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How can a fungus digest food without a digestive system?

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Presentation on theme: "How can a fungus digest food without a digestive system?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can a fungus digest food without a digestive system?

2 Digesting OUTSIDE the Body Fungi can break down polymers (large organic molecules) OUTSIDE their bodies The cells in the hyphae send out digestive enzymes that break the polymer into monomers (small organic molecules) The small monomers then can enter the cells of the hyphae and travel through the mycelium

3 Decomposers use food in two ways 3 FoodDigestion Materials for growth: Biosynthesis Energy: Cellular respiration

4 Where are atoms moving from? Where are atoms moving to? The Movement Question

5 Which atoms and molecules move during digestion and biosynthesis? amino acids protein

6 amino acids protein How do amino acids and protein move during digestion?

7 What happens inside the fungus cell during biosynthesis? Chemical change

8 Organic molecules LARGE = Polymer 8 SMALL = Monomers STARCH GLUCOSE (SUGAR)

9 Comparing molecules in dead stuff fungi eat LIPIDS (FAT) STARCH PROTEINCELLULOSE (FIBER) GLUCOSE (SUGAR) 9

10 Food (dead stuff) polymers (large organic molecules) LIPIDS (FAT) = 3 fatty acid monomers and 1 glycerol PROTEIN = 5 amino acid monomers CELLULOSE (FIBER) = 6 glucose monomers 10 STARCH = 6 glucose monomers

11 Food molecules are dead things like stumps 11 Place large food molecules (dead stuff) here in trunk

12 Food is digested by fungal enzymes outside the fungi’s body 12 Get ready to digest the food molecules here

13 Breakdown Food Molecules (Digestion) Let’s focus on what happens to PROTEIN in food for fungi (dead stuff). (Put the other food molecules to the side of the poster for now.) Digest PROTEIN molecules by breaking the protein into individual amino acids. 13 Chemical change

14 Breakdown Food Molecules (Digestion) Digest STARCH molecules by breaking the starch into individual glucose monomers. 14 Chemical change

15 Breakdown Food Molecules (Digestion) Digest FAT molecules by breaking the fat into individual fatty acid and glycerol monomers. 15 Chemical change

16 Breakdown Food Molecules (Digestion) Digest FIBER molecules by breaking the cellulose into individual glucose monomers. 16 Chemical change

17 Move the small molecules through the fungal hyphae Small molecules are taken up and transported by fungal hyphae 17

18 Digested Monomers: where do they go? glucose glycerol amino acid fatty acid 18

19 Build large molecules here 19 Biosynthesis is the process of small organic molecules becoming large organic molecules in all body parts

20 What’s in a fungi (mushroom)? PROTEIN FIBER 20 Mushrooms

21 Build a mushroom (Biosynthesis) Build PROTEIN molecules by linking 5 amino acid monomers. 21 Chemical change

22 Build mushroom (Biosynthesis) Build FIBER molecules by linking 5 glucose monomers. 22 Chemical change

23 What happens to food monomers that are not used in biosynthesis? 23

24 Identify chemical energy at an atomic molecular scale: Which molecules have chemical energy? Food molecules: Mushroom polymer molecules: Fungi food, dead stuff (tree trunk): Digested monomers in mushroom’s body: Example: FAT Example: AMINO ACID Example: PROTEIN Example: CARBOHYDRATES 24

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