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Personnel Action Forms
PR23, Personnel Action Authorization PR40, Personnel Action PR4, Separation/Transfer Notice
PR-23 Personnel Action Authorization
Purpose Hire an employee in a temporary position Sporadic wage Less than 19 hours/week wage 120 day wage
PR23 – Hire in a Temporary Position
Section I Indicate department, job working title, new position, or vacated position, last/current incumbent, FOAP, anticipated effective date of hire Section II Check appropriate box if advertising required Section III Provide sufficient information in order to assign a classification. Sections IV – VI: Approval signatures required
PR-40 Personnel Action Form
Purpose Hire an Employee Part-time A/P Faculty Part-time Teaching Faculty (Adjunct) Resident Director T/R Faculty Student Wage Temporary (sporadic), <120 days, <19 hrs. week
PR-40 Personnel Action Form
Report a Status Change Budget change Competitive salary offer Continuation of grant funds Department (home org) change Educational leave Leave with pay Leave without pay One time pay (students or all others) Pay change Reassignment Recognition bonus pay
PR-40 Personnel Action Form
Report a Status Change (continued) Return from leave Temporary pay Transfer, competitive Transfer, non-competitive Supervisor change Wage continuation
PR40 - Personnel Action Forms
Top of form Indicate department (home org) Indicate position number Indicate State job title, not functional (working) title Indicate effective date of action Indicate ending date if date is known or required Employment Indicate type of employee Indicate type of status change Section 1 Indicate social security number only if first time being hired, otherwise list Banner ID number Indicate home address, work location, work phone, supervisor and supervisor position number
PR40 - Personnel Action Forms
Section II Indicate requested salary or wage rate Indicate bonus pay Indicate current/previous salary (if applicable) Indicate percent increase/decrease requested (if applicable) Indicate total percentage of in-band adjustment and increases for role change for current FY (if applicable) Indicate FOAP Code Indicate comments/explanation, special pay instructions
PR40 - Personnel Action Forms
Sections III & IV Approval signatures required
PR40 - Personnel Action Forms Common Errors
Section I – Personal Information ID/Social Security numbers and spelling Employee’s full, legal name – no nicknames Mailing address Campus work location & box number Work phone Supervisor name and position number
PR40 - Personnel Action Forms Common Errors
Section II – Funding/Payment budget FOAP(s), dollar amounts, calculation of percentages Section III – Sponsored Programs Approval required if partial or full grant funds Section IV – Signature Approval incorrect or missing signatures NOTE: returning forms for signatures may delay action!
PR-23 and PR-40 Actions Completed Through PeopleAdmin
Establish a Position Recruit Review for Possible Role Change Review for Change in Duties Review for In-Band Adjustment Review for Internal Alignment Demotion Promotion Hire in a Temporary Position
PR4 - Separation Notice Purpose Documents separation from RU
Provides a checklist for essential actions responsibilities of department responsibilities of employee Submit to HR upon confirmation of employee resignation/separation Do not delay for final leave reporting
PR4 - Separation Notice Indicate Banner ID number, full name of employee, position number (all positions now have numbers), title, department name, home org code Indicate effective Date/Time – critical for payroll Indicate FOAP Indicate mailing address (new mailing address if employee is leaving the area) needed for W-2s and forwarding mail Indicate work schedule if other than M-F/8-5
PR4 - Separation Notice Indicate FOAP for post-separation benefits (grant), unemployment insurance (grant), leave pay-out (grant) Indicate type of separation Indicate any comments Read department/supervisor responsibilities Indicate if final leave report has been submitted (Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure final leave accounting is completed
PR4 - Separation Notice For Teaching Faculty: check box for contract payout Check box – department recommends or does not recommend employee for re-employment Approval signatures required Department/Dean/Director/VP only signature required if not grant funded If grant funded, must have Sponsored Programs and Budget approval
PR-4, Separation Notice, Part B
Department Checklist to be completed by supervisor no later than the employee’s effective date of separation. Employee and Supervisor are to sign. Form is to be filed in the employee’s departmental file.
