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Charlie Drewes Biology Inquiry with Invertebrates Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011.

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Presentation on theme: "Charlie Drewes Biology Inquiry with Invertebrates Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charlie Drewes Biology Inquiry with Invertebrates Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011

2 “ I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Confucius

3 ► ► Guided inquiry “BIOLOGY in ACTION” ► ► Open-ended inquiry ”Stuck-on Artemia” ► ► Independent Inquiry “Biological Smoke Detectors”

4 ‘BIOLOGY in ACTION’ 31 Interactive & Computational Animations WEB-based and CD (non-proprietary)

5 INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS: Biology, Math, Physics TOPICS & FOCAL POINTS: Locomotion Biomechanics Cell Biology Animal Behavior Physiology Development Invertebrate Biology

6  adjuncts to hands-on laboratory inquiries with living organisms  adjuncts to lecture / discussion (homework or student presentations)  focal points for problem-based learning (computation & data analysis) CURRICULAR UTILITY:

7 RED = interactive animations with computations and control features BLACK = GIF animations with questions and links LINK to CONTENTS ► ► ►

8 Lumbriculus variegatus California blackworm Annelida (Oligochaetea)

9 Hands-on Lab Investigations with Living Lumbriculus  Circulatory Function (ABT) (blood flow, pulse rate)  Locomotion & Movement (ABT) (swimming, crawling, reversal behavior)  Segment Regeneration (ABLE) (development; asexual reproduction)

10 Interactive format Animations of Lumbriculus blood vessel pulsations: Adjunct to lab inquiry of circulation in living worms

11 0 sec 2 sec 3 sec 4 sec 5 sec 1 sec Circulatory Computations  pulse frequency (pulse waves /sec)  pulse velocity (mm /sec)  blood volume (cc 3 / time)

12  TAIL TOUCHTAIL TOUCH Animation of helical swimming in Lumbriculus: A follow-up to student lab inquiry of locomotion in living worms

13 Helical swimming in Lumbriculus: A unique form of animal locomotion elapsed time (f1  f7) = 0.2 sec  direction of swimming  direction of wave & backthrust forward velocity = ? wave frequency = ? wave velocity = ? Reynolds number = ?

14 The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms, with Observations on Their Habits by Charles Darwin 1881

15 Animation of peristaltic crawling… …a follow-up to student lab inquiry about hydrostatic skeletons & locomotion without appendages in living invertebrates ( e.g., terrestrial and aquatic annelid worms)

16 CM  circular muscle wave   CM   LM CM   LM longitudinal muscle wave  

17 ELONGATED SEGMENT: length = 17.5 mm; diameter = 13 mm volume = π · r 2 · length = 2,321 mm 3 SHORTENED SEGMENT: length = 7.5 mm; diameter = 20 mm volume = π · r 2 · length = 2,355 mm 3 I I

18 Artemia franciscana North American brine shrimp Open-ended inquiry with living crustaceans

19 HATCH Artemia life cycle fertilized eggs in brood sac Adult female X winter ‘eggs’

20 plastic petri dish transparency strip with grid 10 mm x 10 mm strip of double-stick tape covers grid tape holds strip to dish

21 “Paint” cysts onto tape with small, soft, dry paintbrush

22 STUCK-on ARTEMIA Technical Advantages       easy handling & transfer of cysts  uses small, quantifiable number of cysts  follow development of individual cysts  cysts stay in single focal plane  use dissecting or compound microscope  manipulation of many relevant variables

23 Hatching of encysted Artemia embryos Encysted late gastrula stage Cyst hydrates and swells Cyst wall splits Membrane-bound “umbrella” stage Nauplius larva emergence

24 Each day, a pipet is used to remove and count hatched, swimming nauplius larvae


26 Experimental variables PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT Temperature (heating, cooling, freezing) Sun light (UV) Microwave irradiation Salinity (hypo- & hyperosmotic) Repeated hydration Dissolved oxygen Toxicants (pollutants, pharmacological agents) Measurements & End-points Hatching % Hatching time-course Developmental anomalies Larval motility Molting & growth

27 Independent inquiry

28 1) Invertebrates as toxicity test organisms 2) Selection of test chemical(s) 3) Exposure / treatment protocols 4) End-points (lethal versus sublethal effects) 5) Concentration range-finding (preliminary expts) 6) Final testing and analysis 7) Materials, supplies, resource references 8) SAFETY ISSUES & GLOSSARY CONCEPTS & PRACTICAL IDEAS ( non-cookbook )

29 Invertebrates Invertebrates are more than… …taxonomic survey material …anatomy & dissection material …creepy, crawly novelties

30 Use of living invertebrates for biology lab inquiries… … makes biology more than a ‘spectator sport’ … engages & enlivens interest … promotes analytical thinking

31 Take-Home Materials  CD: “ BIOLOGY in ACTION” - 31 animations - PowerPt file  CD: “ BIOLOGY in ACTION” - 31 animations & “Freshwater Invertebrates” - PowerPt file  Copy: Contents & Animation Q/A’s for Instructor  Copy: Stuck-on Artemia”  Reprint:  Copy: Contents & Animation Q/A’s for Instructor  Copy: Student lab inquiry: “ Stuck-on Artemia”  Reprint: “ Biological Smoke Detectors”


33 Characea (stoneworts) giant algal cells ( Chara, Nitella )

34 Interactive format

35 0 sec 2 sec 4 sec 6 sec 8 sec             stream velocity = ? (  m /sec )

36 R R R RR R gait analysis running velocity = ? (cm / sec) relative velocity = ? (body lengths / sec)

37 Pulsations in Dorsal Blood Vessel of Blackworm (Lumbriculus)

38 Swimming by Means of Sinusoidal Waves EXAMPLES from CD…  Nematode worms (Turbatrix aceti = vinegar eel)  Nematomorph worms (horsehair worm)  Leech (an annelid)

39 head

40 wave frequency = ? forward velocity = ? wave velocity = ? Reynolds number = ? Interactive format

41 jump amplitude = ? (absolute & relative) jump duration = ? gravitational effects

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