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WHO is God? About 1/3 of world population believes in Jesus of the Bible 2/3 believe in something else Islam – 21% Nonreligious – 16% Hindu – 14% Other.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO is God? About 1/3 of world population believes in Jesus of the Bible 2/3 believe in something else Islam – 21% Nonreligious – 16% Hindu – 14% Other."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO is God? About 1/3 of world population believes in Jesus of the Bible 2/3 believe in something else Islam – 21% Nonreligious – 16% Hindu – 14% Other – 16%

2 Why the God of the Bible? Back to Basics January - A Study of God

3 World Views Atheism – no God Pantheism – God is everything Panentheism – God is IN everything Deism – God is not involved Polytheism – many gods Finite godism – God is limited Theism – one God who is involved in the world and cares

4 World Views Which concept is true? Either we disprove all that are not (problem – what if you miss one?) Or we prove what IS true We will use the latter approach. By establishing why the God of the Bible, all others will be eliminated

5 Why God of the Bible? Revelation – we know who God is because He reveals Himself! Rom. 1:20, Psalm 19:1- 2, Heb. 1:1-2 Isaiah 45:18-21

6 Why God of the Bible? Character of the Bible Claims to be from God – 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:20-21, etc.

7 Why God of the Bible? Character of the Bible Unity of the Bible 1600 years, 40 authors from different backgrounds, 3 languages – yet it is one message without contradiction. Shows design!

8 Why God of the Bible? Character of the Bible Its Relevance – still useful today! 1 Pet. 1:24

9 Why God of the Bible? Prophecy Only God can tell what is going to happen with certainty (because He controls it) Deut. 18:22

10 Why God of the Bible? Prophecy Isaiah 41:21-23 Isaiah spoke of immediate events He spoke of kingdoms yet future ( Isa. 13:17-19, 44:28- 45:1 ) He spoke of our Lord – ( Isa. 52:13-53:12, etc. )

11 Why God of the Bible? Prophecy Psalm 22 – speaks of Jesus as one looking down from the cross Daniel – prophesies of the 4 empires from Babylon to Rome Cf. Dan. 2:44

12 Why God of the Bible? Miracles A miracle is an action that transcends natural law. Only a force greater than natural law can accomplish such. The Bible speaks of miracles – which cannot be denied. They verified the message – cf. Matt. 9:1-8

13 Why God of the Bible? Scientific accuracy The Bible is ahead of the scientific verification process. Heb. 11:3 – atoms Isa. 40:22 – round earth Gen. 15:5 – innumerable stars Acts 17:26 – one blood Psa. 8:8 – paths of the sea

14 Why God of the Bible? The Impact of the Bible Has survived more than 2 millenniums of efforts to destroy it. Still #1 best seller Changes lives and nations Thought: If not relevant, why so much effort by its enemies to destroy it?

15 The God of the Bible He cares about us personally John 3:16, etc. Other belief systems find an impersonal, indifferent or uncaring god.

16 The God of the Bible He has revealed Himself to us Atheism – no God! Eastern thought – men left to guess who he is Finite godism – God is flawed. How can we rely on Him? Judaism – law completed Islam – Allah NOT compatible with God of the Bible.

17 The God of the Bible The Bible emphasizes ONE true God. Exodus 20:3, Isa. 43:10-11, Eph. 4:4-6, 1 Cor. 8:6 IF the Bible is true, there is NO other god!

18 Do you believe in the God of the Bible? Do you believe Him?

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