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 Overview   Defined: The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies.  It is made up of those people who exercise.

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2  Overview

3   Defined: The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies.  It is made up of those people who exercise its powers, all those who have authority to control over people What is a Government?

4  Basic Concepts of Government  Earliest French settlers bring knowledge of established political system  Modeled from English system of government  Many of these ideas come from outside of England, however 1.Ordered Government 2.Limited Government 3.Representative Government

5  Magna Carta

6   Group of barons force King John to sign the “Great Charter” in 1215  This group sought protection from the king’s heavy handed and arbitrary acts  Included fundamental rights: - Trial by jury - Due process of the law (protection against arbitrary taking of life, liberty, or property Magna Carta (cont.)

7   What does this landmark event state about the power of the monarchy? Critical Thinking

8  The Petition of Right

9   1628 – King Charles asks Parliament for tax raises  Parliament refuses until Petition of Right is signed by the king The Petition of Right

10   This document limited the power of the king in several ways:  Demanded the king no longer imprison or punish any person without due process  King would not impose martial law in peace time or require homeowners to shelter the king’s troops without consent  No man should be “compelled to make or yield any gift, loan, benevolence, tax, or such a charge without common consent by act of parliament.” Petition of Right (cont.)

11  The English Colonies  Often described as “13 schools of government”  Established separately over 125 years  First colony settled at Jamestown, VA in 1607  Charters – Each colony established with this, a written grand of authority from the king

12   What ideas influenced the first colonial governments?  Hebrews-  (Ten Commandments) – laws based on morals  Greeks-  (direct democracy) – everyone participated directly (smaller society)  Romans-  (Classical republic) – elect people to represent you. People practice “civic virtue”. Promotion of the common good. Moral education. The English Colonies

13  The English Bill of Rights  Parliament offers crown to William and Mary of Orange after years of revolt and turmoil  This event is known as the Glorious Revolution  Forced to sign document preventing the abuse of their power

14   What it accomplished:  Prohibited a standing army in peacetime, except with Parliamentary consent  Required all Parliamentary elections be free  Included the right to a fair trial by all citizens  Subjects were to be free of excessive  Included freedom from “cruel or unusual punishment” The English Bill of Rights

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