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Strategic Budget Planning The Future in View 2014, 2015 and Beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Budget Planning The Future in View 2014, 2015 and Beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Budget Planning The Future in View 2014, 2015 and Beyond

2 What does strategic planning mean to you? “In contrast to long-term planning (which begins with the current status and lays down a path to meet estimated future needs), strategic planning begins with the desired-end and works backward to the current status.”

3 Models of Budgeting Short-term planning Current method Reactive Decisions made in response to state appropriation Short-term, planning one year at a time Long-term planning Where we are going Proactive Address funding impacts to programs in advance Long-term planning Collaborative

4 The Goal To complete budget projections for two years (FY 2014 and FY 2015) – Be sure to include: Description and cost to establish new programs/initiatives and savings from eliminating programs Cost to enhance current programs (don’t forget Grad Programs) Personnel costs (Adjunct costs in particular) Ongoing costs – The budget submission will include 1.Budget Template for both years with budget data 2.Budget Narrative

5 New Programs Provide a description for new programs and initiatives while developing detail for costs Briefly include how these programs support the mission of the University Discuss related equipment and software needs and costs, including on-going costs Additional faculty lines or adjunct LHEs

6 Banner Budget The budget is set up in object codes by categories – 1100 – Personnel Additional object codes are included in personnel – 1200 – Contractual Services – 1300 – Supplies and Materials – 1500 – Continuous Charges – 2200 – Equipment

7 Personnel Costs In Banner, personnel includes the following object codes – 1121 Salaries, Administrative Higher – 1123 Salaries, Classified – 1126 Salaries, Teaching and Research – 1141 Wages, General – 1142 Wages, Graduate Assistant – 1144 Wages, Student – 1145 Wages, Teaching and Research Faculty – 1146 Wages, Federal Work Study

8 Personnel Costs (con.) Faculty – Number of faculty needed Qualifications required (degree, restricted, tenure-track, etc.) Adjunct personnel – For both current and new programs indicate the number of LHEs With this information, we will be able to determine the funding needed to support Faculty and Adjunct personnel Student workers – Includes Graduate Assistants and Graduate Laboratory Assistants, student workers, and federal work study Determine the funding needed to support programs

9 Non-Personnel Costs Focus on the following object codes: – 1200 Contractual Services Includes postal and printing services -12xx Travel - includes training and travel for faculty and staff – 1300 Supplies and Materials Includes office supplies, as well as, laboratory and educational supplies – 1500 Continuous Charges Such as equipment rentals – 2200 Equipment Includes items, such as, computer hardware and software, laboratory equipment, and stationary equipment (laboratory tables, fixtures, etc.)

10 Non-Personnel Costs (con.) When considering non-personnel costs, look for opportunities to create efficiencies and cost-savings within your department – Such as, having a cooperative contract for copier services for all of CNU instead of separate contracts per department – The focus is not simply lowering cost, but to be the best stewards of public dollars.

11 Things to consider Budget projections for departments should be based on actual need – For example, if one department consistently has savings each year, but another has overages, adjust the budgets so they are better aligned Describe how funding will support your programs Describe how your programs with University priorities Demonstrate the relationship between resources and student success We understand that these are estimates and may change over time You may need assistance from the Deans, especially for interdisciplinary majors/minors like neuroscience and environmental studies.

12 Resources We Can Provide Start - Up Costs for New Faculty Your Budget Projections for FY13, if you no longer have them Expenditures to date for FY12 - we’ll help you determine them University Software Licenses you do not need to account for are SPSS and Microsoft products If there is anything additional we can provide to help you, just ask.

13 What you will receive from us A copy of this PowerPoint Budget template spreadsheet Optional tool that can be used to gather data from faculty You may use your own format to write your narrative – New Programs – Justification for funding request

14 What to submit Completed budget template spreadsheet, adjunct needs in LHE’s only Budget narrative for each object code with enough information that we can develop the projection priorities NOTE: Please do not put narrative in the spreadsheet Due to us by Friday, June 15th, @ 5 pm. The Deans may have an earlier deadline

15 Contact Information Feel free to contact us for assistance: Dr. Bobbye Bartels Associate Provost 594-7579 Jessena Robinson Academic Affairs Budget Analyst 594-7218

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