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Full Bowls Spaghetti Dinner By: Alex, Brittany, David, Hayley, Josh, Kelly, Mark, Meredith, Motaz, and Taylor from Ms. Coalwell’s class.

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Presentation on theme: "Full Bowls Spaghetti Dinner By: Alex, Brittany, David, Hayley, Josh, Kelly, Mark, Meredith, Motaz, and Taylor from Ms. Coalwell’s class."— Presentation transcript:


2 Full Bowls Spaghetti Dinner By: Alex, Brittany, David, Hayley, Josh, Kelly, Mark, Meredith, Motaz, and Taylor from Ms. Coalwell’s class

3 Hunger: The physical and mental condition that comes from not eating enough food due to insufficient economic, family or community resources. Hunger exists in families where members take turns eating or eat smaller meals to make food last longer. The physical and mental condition that comes from not eating enough food due to insufficient economic, family or community resources. Hunger exists in families where members take turns eating or eat smaller meals to make food last longer.

4 Did you know??  56% of food shelf visitors are families with children!  20% of food shelf visitors are seniors

5 People  More than 50% of adult food shelf visitors work in the Twin Cities suburbs alone.  The working poor make up 60% of the people who use food shelves.

6 Earnings  2/3 of food shelf visitors make less than $1,000 a month, not enough income to cover their basic needs.


8 Hunger Hurts Food shelf use is at record Highs across the state: 52 percent higher now than in 2000…

9   Nearly 75% of food shelf visitors live in unaffordable housing :half spend more than 50% of their income on housing, and 25% spend between 30-50 percent of their income on housing.

10 So far food shelves have been able to keep up with the ever- increasing demand for food due to Minnesotans’ generosity.

11 Hunger hurts every day: of those who use Minnesota's food shelves, 47% of adults skip their meals to stretch their budgets and 14% of children do.

12 Hunger Hurts More than 50% of adult food shelf visitors work; in the Twin Cities suburbs alone, the working poor make up 60% the people who use food shelves.

13 Hunger Hurts ICA distributed 514,245 pounds of food to 4,900 households in 2007.

14 Sponsors  Thrivent Financial for Lutherans  Caribou Coffee, Glen Lake and Hwy 7  Davanni’s, Minnesota  FedEx Kinko’s, Eden Prairie  Fresh Season’s Market, Glen Lake  Great Harvest Bakery, Minnetonka  Kowalski’s, Eden Prairie

15 Sponsors cont.  Lakewinds Natural Foods, Minnetonka  Maynard’s Restaurant, Excelsior  Party America, Chanhassen and Ridgedale  US Foodservice, Plymouth  Special Events Catering, Plymouth

16 Credits For Hunger Hurts Thanks to… Terri Endres Miss Coalwell ICA Food Shelf All the fifth graders in making the bowls Scenic Heights Thanks to Kelly, Taylor, Josh, David, Mark, Motaz, Meredith, Brittany, Hayley, Kelly, Taylor, Josh, David, Mark, Motaz, Meredith, Brittany, Hayley, (Please applaud)

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