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Material Safety Data Sheets
Chapter 3
Objectives How MSDSs can provide valuable safety information?
What information is included in an MSDS? How the information on an MSDS can help protect you in the workplace? The limitations of the MSDSs as applied to laboratory-scale operations
MSDS (Getting to Know MSDS) What is an MSDS?
Provide concise information about the hazard of a particular chemical So that a person handling or storing them can protect themselves And respond to emergency situation
MSDS Provide detailed info. beyond that found on labels
Knowing information on MSDS – interprets information that can help to reduce human and environmental risks, minimize accidents and save money Training, knowledge and understanding of technical data on MSDS – helps to deal with occupational hazards.
Hazard Communication Standard
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) hazard communication standard of 1980 (right-to-know law) All firms manufacturing and/distributing chemicals – provide MSDS to their customers All employees must have access to MSDS
OSHA definition of Hazardous chemical
OSHA hazard definition: 1. Cancer-causing, toxic, irritant, flammable, reactive - posses threat to health 2. If especially listed under OSHA act, 29, CFR 1910, section 1200 3. If has an assigned threshold limit value (TLV) by the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists Should have a MSDS for all hazardous chemicals
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard
Each MSDS must include according to OSHA 1. The material’s identity Chemical and common names as shown on labels Example brand name: Clorox chemical name: sodium hypochlorite common name: bleach 2. Hazardous ingredients that occur in the mixture in parts as small as 1%
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard
3. Cancer-causing ingredients that occur in the mixture in parts as small as 0.1% 4. List of properties of the material (reactive, flammable, etc..) 5. List of acute and chronic health hazard 6. Precautions and safety equipments 7. Emergency and first aid procedures
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard
8. Specific firefighting information 9. Procedures for cleaning up spills and leaks 10. Precautions for safe handling and use, including personal hygiene 11. identity of the organization responsible for creating the MSDS, date of issue, and emergency phone number
The MSDS Format No standard format is required
Must have all section discussed above There is a specific format implemented few years ago By Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) Accepted by American National Standard institute (ANSI) But not yet adapted by OSHA Format that can be followed in nations like US, Canada and Europe
MSDS (Getting to Know MSDS) Understanding Health Hazards
Most important reason for MSDS Info like: Lethal concentration 50 Lethal dose 50 Will learn term section 3c
Obtaining MSDSs for the chemicals you work with
Your employer required to have those available Special folder Computer Also find on Web Keep undated
Limitations of MSDS Not originally developed by chemists and chemical techs Developed by many sources and lack the required format So their quality varies You can supplement info in MSDS by: CRC handbook (chemical technician handbook) Prudent Practices in the Laboratory
Exploring MSDS 16 sections organized around 4 key issues
that address what people need to know about working with chemicals First 10 sections cover info. required by OSHA Sections provide additional information MSDS can be 12 pages or more. Filled with numbers and abbreviations unfamiliar to inexperienced readers. To make reading and understanding more easy american national standards institute ensures that information always appears in same 16 sections organized around four key issues that address what people need to know about working with chemicals
Exploring MSDS Sections 1-3 provide info on:
What is the material and what do I need to know immediately in an emergency? Sec1: chemical product and company identification Identifies material, same name as label Identifies the supplier of MSDS Identifies a source for more info
Exploring MSDS Sec 2: composition/information on ingredients
Lists OSHA hazardous components, chemical and common name if appropriate Lists corresponding CAS registry number May list significant nonhazardous components May also include additional info about components Example exposure guidelines
Exploring MSDS Sec 3: Hazards identification, including emergency overview May provide material description Example: form, color, odor May provide emergency overview Provides info on potential adverse health effects and symptoms that might result from reasonably foreseeable use and misuse of the material
Exploring MSDS Section 4-6 provide info on: Sec 4: first-aid measures
What to do if hazardous situations occur? Sec 4: first-aid measures Provides instructions to be followed if accidental exposure requires immediate treatment May also include instructions to medical professionals
Exploring MSDS Sec 5: firefighting measures
Provides basic firefighting guidelines, including extinguishing media Describes other fire and explosive properties useful for avoiding and fighting fires involving the material Such as flash point or explosive limits Includes NFPA hazard diamond code Sec 6: accidental release measures Describes actions to be taken to minimize adverse effects of an accidental spill, leak
Exploring MSDS Section 7-10 provides info on:
How to prevent hazardous situation from occurring Sec 7: handling and storage Provide info on safe handling and storage Sec 8: exposure controls/personal protection Provides info in practices and/or equipment that are useful in minimizing worker exposure May also include exposure guidelines Provides guidance on personal protective equipment
Exploring MSDS Sec 9: physical and chemical properties
Provides additional data that can be used to help characterize the material and design safe work practices Sec 10: stability and reactivity Describes the conditions to be avoided or other materials that may cause a reaction that would change the intrinsic stability of the material
Exploring MSDS Sections 11-16
Provides any additional useful information about the material Sec 11: toxicological information May provide background toxicological info on the material, its compounds or both Usually includes LD50 for oral toxicity and LC50 for inhalation toxicity Acute or long term effects and target organs
Exploring MSDS Sec 12: ecological information
May provide info on the effects the material may have on plants or animals Info on the materials environmental fate if the material is accidentally released into the environment Sec 13: disposal consideration May provide info that is useful in determining the appropriate disposal measures Sec 14: transport information May provide basic shipping classification info Includes specific DOT info
