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“With the exception of the imperial offspring of the Ming dynasty and the dauphins of pre-Revolutionary France, contemporary American kids may represent.

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Presentation on theme: "“With the exception of the imperial offspring of the Ming dynasty and the dauphins of pre-Revolutionary France, contemporary American kids may represent."— Presentation transcript:


2 “With the exception of the imperial offspring of the Ming dynasty and the dauphins of pre-Revolutionary France, contemporary American kids may represent the most indulged young people in the history of the world” Elizabeth Kolbert (SPOILED ROTTEN: Why do kids rule the roost?)

3 Today’s Teenagers There are always exceptions to the rule where we read of amazing children. That said, ours is a culture of kids who are growing into “big kids” or “adultescence”: “An adult who continues to participate in and enjoy youth culture.” (wikipedia).

4 Common for Teens of Today

5 Other Cultures Jews: Boys (13) /girls (12) – obligated to keep the commandments of the Law of Moses (Torah); (boys) take part in the worship services; form binding contracts; testify before religious courts; marry. 3 rd world countries: children (as early as 3 years old) work to benefit their families. It is expected.

6 It is Possible ~ Responsible by 12 It is reasonable to expect our children to be responsible by the age of 12: Ladies: cook, care for young children, etc. Men: labor, seeking true wisdom, etc. Let’s use God’s inspired word to lead us in a biblically sound standard “divine expectations for our teenagers”

7 Jesus 12 Years Old

8 Passover Feast: Lk. 2:41-52 Jesus’ parents made the trip: every year. Vs. 41-42 Jesus stayed behind. Vss. 43-45 His parents found him… vss. 46-48a in the temple in the midst of teachers Listening to teachers; asking them questions (Teachers) were amazed at His understanding and questions He spoke to his parents with maturity. Vs. 48b-49 He subjected himself to his parents. V. 51 Conclusion: Jesus increased in wisdom/stature; in favor with God and men. V. 52


10 Teenagers should obey immediately If your child does not obey immediately then that he has chosen when/if he will obey: it is on his terms, not those over him. If your child obeys but not kindly (respectfully): then he has not displayed honor to his parent. Eph. 6:2 (cp. 1 Jn. 5:3)

11 Teens Should Not Be Reminded: To wake up, do their work (school, home, chores). To show respect to all people: siblings, parents, others (friends, adults). Ultimately, parents should expect that their teenagers to live as adults: with purpose, destiny, and responsibility.

12 Conclusion Do you expect what the parents expected from Jesus? Teens: are you patterning your life after the twelve year old Jesus?

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