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1 AFRC: Background & Context AFRC BAC meeting, October 21, 2002 Colin Donohue, Principal Investigator

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Presentation on theme: "1 AFRC: Background & Context AFRC BAC meeting, October 21, 2002 Colin Donohue, Principal Investigator"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 AFRC: Background & Context AFRC BAC meeting, October 21, 2002 Colin Donohue, Principal Investigator

2 2 What is AFRC? Appalachian Forest Resource Center Serves Central and Southern Appalachia Appalachian counties in 13 states Pennsylvania to Alabama

3 3 Note- AFRC office location has changed.

4 4 Appalachian Regional Commission “Distressed Counties” FY 2003

5 5 What is AFRC? (2) One of four regional branches of NCFC- National Community Forestry Center A project of NNFP- Nat. Network of Forest Practitioners

6 6 Origins of the NNFP Started about 10 years ago amidst mushrooming of grassroots efforts Ford Foundation supported efforts to find out  Who are the individuals and organizations?  Can we learn from each other?  Can we Network? Discovered - WE HAVE A MOVEMENT

7 7 Evolution of the Role of the Network Networking – annual meeting – 1990s - regional networking Training – contracting, fire plan workshops Capacity building – “Week in Washington” Policy Interventions – Economic Assistance Program Research – four regional community forestry centers

8 8 National Community Forestry Center (NCFC) USDA FFRA 4 year grant Established four regional Centers (Pacific West, SW, NE, Appalachia)

9 9 3 primary activities  Partner 2-5 communities for participatory research  Conduct locally and regionally relevant research  Technical assistance – resource center National Community Forestry Center (NCFC)

10 10 Who is AFRC? Hosted by Rural Action and SACCO Advised by BAC- Bioregional Advisory Council Supported by technical advisors Partnering with local communities

11 11 AFRC is YOU! A network of local communities creating innovative solutions A network of people helping each other learn and succeed A movement for jobs AND the environment in Appalachia

12 12 Goals of AFRC Support communities in participatory research Conduct research which supports innovating communities Make existing research available to and useable by communities

13 13 “Deliverables” Local partners’ work Publications Workshops Technical assistance Regional network of practitioners learning together A cadre of Tech. Assist. providers Policy?

14 14 Examples of NCFC Research Participatory research with partner communities Research conducted by the center – locally and regionally relevant

15 15 Starksboro, VT – measuring indicators of forest health to inform local decision-making. Center researchers working with community partners Research – NCFC Northern Center

16 16 Research – Northern Center How changes in forestland ownership impacts local communities Survey of landowner needs and motives, Mt. Washington Valley, NH Identifying demonstration forests Utilization of low value wood

17 17 Research – Southwest Center Partner communities Navajo Nation and ICE – utilizing small diameter wood Southern Utah Forest Products Association (SUFPA) – assessing accessibility of timber sales to members Las Humanas Cooperative, NM – ecological monitoring of forest restoration treatments Zuni Pueblo, NM –ecological monitoring of thinning treatments

18 18 Research – Pacific West Center Matsutake Mushroom Monitoring at the Winema NF, OR Harvesters monitor raking damage

19 19 Research – Pacific West Center Matsutake Mushroom Harvesting Map

20 20 Research – Pacific West Center Partnering the “underserved” Crescent Lake, OR mushroom monitoring project Maidu Culture and Development Group, CA – traditional ecological knowledge Latino brush harvester communities in WA and OR – building their capacity to participate in forestry dialogues Assessing the forest contract and mobile workforce in the Pacific West

21 21 Most Importantly, What Will AFRC Be? We are creating it. It is what we want it to be It is what most will benefit the region’s people and forests

22 22 The End. Or Shall We Say The Beginning….

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