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Critical Thinking in Every Classroom Progress and Plans.

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1 Critical Thinking in Every Classroom Progress and Plans

2 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu2 Background: The QEP Enhance critical thinking skills in all courses and programs ___________________________________________________

3 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu3 Why? In 2005, LFCC benchmark scores were lower than those of VCCS counterparts for questions on the CCSSE related to critical thinking. In addition, in 2006, LFCC students scored below VCCS peers for critical thinking on the CCTST. ___________________________________________________

4 Stop and Think What is critical thinking? Do you recall any of the activities included in the LFCC definition of critical thinking? 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu4

5 Thinking means… Explaining, analyzing, and synthesizing what we see, hear, and read Using creativity to discover multiple solutions and diverse approaches to issues Finding relevant information to address tasks and problems Evaluating claims and evidence to draw reasonable conclusions Justifying conclusions and solutions Applying concepts to real-world problems Seeing connections and patterns Reflecting on how we think and learn.

6 CCSSE Benchmarks 2005 2008 Active/Collaborative Learning: 45.2 48.8 Student Effort: 44.9 49.6 Academic Challenge:46.3 49.9 Student/Faculty Interaction: 48.9 47.9 Support for Learning:46.2 50.6 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu6

7 Active and Collaborative Learning About how often during the current school year have you… Made a class presentation? 2005: 76% said “never” or “sometimes” 2008: 65% said “never” or “sometimes” Contributed to class discussions? 2005: 59% said “often” or “very often” 2008: 62% said “often” or “very often”

8 Student Effort In 2005, 44% of students said that they worked harder than they thought they could “often or very often” to meet an instructor’s standards or expectations. In 2008, 48% of students said that they worked harder than they thought they could “often or very often” to meet an instructor’s standards or expectations. 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu8

9 Academic Challenge In 2005, 54% of students said they wrote four or fewer papers for all of their courses during the current school year. In 2008, only 36% of students reported four or fewer papers. 32% reported that they had written 11 or more papers for their courses during the current school year. 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu9

10 A Closer Look at the CCSSE 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu10 Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information, or experiences in new ways Making judgments about the value of soundness of information, arguments, or methods Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations Using information you have read or heard to perform a new skill ___________________________________________________

11 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu11 Student Responses Students responding “Some” or “Very little” Question20052008 1.Analyzing40%35% 2.Synthesizing47%31% 3.Judging53%43% 4.Applying 53%50% 5.Using info47%48% ___________________________________________________

12 Stop And Think Why do you think our CCSSE scores in these areas have improved? What is ONE activity you have done or will do in your course this semester that might contribute to improved CCSSE scores? 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu12

13 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu13 Why did our scores go up? Since 2007, all syllabi at the College include one of the six critical thinking SLOs… 2.1 Discriminate among degrees of credibility, accuracy, and reliability of inferences drawn from given data 2.2 Recognize parallels, assumptions, or presuppositions in any given source of information ___________________________________________________

14 CT SLOs, continued 2.3 Evaluate the strengths and relevance of arguments on a particular question or issue 2.4 Weigh evidence and decide if generalizations or conclusions based on the given data are warranted

15 CT SLOs, Continued 2.5 Determine whether certain conclusions or consequences are supported by the information provided. 2.6 Use problem solving skills

16 Stop and Think What is the CT learning outcome for the course(s) you are teaching this term? 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu16

17 Way to go, LFCC! But… Question 5a: During this school year, how much has your coursework at this college emphasized memorizing facts, ideas, or methods from your courses or readings so that you can repeat them in pretty much the same form? 2005: 60% answered “quite a bit” or “very much.” 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu17

18 Hmm… In 2008, 65% answered “quite a bit” or “very much.” This question has an inverse relationship to critical thinking… 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu18

19 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu19 Stop and Think What’s going on with this question? Why did our score go the WRONG way? ___________________________________________________

20 A definition Teaching means… Causing to learn. So… am I talking, or am I causing to learn? How can I know? How can I keep my students engaged enough to learn the knowledge they need to learn?

21 Some Tools Quick thinks (http://amps- 9/818_quickthinks.html#more)http://amps- 9/818_quickthinks.html#more Paul and Elder’s Universal Intellectual Standards (1996): ageID=527&CategoryID=68 ageID=527&CategoryID=68

22 Universal Intellectual Standards 1.Clarity: Give an example, paraphrase, select the best response. 2. Accuracy: correct the error, verify the information 3. Precision: Complete the statement, select the best word 4. Relevance: Choose the fact that best supports a conclusion

23 Universal Standards 5. Depth: Which of the following questions have we not answered? What else do we need to know? 6. Breadth: How would ____ use this information? How does point of view change this information and its relevance? 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu23

24 Universal Standards 7. Logic: –What follows logically from this statement? –What does not follow logically from this fact? –If this is true, what cannot be true? –If this is false, what else is also false? –Put these steps into a logical order. 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu24

25 WHY? Students who approach the learning of factual information with these standards have already begun to see knowledge as a basis for critical thought. Unfortunately, these standards are not always valued, even by educational institutions!

26 Applying Standards In March of 2005, Dr. Les Perelman, then undergraduate director of writing at MIT, examined scores awarded to the essay section of the SAT exam. His conclusion? To get a high score, write a lot. Don’t worry about the accuracy of your information.

27 Think again Sept. 2008 The Kaiser Family Foundation led a study about “health messages” inserted into the television show Grey’s Anatomy. In regards to one particular fact about AIDS treatment during pregnancy, they found the following:

28 Grey’s Anatomy Viewers…thinking? 15% were unaware of the fact before the show aired 61% “knew” the fact a week after the show 45% still “knew” the fact six weeks later

29 Conclusion? Victoria Rideout, author of the study, says, “For better or worse, viewers do absorb the health information they see on TV, so it’s important for these shows to get it right.” What does the Grey’s Anatomy finding tell us about the way some of our students approach knowledge?

30 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu30 So what? “When we think, whatever else we’re doing, we’re constructing a future.” (IBM Website) Miriam Moore Professor of English/ESL Middletown 126G 540-868-7173 ___________________________________________________

31 800-906-LFCC / www.lfcc.edu31 Lord Fairfax Community College Your Future. Our Focus.

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