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Recipes. Tiramisu Strawberry Pudding Fried rice French toast.

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Presentation on theme: "Recipes. Tiramisu Strawberry Pudding Fried rice French toast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recipes

2 Tiramisu Strawberry Pudding

3 Fried rice French toast

4 Recipe for Jelly Ingredients : a pack of jelly powder

5 , boil some water., pour some jelly powder into a big bowl., add some hot water., stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly.

6 Connectives We use the following words to show sequence. (1) First (2) Next (3) Then (4) After that (5) Finally

7 , boil some water., pour some jelly powder into a big bowl., add some hot water., stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly.

8 Can you put the steps of making jelly into the right order? First, boil some water. First

9 , boil some water., pour some jelly powder into a big bowl., add some hot water., stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly. First

10 Next, pour some jelly powder into a big bowl. Next

11 First, boil some water., pour some jelly powder into a big bowl., add some hot water., stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly. Next

12 Then, add some hot water. Then

13 First, boil some water. Next, pour some jelly powder into a big bowl., add some hot water., stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly. Then

14 After that, stir the jelly powder until it melts. After that

15 First, boil some water. Next, pour some jelly powder into a big bowl. Then, add some hot water., stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly. After that

16 Finally, put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Finally

17 First, boil some water. Next, pour some jelly powder into a big bowl. Then, add some hot water. After that, stir the jelly powder until it melts., put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Here are the steps of making jelly. Finally

18 First, boil some water. Next, pour some jelly powder into a big bowl. Then, add some hot water. After that, stir the jelly powder until it melts. Finally, put the jelly in the fridge for about four hours. Recipe for jelly


20 Recipe Pasta with mushroom cream sauce 白汁蘑菇意粉

21  pasta 250g (Use any kind of pasta you like)  1 can of cream of mushroom  1 box of button mushrooms  1 onion (shredded)  several slices of ham Ingredients

22 Bow pasta Long pasta Shell pasta Spaghetti

23  pasta 250g (Use any kind of pasta you like)  1 can of cream of mushroom  1 box of button mushrooms  1 onion (shredded)  several slices of ham Ingredients

24 Here are the steps of making Pasta with mushroom cream sauce., boil water and cook pasta., heat oil in pan, stir fry onions, ham and button mushrooms., stir in cream soup to the mixture., drain cooked pasta., pour the sauce over pasta and serve.

25 Can you put the steps of making Pasta with mushroom cream sauce into the right order? First

26 First, boil water and cook pasta. Then heat oil in pan, stir fry onions, ham and button mushrooms. After that, stir in cream soup to the mixture. Next, drain cooked pasta. Finally, pour the sauce over pasta and serve. Recipe of Pasta with mushroom cream sauce

27 Design your own dish Write a recipe for a new dish and give it a name. 1. Choose the food you need.

28 ______________________ First, Next, Then, After that, Finally, 3. Give a nice name to your dish.

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