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Feed Additive & Hormone Implant Regulations

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1 Feed Additive & Hormone Implant Regulations
Animal Science II Unit 3

2 Regulation of the Use of Additives
Regulated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations change from time to time as new information on effects and changes becomes available Current detailed information may be found in the Feed Additive Compendium This is published annually

3 Regulation of the Use of Additives*
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 contains official information from the FDA concerning approval of antibiotics and other animal drugs Revisions are made annually as of April 1 and the CFR is updated in individual issues of the Federal Register The CFR and Federal Register must be used together to determine the most current regulations concerning animal drugs

4 Label Requirements Any feed that contains one or more drugs is defined as a medicated feed May be complete feed mixes or pre-mixes that are mixed with other feeds FDA requires all manufacturers of medicated feeds to provide information on the label relating to the use of the feed

5 Label Requirements “Medicated” must appear under the name of the feed Specific purpose of the drug or drugs must be on the label Name and amounts of all active drugs must be listed Required withdrawl period prior to slaughter must be given Cautions against misuse must be listed Directions for the use Lot or control number for later identification Medicated feeds that are mixed at the local feed mill must meet the same requirements

6 Mixing and Residue Avoidance
Proper mixing is important for safe use Drug residues can cause financial losses A regular procedure should be followed when mixing medicated feeds to avoid problems and drug carryover P

7 Keeping Records Recommended records Date the batch was mixed
Mixing order and amount of medication added Mixing time Storage location Number, age, weight of animals fed from the batch and amount given per head Medication that was used, amount, concentration in the batch Date of cleaning mixers, bins, conveyors, feeders

8 Keeping Records Have a long term plan for the use of the feed additives Periodically changing the type of antibiotic used Reduces the chance of the microorganisms building immunity Should be made about once a year Do not make frequent changes

9 Health Concerns Growing concern that the continued use of antibiotics in animal agriculture will have an adverse effect on humans as well as animals Centers around the use of antibiotics at subtherapeutic levels feared that this continued use will lead to the development of resistant strains of microorganisms Bacterial resistance to drugs has been observed almost from the time antibiotics were first used in animal feeding

10 Economic Impact Increased cost of animal products to the consumer
Less meat and livestock produced Cost of production would be higher More feed would be required per animal and decreased rate of gain Death loss

11 No Evidence* To date no persuasive evidence of animal or human health problems arising from nearly 30 years of using antibiotics in animal feeding Many of the same antibiotics used today are the same as the ones that were used when antibiotic feeding began and they are still effective against most microorganisms Critical experimental study is needed on the effect of low-level antibiotic feeding on animal and human health

12 Cancer Causing Effects
FDA has expressed concern 1958 Food Additives Amendments to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 include prohibitions against adding to food any substance that is a know carcinogen Ongoing research into the possible carcinogenic effects of feed additives If effects are found in any additive, it’s withdrawn from use

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