counted as 3/5ths of a person for representation purposes Southern states would then receive more representatives Each slave would be counted as 3/5ths of a person for representation purposes Southern states would then receive more representatives Slave trade would be allowed for a period of 20 years (1808) and Congress could then bar slave trade from outside the United States Slave trade would be allowed for a period of 20 years (1808) and Congress could then bar slave trade from outside the United States

12 Who were the Federalists? Well educated and propertied class Well educated and propertied class National government needed to be strong in order to function National government needed to be strong in order to function Strong national government needed to control uncooperative states Strong national government needed to control uncooperative states National government would protect the rights of the people National government would protect the rights of the people More sympathetic to separation of church and state More sympathetic to separation of church and state

13 Who Were the Antifederalists? Opposed strong central government Opposed strong central government Strong national government threatened state power. Strong national government threatened state power. Strong national government threatened rights of the common people Strong national government threatened rights of the common people Constitution lacked a bill of rights. Constitution lacked a bill of rights.

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