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Somewhere in Lebanon today…. Vs. How do we rank these emission sources? Vs.

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Presentation on theme: "Somewhere in Lebanon today…. Vs. How do we rank these emission sources? Vs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somewhere in Lebanon today…

2 Vs. How do we rank these emission sources? Vs.

3 Nazaroff, AAAR 2010 Emissions-to-health effects paradigm (Smith, 1993) Smith, K.R., 1993. Fuel combustion, air pollution exposure, and health: The situation in developing countries. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 18, 529-566.

4 Nazaroff, AAAR 2010 Emissions-to-health effects paradigm (Smith, 1993) Smith, K.R., 1993. Fuel combustion, air pollution exposure, and health: The situation in developing countries. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 18, 529-566. Exposure – intersection in space & time between pollutants & people

5 Inhaled fraction, iF

6 iFoutdoor emissions ~ 1/1,000,000 indoor emissions ~ 1/1,000 into mouth (cigarette) ~ 1

7 So how much PPAH do we inhale from which sources?

8 Assumptions Population weighted-average breathing rate 15 m3/day

9 1 CIG = 0.25  g PAH

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