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Overview of Foreign Trade Data Products Fay Johnson September 26, 2012 1.

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1 Overview of Foreign Trade Data Products Fay Johnson September 26, 2012 1

2 The Foreign Trade Division (FTD) is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and is responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States. 2 Foreign Trade Division

3 U.S. Exports to the World 3 In 2011, the U.S. exported $2.1 trillion in goods and services to 240 markets worldwide.

4 FT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods & Services Report  Produced by FTD and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)  Principle economic indicator  Services statistics provided by BEA  Monthly, year-to-date (YTD) and annual data 4

5 FT900: Highlights  U.S. trade data  Exports (seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted)  Imports (seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted)  Balance of trade  Commodity specific statistics  Selected country and area trade data  State trade data by manufactured and non-manufactured goods 5

6 FT920: U.S. Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights  Domestic and Foreign Exports  General, Consumption, Customs, CIF, Dutiable Imports  Country and Customs District summary  Released with FT900 6

7 Additional Releases Other Statistical Releases  U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel  Related Party  Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies 7

8 Data Navigation The Data tab is the central navigation tool for trade statistics 8

9 Graph of the Month Monthly highlights in colorful graphical formats 9

10 Visualize Trade Data Interactive graphs display the data 10

11 Visualize Trade Data Monthly top 15 U.S. trading partners by dollar value with… 11 Interactive legends and downloadable data and images

12 Country Trade Balance  Current export, import, and trade balance data by month  Historical data available  Country Groups  European Union  OPEC 12

13  Trade in Goods by Country  Top Trading Partners  North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)  End-Use  Standard International Trade Classification (SITC)  Advanced Technology Products (ATP)  Trade w/ Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions 13 Country and Product Trade Data

14 State Data Top 25 Harmonized System (HS) Commodity Exports and Imports by State 14

15  Annual Trade Totals, 1960 – present  Monthly trade, 1993 – present  Petroleum historical data  Constant-dollar historical data 15 Historical Data

16 Schedule B Product Classification It is important to correctly classify your product to avoid costly fines and penalties. 16

17 Schedule B Search Tool  Drill down capability  Full commodity description  2009-2010 trade export value at the 6-digit level 17

18 FTD References  Announcements & Information Papers  Codes  Schedule B - Commodity  Schedule C - Country  Schedule D – District/Port  Concordance End-Use NAICS SITC ATP (HI-TECH) HS  FAQs  Guides  Catalog 18

19  U.S. Exports & U.S. Imports of Merchandise (formerly the DVDs)  Export and Import Databanks  State Data (OM & ZIP)  Monthly: 6-digit HS  Quarterly: 3-digit NAICS; State/Region; State/Port  Port 6-digit HS  Special Program Indicators (SPI – electronic version of IM146A)  Trade with Puerto Rico and US Possessions (electronic version of FT895)  Textile Summary  Commodity/Geographic/Textile concordances 19 Data Downloads

20 USA Trade ® Online USA Trade Online ( is the official online source of U.S. merchandise trade 20

21 USA Trade Online Data Offerings  Current and historical data  HS and NAICS based statistics  District, state and port-level trade by product and country 21

22 Data LevelHSNAICSMeasures District Level Annual Data 1992 – present Monthly Data 2002 – present 2-, 4-, 6- and 10- digit 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-digitHS: Total Value, Quantity and Unit Price NAICS: Total Export Value, Domestic Export Value, Foreign Export Value, General Imports for Consumption Value, General Imports CIF Value, Imports for Consumption Customs Value, Imports for Consumption CIF Value, and Balance of Trade Port Level Annual and Monthly Data 2003 – present 2-, 4- and 6-digitN/ATotal Value, Vessel Value, Vessel SWT, Air Value, Air SWT, Containerized Vessel Value and Containerized Vessel SWT State Level Annual and Monthly Data Exports 2002 – present Imports 2008 – present 2-, 4-, 6-digit3- and 4-digitTotal Value, Vessel Value, Vessel SWT, Air Value, Air SWT, Containerized Vessel Value and Containerized Vessel SWT 22 USA Trade Online Data Offerings

23 USA Trade Online Features Report Features include:  Rank Order  Top/Bottom Reduction  Suppression  My Reports  Download Options 23

24 Additional Features 24  Geographic and Organizational Country Groupings  Customized Groupings  Country  Commodity  State  Port  District

25 Quick and Easy 25 Create a comprehensive trade report in 3 steps 1.Select Trade by Commodity 2.Select the Product(s) 3.View the Report

26 State Export Report Sample 26 Use USA Trade Online to identify Pennsylvania’s top 10 export destinations!

27 Receive a 30-day trial USA Trade Online Subscription. USA Trade Online Subscription 27 To register for your subscription:  Go to  Enter the media code: F3295  Fill in the lines with the green check marks and click “submit order”  Offer good through October 3, 2012

28 FTD Training Tools Export training videos Webinars Global Reach Blog 28

29 For More Information 29  FTD Call Center: 1-800-549-0595 Option 1 – AES Assistance Option 2 – Commodity Classification Assistance Option 3 – Regulations Assistance Option 4 – Data Dissemination Branch  Fax: 301-763-8835  E-mail:  AES:  Commodity Classification:  Regulations:  Data:

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