Exploring MSDS Sec 15: regulatory information
May provide any additional info on regulations affecting the material Sec 16: other information May provide any additional information
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
Toxicology: study of adverse effects of chemicals on living systems Chemicals can have immediate adverse effect (acute) Or over a long period of time (chronic) Poison: describes substances that cause human illness Toxic: any material that is destructive or deadly Toxin: refer to a poisonous or toxic substance secreted by a living organism
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
MSDS provides variety of health hazard info: 1. Acute: immediate effects such as burns or unconsciousness 2. Chronic: long term effects such as allergic sensitization, skin problems, respiratory disease 3. Whether the material is listed as carcinogen by OHSA or International Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs (IARC), or the National Toxicology Program (NTP)
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
4. Limits to which a worker can be exposed ( will discuss further shortly) 5. Primary routes of entry into the body 6. Specific target organs likely to sustain damage 7. Medical problems that can be aggravated by exposure
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
MSDS must provide info for any hazardous ingredient that occur in parts of 1% or greater For cancer-causing ingredients info must be provided for occurrence for parts 0.1% or greater Note: exposure limits and toxicological info appear on MSDS for 100% concentration for each chemical listed
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
Exposure limits: Threshold limit value (TLVs) Also called permissible exposure limit (PEL) Based on inhalation of chemical in the air Refers to airborne concentration of substance and represent conditions under which it is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse health effects
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards) Threshold limit value expressed as:
Number of parts of compounds in 1,000,000 parts of air (ppm) Weight in mg in a cubic meter of air (mg/m3) 2 types of TLV measures are used: 1. TLV-TWA: (threshold limit value-time weighted average) Time weighted average concentration for a conventional 8hr workday and 40hr workweek To which it is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects 2. TLV-STEL: (threshold limit value-short term exposure limit) Highest safe concentration for a 15-min exposure during 8hr workday
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
If MSDS does not Specify with TLV it is understood TWA In general, substances with TLV of less than 50ppm should be handled in the fume hood
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards) Toxicity Measures
How harmful the chemical can be? Indicated as mean dose or concentration causing death to 50% of lab animals tested Mice, rats, rabbits
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards) Toxicity Measures
LC50: Concentration of hazardous material in air that is expected to kill 50% of a group of test animals When given a single respiratory exposure in specific time period LD50: A single dose, other than inhalation, That causes death in 50% of an animal population from exposure to hazardous substance May be based on oral or skin contact dose LC50 and LD50 Are expressed in mg or g per kg of body weight
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards) Carcinogen Toxicity
IARC classify carcinogens into 3 groups: Group1: Known as “ known human carcinogens” Carcinogens are chemical for which sufficient epidemiological evidence exists that they cause cancer in human Ex: asbestos, benzene, vinyl chloride Group 2: Known as “ probable or possible carcinogens” Group 2A (probable carcinogens) Group 2B (possible carcinogens)
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards) Carcinogen Toxicity
Group 2A (probable carcinogens) Those shown to cause cancer-like changes in experimental animals or mammalian cells Ex: formaldehyde gas Group 2B (possible carcinogens) Those that show cancer-causing effects in animal studies or genetic mutations in specific strains of bacteria Group 3: Wide variety of chemicals with no direct evidence of carcinogens in humans Although epidemiological correlation indicate that they may cause cancer Ex: hydrogen peroxide, toluene
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards) Carcinogen Designation
A1: confirmed human carcinogen Based on strong epidemiological or clinical evidence A2: suspected human carcinogen Carcinogen to experimental animal at dose levels considered relevant to worker exposure A3: animal carcinogen Carcinogen in experimental animal at high dose NOT considered relevant to worker exposure A4: not classifiable as carcinogen Inadequate data on which to classify A5: not suspected as human carcinogen Based on properly conducted epidemiological studies in human
Homework Questions 1. What is MSDS? What kind of information does it provide to its user? 2. What are the limitations of MSDS? 3. What are the 4 key issues around which 16 sections of MSDS are organized? 4. How are the exposure limits in MSDSs expressed? What are the two ways in which TLV can be expressed? 5. Write the IARC classification of carcinogens.
MSDS (Understanding Health Hazards)
Exercise Table page 61 Review table make sure understand PEL-TWA, STEL, LD50, LC50 For each compound category: Identify the solvent with least health hazard Explain your choices
MSDS ( Finding MSDS on the Web)
LCSSs are available on:
MSDS ( Finding MSDS on the Web)
Exercise Pull MSDS and LCSS for the following: Ammonia (anhydrous) Nitric acid Toluene Ethanol From the MSDS pull out the following values 2nd paragraph page 64 Answer question 1 and 3-7 on page 64
This project is funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community Based Job Training Grant as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (CB ). NCC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the following basis: against any individual in the United States, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age disability, political affiliation or belief; and against any beneficiary of programs financially assisted under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), on the basis of the beneficiary’s citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the United States, or his or her participation in any WIA Title I-financially assisted program or activity.
Disclaimer This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.
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