Future Electronic Actions - PeopleAdmin
Recruitment for Teaching/Research Faculty Positions
Electronic Actions - Banner
EPAFs (Electronic Personnel Action Form) created in Banner for PR-40 actions Budget (FOAP) changes Hire Adjunct faculty Home org (department) changes Leaves (LWOP, educational, etc.) Pay changes Return from leave Supervisor changes Wage and grant continuations Target goal of implementation of EPAFs – May-June 2012
Future Electronic Actions – Banner
Combination EPAFs Hire Student wage Hire Wage Hire part-time A/P Faculty PR-4 Actions (Separations)
Personnel Actions Questions Suggestions Comments
Employment Eligibility Verification
Form I-9 and E-Verify Employment Eligibility Verification
I-9 Requirements Completed/retained for every employee hired after 11/06/86 Penalties for employers who fail to comply Employer may be fined from $100 - $3,500 for each I-9 that: lists invalid information, is not fully completed or is incorrectly completed, is completed after employee has been working Must use revised form (Rev. 08/07/09) and updated list of acceptable documents I-9 form must have List of Acceptable Documents attached to it or copied on the back of the form
E-Verify Requirements
Beginning June 1, 2011, Radford University began using E-Verify for all new hires. E-Verify is an intern-based system operated by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security (USCIS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows participating employers to electronically verify employment eligibility. Information from the I-9 form is keyed into the E-Verify data base. In addition to fines for late I-9 submission, employers can also be fined for incorrect or late processing in the E-Verify system.
I-9 Process - Hiring Department completes PR-40 or Hiring Proposal in PeopleAdmin (depending on type of position) when decision to hire an individual is made Department obtains all signatures before sending to Human Resources (HR) When HR receives PR-40, hiring department is notified that a formal offer may be extended to the candidate
I-9 Process - Hiring Department sends prospective employee an offer letter and a blank I-9 Employee is instructed to complete Section 1 of the I-9 and return on or before their first day of employment Failure to do so before the first day of employment will result in adjustment of hire date
I-9 Process - Hiring New employee also instructed Section 2 of the I-9 must be completed within 3 days of hire date or else they will be terminated Employee must provide original document(s) that establish identity and employment eligibility New employee will not be approved to start work until HR receives I-9 with at least Section 1 completed Department may not start anyone until approval to begin work is given by HR
I-9 Process – Hiring by Spreadsheet (Adjunct Faculty)
Adjunct faculty hired on three (3) year appointments I-9 valid for entire three (3) year period (considered continuous employment even if they do not work every semester) New I-9 required if a break of more than six (6) month occurs between the three (3) year appointment periods
I-9 Process – Hiring by Spreadsheet (Adjunct Faculty)
Office of Provost will send out blank I-9s including instructions and documentation list to all Adjuncts new to RU Employee must complete Section 1 and return on or before their first day of employment Employee also instructed Section 2 of the I-9 must be completed within 3 days of hire date or else they will be terminated Employee must provide original document(s) that establish identity and employment eligibility
I-9 Process – Hiring by Spreadsheet (Adjunct Faculty)
Date of hire will be first day of appointment period if Section 1 of the I-9 is completed and received in HR on or before that date, if not, the date will be adjusted based on when the I-9 is received
I-9 Process – Best Practices
The best scenario for all employees is to fully complete (Sections 1 and 2) of the I-9 with all signatures and return to HR on or before the employee’s first day of work Please remember that until the completed I-9 is received in HR, the PR-40 will not be processed and the employee will not be placed on the university’s payroll
I-9 Process – Best Practices
If an employee’s first day (10th or 25th of the month) actually falls on a weekend, Section 1 of the I-9 must be completed the following Monday (actual first work day) In Section 2 where date employment began is entered, put 10th or 25th but make a note on the form actual first day worked was that Monday; signature sections will be dated the actual date the form was completed
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 1
Hiring department responsible for ensuring Section 1 is properly completed, signed and dated on or before employee’s start date. The employee must complete all blanks in Section 1 and attest to a status Citizen of United States Noncitizen National of the U.S. Lawful permanent resident Alien authorized to work
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 1
Employee must sign and date Section 1 If employee needs assistance in completing Section 1, you may help but you will need to fill out the Preparer/Translator Certification If anything is left blank in Section 1 or it is not signed and dated, the form will be returned to the department
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – Non US Citizen
If the employee indicates in Section 1 that they are not a US Citizen, they must be immediately referred to RU’s Tax Compliance Manager to complete Section 2 of the I-9 The Tax Compliance Manager will look at the employee’s original document(s) and if they are in order, will complete Section 2 and fax a copy to HR
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – Non US Citizen
Once HR receives faxed I-9 from the Tax Compliance Manager, approval will be given to the department that the employee may begin work and the PR-40 will be processed adding the employee to the university’s payroll
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – US Citizen
The hiring department may complete Section 2 if the employee is a US Citizen Section 2 must be completed and delivered to HR by the close of business on the employee’s third day of work Employees hired for less than 3 days must have their I-9 completed (Sections 1 and 2) by the end of their first day of employment If the hiring department completes Section 2, copies of the acceptable documents presented by the employee must be attached to the I-9 (required because of participation in E-Verify).
