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Lesson 5: Relationships

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1 Lesson 5: Relationships
adjunct amalgamate contiguous diffuse diverge 6. parity 7. periphery 8. synergy 9. transcend 10. unison

2 1. adjunct (noun; adj) Some thing or a person attached to another thing but in a dependent or auxiliary capacity. Attached to a faculty or staff in a temporary or auxiliary capacity. Ex: In vocabulary study a thesaurus is a useful adjunct to the dictionary.

3 2. amalgamate (verb) To combine, unite, or consolidate.
To blend with another metal. To mix so as to make a unified whole; blend. Related Words: amalgam, amalgamation. Ex: Three local businesses amalgamated to form a national corporation.

4 3. contiguous (adj) Sharing a boundary or edge; touching.
Adjacent; nearby. Adjacent in time; immediately preceding or following; serial. Continuous. Related Words: contiguity; contiguously. Ex: The two lake front properties are contiguous.

5 4. diffuse (adj, verb) Widely spread or scattered.
Characterized by wordiness. To pour out and cause to spread freely. To spread about or scatter. Related Word: diffusion Ex: The stage was characterized by soft, diffuse lighting that created a cozy atmosphere.

6 5. diverge (verb) To go or extend in different directions from a common point; branch out. To differ, as in opinion or manner. To depart from a set course or norm; deviate. Related Words: divergence; divergent. Ex: The boy diverged from the family gardening business when he became a lawyer.

7 6. parity (noun) Equality, as in amount, status or value.
Related Word: par (noun) Ex: The naval forces of the two countries had parity.

8 7. periphery (noun) The outermost part or region within a precise boundary. The region or area immediately beyond a precise boundary. A zone constituting an inexact boundary. Related Word: peripheral Ex: Soldiers patrolled the periphery of the air base.

9 8. synergy (noun) a. The combined action of two or more agents, substances, organs, or organisms to achieve an effect greater than the total effect would be produced by each one acting individually; interdependence. Related Words: synergistic; synergistically. Ex: The synergy of the flexor muscles allows us to bend our joints.

10 9. transcend (verb) To pass beyond or rise above.
To surpass or exceed. To exist above and independent of the physical realm. Related Words: transcendence; transcendent. Ex: Do one’s family loyalties transcend one’s loyalties to a friend?

11 10. unison (noun) The act of speaking or singing the same words simultaneously by two or more people. An instance of agreement; concord. Identity of musical pitch. Ex: “Yes!” the children shouted in unison when Mrs. Diaz asked if they wanted to go to the planetarium.

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