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Making Quality Curriculum Central to Your Pathways Penni Hudis, Director Pathway and Curriculum Development

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2 Making Quality Curriculum Central to Your Pathways Penni Hudis, Director Pathway and Curriculum Development

3 Session Goals Introduce and describe A different approach to curriculum quality Curriculum quality, curriculum integration, and the Multiple Pathways approach Principles underlying curriculum quality in the Certification tool Some of the available curricula

4 Why Focus on Curriculum Quality? Creating quality curricula is hard to do. Changing school structure is not enough. The stakes for students and schools are high. Every pathway component involves curriculum.

5 Quality Design Principles Where do they come from? Theory and research Classroom observation Classroom experience Expert input Mission

6 What Does Quality Look Like? Two Underlying Goals Prepare students for both college and career Serve students with varying abilities, interests, and aspirations

7 Quality Design Principles Prepare students for both college and career Deliver a standards-based, college-preparatory curriculum through authentic applications Incorporate integrated, sequential work-based learning Leverage business, higher education, and community contributions Address 21 st Century Workforce and Learning Skills

8 Quality Design Principles Serve students with varying abilities, interests, and aspirations Avoid tracking Incorporate range of academic and non-academic supports Honor students’ choices

9 Quality Criteria for Curriculum and Instruction Engaged learning: academic core Standards-aligned curriculum College-preparatory curriculum Real-world relevance

10 Quality Criteria for Curriculum and Instruction Engaged learning: technical core Demanding technical component Standards-aligned curriculum Skill demonstration and certification

11 Quality Criteria for Curriculum and Instruction Engaged learning: integrated curriculum Multidisciplinary, integrated curriculum Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Habits of mind/SCANS/21 st Century skills Citizenship

12 Quality Criteria for Curriculum and Instruction Engaged learning: instruction and assessment Project-based approach Authentic assessment Balanced assessment

13 Quality Criteria for Curriculum and Instruction Engaged learning: work-based learning Design reflects significant industry and educator input Connected to academic and technical coursework

14 Quality Criteria for Curriculum and Instruction Engaged learning: support services and personalization Differentiated instruction Academic intervention

15 Integrated Curriculum:| It’s the “Glue”

16 Continuum of Integration BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Single SubjectParallel (Paired)InterrelatedConceptual

17 Single Subject Integration BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Single SubjectParallel (Paired)InterrelatedConceptual Individual teachers make connections within their own classroom

18 Parallel or Paired Integration BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Single SubjectParallel (Paired)InterrelatedConceptual Two teachers share some topics, without team planning

19 Interrelated Integration BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Single SubjectParallel (Paired)InterrelatedConceptual Several teachers plan to coordinate topics and instruction

20 Conceptual Integration BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Single SubjectParallel (Paired)InterrelatedConceptual Teacher team uses a concept or problem to frame instruction and create curricular coherence

21 Curricula Available Core technical courses Integrated curriculum units linking technical and academic courses Career-themed academic support curricula Multi-themed, cross disciplinary curricula

22 Core Technical Curricula Engineering (PLTW, Inc.) Finance (NAF) Hospitality & Tourism (NAF) Information Technology (NAF)

23 Core Technical Curricula Under Development Biomedical and Health Sciences (PLTW, Inc.) Healthcare (ConnectEd and NAF) Law and Justice (EDC and ConnectEd) Media and Digital Design (EDC and ConnectEd)

24 Integrated Curricula Healthcare (ConnectEd) Engineering (ConnectEd and NAF) Media and Digital Design (EDC and ConnectEd) Law and Justice (ConnectEd and EDC)

25 Career-Themed, Academic Support Curricula Pre-algebra for Engineering Pathways Algebra I for Engineering Pathways

26 Multi-Themed, Cross- Disciplinary Curricula Ford PAS (EDC) Green Technology [part of Ford PAS]

27 The Bottom Line on Quality Curriculum in this Initiative Fidelity of implementing the full Multiple Pathways approach is essential to assessing the effectiveness and success of this initiative. Quality curriculum is one of the keys to fidelity of implementation.

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