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Natural Language Processing Semantic Roles. Semantics Road Map 1.Lexical semantics 2.Disambiguating words Word sense disambiguation Coreference resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Language Processing Semantic Roles. Semantics Road Map 1.Lexical semantics 2.Disambiguating words Word sense disambiguation Coreference resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Language Processing Semantic Roles

2 Semantics Road Map 1.Lexical semantics 2.Disambiguating words Word sense disambiguation Coreference resolution 3.Semantic role labeling 4.Meaning representation languages 5.Discourse and pragmatics 6.Compositional semantics, semantic parsing

3 Noah built an ark out of gopher wood. He loaded two of every animal onto the ark. Noah piloted the ark into stormy weather. When the skies cleared, all rejoiced.

4 Noah 1 built an ark 2 out of gopher wood. He 1 loaded two of every animal onto the ark 2. Noah 1 piloted the ark 2 into stormy weather. When the skies 3 cleared, all 4 rejoiced.

5 Noah built an ark. Noah piloted an ark. Noah sailed an ark. Noah commandeered an ark.

6 Paraphrase Noah built an ark out of gopher wood. An ark was built by Noah. It was made from gopher wood. Noah constructed an ark with wood from a gopher tree. Using gopher wood, Noah managed to put together an ark. Noah built an ark. …

7 Noah piloted the ark into stormy weather. ?Noah built an ark out of gopher wood into stormy weather.

8 Predicates Noah built an ark out of gopher wood. An ark was built by Noah. It was made from gopher wood. Noah constructed an ark with wood from a gopher tree. Using gopher wood, Noah managed to put together an ark.

9 Predicates and Arguments Noah built an ark out of gopher wood. An ark was built by Noah. It was made from gopher wood. Noah constructed an ark with wood from a gopher tree. Using gopher wood, Noah managed to put together an ark.

10 Semantic Role Labeling Also known as: case role analysis, thematic analysis, shallow semantic parsing Input: a sentence, paragraph, or document Output: for each predicate*, labeled spans identifying each of its arguments. *Predicates are sometimes identified in the input, sometimes not.

11 Breaking, Eating, Opening John broke the window. The window broke. John is always breaking things. The broken window testified to John’s malfeasance. Eat! We ate dinner. We already ate. The pies were eaten up quickly. Our gluttony was complete. Open up! Someone left the door open. John opens the window at night.

12 “Agree” in PropBank PropBank is a set of verb-sense-specific “frames” with informal descriptions for their arguments. “Agree” arg0: agreer arg1: proposition arg2: other entity agreeing The group agreed it wouldn’t make an offer. Usually John agrees with Mary on everything.

13 “Fall (move downward)” in PropBank arg1: logical subject, patient, thing falling arg2: extent, amount fallen arg3: starting point arg4: ending point argM-loc: medium Sales fell to $251.2 million from $278.8 million. The average junk bond fell by 4.2%. The meteor fell through the atmosphere, crashing into Cambridge.

14 FrameNet A frame is a schematic representation of a situation involving various participants, and other conceptual roles. In FrameNet, frames are first-class citizens— not verbs.

15 change_position_on_a_scale Core roles A TTRIBUTE scalar property that the I TEM possesses D IFFERENCE distance by which an I TEM changes its position F INAL _ STATE I TEM ’s state after the change F INAL _ VALUE position on the scale where I TEM ends up I NITIAL _ STATE I TEM ’s state before the change I NITIAL _ VALUE position on the scale from which the I TEM moves I TEM entity that has a position on the scale V ALUE _ RANGE portion of the scale along which values of A TTRIBUTE fluctuate Some non-core roles... D URATION length of time over which the change occurs S PEED rate of change of the value G ROUP the group in which an I TEM changes the value of an A TTRIBUTE

16 How Can We Build an SRL System? (1)Parse (2)For each predicate word in the parse: For each node in the parse: Classify the node with respect to the predicate


18 Verbs: advance, climb, decline, decrease, diminish, dip, double, drop, dwindle, edge, explode, fall, fluctuate, gain, grow, increase, jump, move, mushroom, plummet, reach, rise, rocket, shift, skyrocket, slide, soar, swell, swing, triple, tumble Nouns: decline, decrease, escalation, explosion, fall, fluctuation, gain, growth, hike, increase, rise, shift, tumble Adverb: increasingly

19 Noun Noun Compound Exercise

20 Demo

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