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Beyond Recovery The Indispensable Role of Peer Support in the Journey to Wellbeing.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond Recovery The Indispensable Role of Peer Support in the Journey to Wellbeing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond Recovery The Indispensable Role of Peer Support in the Journey to Wellbeing

2 Helping Patients Achieve Their Best Possible Health 2 Symptom remission is only the beginning:  Safe, independent housing  Gainful employment  Meaningful social interaction  Good nutrition  Physical health and activity  Emotional and spiritual wellbeing  Self-monitoring and personal responsibility Hope, empowerment, healing, connection

3 On any given day  Coach  Mentor  Guide  Educator  Health promoter  Connector to resources  Advocate  Health system navigator  First call for help  Recovery planner  Clinical team adjunct  Role model for what’s possible 3

4 Extending the Limits of Clinical Care 4  Guide, mentor, coach  Advocate, resource connector, educator  Clinical team adjunct  Health promoter  Role model Peer Roles Dimensions of Wellbeing Wellbeing Emotional Environmental Financial Intellectual Social PhysicalSpiritual Occupational

5 ValueOptions’ Advanced Commitment to Peer Support

6 We Have 4 Models Actively Deployed 6 1.Peer and Family Support:  Peers work as an adjunct to clinical services  Provide a wide range of guide, advocate, connector services 2.Peer Warm Lines:  Provide direct communication link and emotional support for patients, families  Make referrals to providers and community services 3.Prevention, Education, and Outreach:  Community meetings, trainings, events, educational forums 4.Peer-Run Programs:  Support and capacity building for other community advocacy and peer services

7 The Range and Depth of our Experience 7 Examples of the 400,000 members touched by peers last year alone: Connecticut, Illinois, Colorado : Operate “warm lines” for crisis, referral, and resource sharing Tennessee: Work with patients while inpatient or in crisis; peers as an adjunct to clinical staff Colorado: Reversed trend of 65% going to inpatient care; now 90% in community care Florida: Educational forums, “ADHD: Your Child And You” and “Understanding Anti-depressant Treatment” Texas, Maryland: Family support groups, special events sponsor, direct patients to community resources Massachusetts: “Family Partners” gives 1:1 support to parents and caregivers And many more…

8 What We Know About Results

9 Significant Evidence That Peers Have Beneficial Impact 9 Satisfaction:  Almost universal satisfaction and appreciation by patients and families Outcomes:  Decrease in symptoms  Increased coping skills and awareness of early warning signs  Fewer hospitalizations, shorter lengths of stay  Improved social functioning  Increased feelings of hopefulness, self-advocacy, empowerment Peer specialists say: “We are the evidence.”

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