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Parliament Triumphs in England. What is a Revolution? Name one Revolution… Does a revolution always include physical violence? Are there revolutions that.

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Presentation on theme: "Parliament Triumphs in England. What is a Revolution? Name one Revolution… Does a revolution always include physical violence? Are there revolutions that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parliament Triumphs in England

2 What is a Revolution? Name one Revolution… Does a revolution always include physical violence? Are there revolutions that happen in todays modern world? If Mr. Sliwa could live in any Disney movie, what would it be? (those who guess correctly get 2 tickets)

3 One minute of The Nightmare Before Christmas required an entire week of filming.entire week The entire movie took over 3 years to film!

4 Absolute Monarchy – A government in which the monarch (king or queen) has absolute, or final, power. Their power is unrestricted. These monarchies are often hereditary.

5 Tudors – Line of Monarchs that ruled the Church of England.


7 Parliament had “The Power of the Purse” in England. In other words, full control over $$$ and taxes. Monarchs had to consult parliament to approve their actions.

8 Queen Elisabeth died in 1603 – Replaced by her relatives the Stuarts New King James I – HATED Parliament He fought them and even had them “dissolved” and collected taxes himself He also battled the Puritans who were extreme Protestants.

9 Charles I – Inherits the throne in 1625. Needed to raise taxes to pay off debts. Are taxes popular? Had to bring Parliament back to gain public favor Parliament then forces him to sign…

10 Petition of Right – Said kings were not allowed to raise taxes or imprison people without due cause. Charles signed the petition, but then, like a punk, fired Parliament again after they gave him the funds and the go ahead to raise taxes. Parliament did not reconvene for another 11 years! Then, to dispel a rebellion, he and his archbishop…re-hired Parliament…Again. Basically, he only use Parliament to be popular. Flip Flopper!!!!

11 Parliament reconvenes and lasts foe 15 years. Parliament arrests and executes many of Charles I’s officials. Charles retaliates by invading Parliament with troops to arrest their leaders…but…they escape. This leads to the English Civil War!

12 Cavaliers – Charles supporters – known for their wealth and fashionably long hair. VS Roundheads – Normal people…with short hair Oliver Cromwell – Their Leader

13 Parliament wins the civil war. Charles I is tried and condemned to death by beheading. This was the first time a king had been tried and executed by his own people. Cromwell is declared the new leader of the republic.

14 Social revolution by the Puritans leads to stricter rules Catholics were banished to a place called…Ireland Cromwell dies in 1658 Parliament elects King Charles II (son of Charles I) to be the new king alongside Parliament.

15 Charles II is very popular (why?) He loosens the rules man… James II (his brother) promised the throne to his daughter and her husband… Uh Oh… William and Mary (their names) are invited by Parliament to overthrow Charles II. Their “bloodless” overthrow of the king was called the Glorious Revolution William and Mary worked well with Parliament and the people

16 English Bill of Rights – 1689 – Restored the rights of Parliament and basic human rights Once again gave Parliament the ability to spend $$$ Gave people the right to a trial by jury and abolish cruel and unusual punishment. What does this mean? Political Parties, Cabinets, and Prime Ministers are created. England becomes a LIMITED MONARCHY – Monarchs have to obey all laws that are made.

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