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WAGGGS Logo Workshop Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "WAGGGS Logo Workshop Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAGGGS Logo Workshop Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2010

2 The background 2005 rebranding and launch of girls worldwide say Moved us to put the girl at the centre of everything we do Was complicated from a design perspective, especially with different languages Feedback was that the World Association was getting lost in the complexity!

3 Current situation The logo was simplified Girls worldwide say was separated Single language logos were introduced

4 Preferred logos – stacked application

5 Preferred logos – landscape application

6 Preferred logos – round application

7 Alternative logos Black and white Reversed out Large print

8 WAGGGS example

9 Region– Three languages

10 Region – One language

11 Region – Round

12 Region– Reversed

13 Region – no WAGGGS

14 Region example

15 World Centres- Three languages

16 World Centres – One language

17 World Centres – Round

18 World Centres – Reversed

19 World Centres – no WAGGGS

20 World Centre example

21 Exclusion zone Any round logos should be a minimum of 20mm high

22 Fonts and colours Design font is Dax If you don’t have Dax, you can use Arial

23 Please continue to use this where you see appropriate Please don’t use it to say self evident things such as Instead use it more as a campaign message


25 Tips on creating a publication or promotional material Set your objectives Identify and profile your target audience Do an audit of the publications and content you already have Develop your content Collect “highlights” – photos, graphs, quotes Use the WAGGGS guidelines and your own branding guidelines to develop a design brief

26 Tips on creating a publication or promotional material Working with a designer (or the WAGGGS comms team!) design your publication Cut or change text to fit the design Get the final product edited and proof read Organize for approval through your organization and WAGGGS if appropriate

27 Key elements of a logo FaithfulThe logo illustrates the event’s corporate image LegibleSimple and clearly read on any document, the logo should be easily remembered IdentifiablePeople should not be able to confuse it with another logo UnifyingIt needs to be recognised and accepted by members and partners AdaptableIt must be possible to adapt the logo to all of the event’s products and all other possible applications DurableOn average, a logo should last several years, with a few intermediary alterations

28 Publication example

29 Merchandise WAGGGS’ online shop is at Each of the four World Centres also has a shop Many of our MOs also sell merchandise Some guidelines on how we can work best together on merchandise…..

30 Merchandise You can use the WAGGGS logos on merchandise you produce as long as it includes your country/MO name If you want to produce merchandise ONLY with the WAGGGS logo, you need to get permission from the Comms Team ( WAGGGS produces merchandise for global initiatives and events, such as World Thinking Day. We prefer you to use these as they are part of international Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting

31 Global merchandise

32 Merchandise New products released on the site regularly, especially centenary products Join the e-mail list and get discounts and special offers Become part of the product focus groups to tell us what you want

33 Working with the Comms Team at WAGGGS We are here to support you, not block your creative ideas! We can help you with your design and offer advice on logos We can provide you with existing comms materials (you can also find these on the Members’ Area) The logo guidelines are available on the Members’ Area Your first point of contact is Jasmin Qureshi For merchandising Vanessa Gyasi

34 Thank you Any questions?

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