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2013 Adjunct Faculty Conference February 23, 2013 2013 Adjunct Faculty Conference February 23, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Adjunct Faculty Conference February 23, 2013 2013 Adjunct Faculty Conference February 23, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Adjunct Faculty Conference February 23, 2013 2013 Adjunct Faculty Conference February 23, 2013

2 IVY Advising: Starfish

3 What is Starfish?  Part of Ivy Advising  Student success programs to improve student retention  Online student success environment, facilitating programming for academic advising

4 Background  Business requirements gathered  RFP  Vendor chosen – Starfish  Implementation in phases  Went live October 1, 2012

5 Student Demo  Starfish from the student perspective  Student flag raised  Process and what the student sees  Interaction with faculty  Interaction with advisor

6 Starfish Dashboard

7 Raising a Flag

8 Student View – Dashboard (future)

9 Success/Statistics Fall 2012 Flags Raised  1 st Class Missed 183  Academic Concern46,308  Academic Plan Concern 78  Attendance/Participation18,906  General307  Missing/Late Assignments16,126  Low Grade831 Total82,739

10 Success/Statistics Fall 2012 Kudos Positive Academic Performance 40,356 Showing Improvement7,024 Total47,380 Total Unique Student’s reached53,429

11 Phase I Functionality  Early alert capabilities  Flags and Kudos  Interface with Banner for Name, C#, Email and Phone (all demographic information)  Prioritize and track flags  View personalized Student List and Student Folders  Send a message to the student – email, text/sms, Facebook private message  Send a message to the students’ instructors, the flag raiser, or the students’ advisors  Add a comment to the flag  Resolve a flag  Create an action plan to resolve the concern with a series of to-dos and referrals the student can see

12 Phase II Functionality  Uploaded IAP available in Starfish, interactive IAP available in Phase III  Ability to filter students based on their participation in an ASA course (or any other course) and review their performance in those courses  Ability to search student lists /students with tracking items based on course or program  System flag on students who are repeating a course that they had previously taken  Student To-Do’s and Referrals  Enhanced Reporting Developed

13 Future Plans  Phase IIB (Spring 2013) –Appointments –Student View –Student Reminders  Phase III (May, 2013) –Automates Individualized Academic Plan –Reporting  Phase IV (August, 2013) –Case Management –Financial Aid Early Alert

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