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – US Citizen
The hiring department also has the option to send the employee to HR for completion of Section 2 Please remember that until the completed I-9 is received in HR, the PR-40 will not be processed and the employee will not be added to the university payroll The employee must present the required documentation that establishes identity and employment eligibility at the time Section 2 of the I-9 is completed A List of Acceptable Documents is printed on the back of the I-9 form
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – US Citizen
The employee may choose which document(s) s/he wishes to present from this list The employer must accept any document or combination of documents which reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the person presenting them You cannot specify which documents you will accept If employee presents documentation from List A, do not ask for additional documentation If employee presents documentation under Lists B and C, ensure there is only one document examined from each list
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – US Citizen
If employee presents documentation from List A, do not ask for additional documentation If employee presents documentation under Lists B and C, ensure there is only one document examined from each list All documents presented must be unexpired In order for you to complete Section 2, you must examine the original documents Do not accept copies or faxes of these documents
Completion of the I-9 Form Section 2 – US Citizen
When you sign in Section 2 you are “attesting, under penalty of perjury, that the above-listed document(s) appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee named” Only the person who actually saw the original document(s) may sign Section 2 Make copies of the documents and attach to the I-9
Terminating for Failure to Complete Form I-9
If an employee fails to complete Section 2 of the I-9 or provide proof of having applied for the documentation by the close of business on his/her 3rd day, they will be terminated Department will be notified by HR that the employee will be unable to return for 4th day of work Department will be required to complete a new PR-40 for a one-time pay indicating the number of hours worked or the total amount to pay the employee for the three days they worked (original PR-40 will be voided) HR will notify the hiring department and the employee of the employee’s termination verbally and in writing with a copy also being sent to the appropriate VP
Alternate Documentation
An employee unable to produce an employment eligibility document may present a receipt for application of a replacement document. The receipt authorizes employment for 90 days Receipt must be presented before the close of business on their 3rd day of employment
Alternate Documentation
If a new employee produces evidence that they have applied for a replacement document, send them immediately to HR along with the I-9 and the receipt (HR will handle these situations) If the employee provides the replacement document within 90 days to HR, they will be allowed to continue working If the employee does not provide the replacement document within 90 days to HR, they will be terminated
Facsimiles/Copies HR will not accept copies or faxes of completed I-9 forms from departments Original I-9 forms must be delivered to HR by the end of the employee’s third work day
Re-verifying Employment Authorization
An employee authorized to work for a specific time period must have their employment eligibility re-verified by HR or the Tax Compliance Manager before their employment eligibility has expired HR or the Tax Compliance Manager will handle all I-9s for employees in this situation
Rehired Employees If an employee is rehired, HR must ensure they are still authorized to work If the employee is rehired within 3 years of the date the I-9 was originally completed, they are still eligible to be employed on the same basis as previously indicated on the I-9 A rehire who has an older version of the I-9 on file will have to complete a new form All I-9 authorizations for rehires will be handled through HR Once the I-9 is re-verified, HR will contact the department that the PR-40 will be processed and the employee placed on payroll The employee may not begin work until HR has contacted the department
Duplicate I-9s I-9s submitted by students to the Financial Aid Office under the work study/work scholarship program and/or the Graduate College through a graduate assistantship may now be used by HR if the student is later hired by Hiring Proposal or PR-40. If you hire a student in another position and you are aware that they have an I-9 on file in either Financial Aid or the Graduate College, please inform HR so that we can obtain a copy of that I-9. If it is still valid, and the student has had no break in service, we can use that I-9.
Retention of I-9s All I-9s will be maintained in HR according to the record and retention schedule of the Library of Virginia I-9s must be retained for three years from the date of hire or for one year from the date employment ends Departments should not keep copies of I-9s in their files
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